-Chapter 4-

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I sat back down at the table, a chill still lingering on my skin. I took a deep breath and avoided all eye contact. My father gave me a questioning glance and I just gave him a swift nod. He smiled knowing his plan was in full swing. The only problem was Leo was onto me. I could feel his icy eyes burning into my skin and I shuddered but refused to look back. Show no weakness.

Dessert ended rather quickly, and I could tell Marco was done. Leo cleared his throat and I finally looked at him. He spoke quietly to his father for a moment before they both rose from the table. Marco and Leo both stared at my face for a moment before speaking a few more indescribable words. "Excuse us." Marco grumbled. They walked into a separate room, leaving Gabriella all alone to fidget awkwardly in her seat. My mother gave her a disgusted look before rolling her eyes. My father reached out to grab her hand, but she pulled it away immediately.

My father then looked at me. "Athena," I faced him, and his cocksure face faltered slightly. "Athena..." He mumbled before his eyebrows furrowed in anger, "To think I was going to congratulate you for seducing the prince." He growled, throwing his fists on the table. I was confused at my father's outrage but more worried about the fact that Leo's mother was right there. My father saw the worry on my face. "She won't say anything. She's too afraid." He grumbled before finishing off the wine in his cup.

Minutes later, Leo and Marco came back in, but didn't sit. "I think it's time to leave." Marco said and my father stood and grabbed his hand firmly before shaking it. "Just one more thing," Leo interrupted, grabbing everyone's attention, "she," He pointed at me, "is coming home with me."

My mouth fell open, not even hiding my shock. What the fuck. "Excuse me?" I shouted. "I am not going home with you. We are not even wed yet. Until there is a ring a finger, I will not listen to a single thing you say. You know what? Not even with one on!" My face was hot and flustered and I was pissed. He glared at me, "Do you think this is what I want, amor. Just listen to what I say and this will all be over soon." I scowled at him and crossed my arms over my chest, clenching my fists, "I refuse to listen to you." He was going to use me as some lust-relieving doll and than toss me away. My father gave me a stern glare and I almost cowered under it. But I straightened my back and remained confident.

"You will." Leo growled angrily before taking long strides over to me and grabbing my hand. "I won't!" I said, yanking my hand away. "Do it Athena. For the kingdom." My father spoke interrupting my train of aggressive thoughts. My face softened and I remembered why I was doing this in the first place. To save my kingdom and end my fathers reign. My hand relaxed and Leo grabbed it again yanking me to his side. My face was emotionless as Leo dragged me away. Marco and Gabriella followed in suite behind us, my parents not even protesting as their only daughter was being taken away from them.

I wasn't even scared. Just numb. What has my life become? I was just a pawn in everyone's game. Used as a murder weapon or a prized possession. Always stored up and locked away, never free to make my own decisions. My heart was beating rapidly in my chest as Leo opened the door and gestured me into his limo. The sleek black leather interior was rather comfy as I sat down. Leo sat across from me, clasping his hands together and staring at me intensely.

"What?!" I hissed and he just smirked slightly before grabbing a glass of champaign from the ice box. I grumbled and sank down into the chair, my blonde hair falling in front of my face. I was beyond pissed.

The ride to his castle was way too long and I fell asleep, resting my head against the window. Leo's parents were in a whole separate car so I was able to sprawl out across the couch. "Wake up, amor." A deep voice grumbled. It sounded so far away. "Athena." The voice said even louder and angrier this time. "Holy hell. Cagna." He mumbled before I felt big arms wrap up under my legs and back. My eyes finally flicked open and my body jolted causing Leo to almost lose balance. "Can you not." He growled before placing me on my feet on the stone ground. "Can you not touch me?" I gave him a harsh glance and a sarcastic smile before smoothing the wrinkles on my dress out. My heels clapped against the path as I started walking away.

The frigid night air caused goosebumps to rise on my arms and I shuddered as I crossed my arms across my chest. "Cold?" Leo asked teasingly as he jogged up to my side. The dim moonlight lit up his handsome features, his eyes like dark pools of water. "Just a little. I want to go to bed." I demanded as I kept walking. That was until I felt large hands at my hips and hot breath against my ear. My mind told me to pull away and don't let him get close, but my body stayed.

"Not even going to compliment my castle?" He whispered darkly, sending a shiver down my spine. And not from the cold. I finally looked up at the towering building above me. "Holy shit." I whispered, loud enough that Leo could hear. He smirked before walking gracefully up the steps to the giant double doors. The dark wood was engraved with twisted flowers, all of unique, defining beauty.

The stone walls were built high and vines creeped up the sides. Even in the moonlight, I could see flowers of all colors blooming from them. My mouth fell open in awe. "It's... beautiful." I said under my breath.

I marched confidently up the steps and stood my ground next to the towering man beside me. "Nice castle." I said sarcastically before pushing past him and throwing the doors open. I remained steady but the inside was even more beautiful than the outside. Dark marble floors with streaks of white and gold complimented the white carpeted staircase. To my left was a giant archway that I believed led to the dining room.

"Come along, bella. I'll show you your room." He stated, his Italian accent thick. I raised my eyebrow at him in curiosity. Who was Bella? I pushed it away, I wasn't jealous and I didn't want him to think I was. He led me up the stairs and down a long corridor that had many portraits that displayed nature hung along the black painted walls.

He swung giant porcelain doors open that had vintage gold knobs and beautiful engravings of mystical creatures. I glanced at s fae that had beautifully intricate features before following Leo in. The room had a musky, pine smell and seemed very much used. The gray bed sheets were slightly rustled and the closet doors were ajar, revealing lines of clothing.

The wooden floors were polished and the canopy hanging over the bed left lots of privacy. The walls were painted black with splatters of blue and gold that matched the blue curtains that hung over the two, floor length windows, one on each side of the bed. A fluffy black rug was thrown on the floor.

"This isn't my room." I said, breaking the silence. "Yes it is. It's our room, principessa." He replied, a small smirk slowly growing on his face.

-Authors note-
Don't worry the good stuff is coming :)
Give me your ideas of stuff you want to see happen I'm open to any and all suggestions.
Next chapter will be out asap

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