Chapter 41

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Chu Qianli and the others were busy all night, and a total of Shi Cheng was selected. Of course, they would change their name to Shi Bude in the future.

Except for the trainees who have tainted back tunes, these men's team members will all be thrown into the talent show. Qiu Qingkong left the information of Shi Bude, intending to focus on the growth of the cash cow in the future.

Qiu Qingkong sighed: "There are so many people that only one can do. Should I also consider changing careers."

Tan Muxing whispered: "But you have so many people every year, it would be nice to have one assembly line."

Chu Qianli: "It's normal if you can't pick it out. I've seen so many people's astrolabes. The very good and the very bad are very few. Most people are all ordinary patterns."

Qiu Qingkong was worried: "Teacher, is my astrolabe bad? I won't go bankrupt in the rest of my life, right?"

Chu Qianli was relieved: "Don't worry, if anyone feels that their life is hard, then they will definitely be out of the ranks of extreme poverty. People who are really poor will have no time to feel the hardship."


"Because they won't be able to live their lives." Chu Qianli pondered for a few seconds, and added, "According to some theories, the astrolabe should not be divided into good or bad, but any astrolabe needs time to show. Some people Life is too short, and even the astrolabe is not fully displayed. This is a very bad pattern."

"So don't frown, if you feel life is difficult, then you have surpassed some people."

Qiu Qingkong seemed to understand but not understand.

The three of them found a restaurant nearby to eat some supper, and they talked and laughed about other things, and the work was officially over.

Although Chu Qianli did not engage in the debut ceremony, her metaphysical back tone is obviously more effective. Qiu Qingkong handed the information to the staff for investigation, and it didn't take long for him to transfer the funds as promised, unexpectedly returning the tax to Chu Qianli.

In the class, Chu Qianli looked at the account number and exclaimed: "Is Xiao Ke getting more and more professional?"

Qiu Qingkong: "Hey, we have conducted a strict investigation recently and we have done it together smoothly."

Because Chu Qianli and others had chatted with the company's trainees, and Qiu Qingkong was very concerned about the dynamics of the draft, the three of them would watch the show in their spare time.

Chu Qianli has never watched a draft. She looked at the weird first stage and wondered: "So what are everyone choosing? You said that fire is not related to strength, so what are the criteria for judging?"

Talking about Mu Xing confidantly: "The power of capital behind it."

Qiu Qingkong: "No, no, no, it's not entirely about money, but also a talent for funny."

As a villager, Chu Qianli didn't understand: "?"

Chu Qianli suddenly realized: "This show is picking rich comedians? Then I can do it too?"

At the moment of the draft festival, Shi Bu has successfully changed his name. He directly took the new name to participate in the recording, and he simply laughed off the teeth of his teammates and art directors.

The trainees from the same company did not expect Shi Cheng to change his name, and sighed: "Brother Shi is not easy. I thought it would be miserable for me to be sieved for memorizing, but now I'm not sure if changing my name is worse than being sieved!"

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