-Chapter 14-

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Sofia's POV

"Don't father please don't! Don't hurt him! He's innocent he did nothing wrong! Take it out on me please don't punish him for my mistakes please!" Athena begged. Stefen had removed the cloth from around her mouth, probably to hear her pleads. They only made him enjoy it that much more. Aries and I were still crouched around the corner, too afraid to move an inch.

But as I was taught from a young age, I must defend my kingdom. Without a weapon, I knew it would be difficult. But if I could distract the man with the gun long enough maybe I could take him out and-. And than what? Me and Angelo get killed? It's not like Athena can get herself unbound and Angelo couldn't run. My mind was imbued with every possible idea and every outcome that came with it. There was no good way out of this situation. Unless I used the small, trembling girl huddled against me.

"Aries," I whispered quietly but quickly, "I need your help. You need to run out and distract them long enough that I can take down the gun man and take his gun. Can you do this?" I grew impatient as I heard Athena scream. The man had now pressed the nozzle of the gun to Angelo's temple. Aries hesitated, her whole body shaking. "Aries, please. We don't have much time." She screwed her eyes shut, before rising up, and running onto the scene.

"Stop!" Aries yelled. Her voice cracked and anyone could tell she wasn't as confident as she wanted to appear. I took my chance, moving swiftly across the sleek floors. Athena's eyes widened when she saw me sneak behind everyone but she kept her mouth shut. Everyone's focus was on the fearful scarlet-haired nurse. Equal parts shocked and confused. In one swift move, I had grabbed a vase off a small display on the wall and smashed it over the man, his gun clattering to the ground. I picked it up and aimed for Athena, "Let us go. Or else I shoot."

Athena's POV

Me? Why the fuck was she pointing the gun at me? Sofia had successfully taken down the gun man and Angelo just lay crumped on the ground, his blood staining the white floors. My mind swirled with confusion as my eyes darted between the gun and Aries, who looked terrified. "Let us go. Or else I shoot." Sofia said. My eyes widened and I stared at her in complete shock. "You wouldn't dare. You think the prince won't come after you once he finds out you murdered his future Queen?" My father spoke, a hint of playfulness shown in his monotone voice.

"Of course. But it won't change the fact she's dead." My heart thudded and I started pulling at the rope around my hands. Sweat dripped down my back and I attempted to use the clamminess of my skin to break free. It was no use. I was trapped. "Fine. But she stays here." My father said, pointing at my hunched figure. I bowed my head, too ashamed to show that I was indeed weak. I was tired and the pain in my thigh as since came rippling back. "She's not going anywhere but back to my kingdom. Where she belongs." A deep, intimidating voice boomed and my head snapped up.

Leo was standing at the entrance of the castle with a large group of armed men behind him. "Let. Her. Go." He growled and my father nodded. "Of course your majesty. I just wanted to speak with my daughter." Leo huffed, "You could've called." My dad shot him a glare and Leo came to my side, hastily untying the ropes. They had rubbed against my skin, leaving it raw and red. "Mi amor," he whispered softly, "what have they done to you?" He actually sounded so broken at seeing the condition I was in. I knew it was all a rouse but my heart still fluttered a bit at his gentle fingers setting me free.

"Next time you want to contact my fiancé, you do it through me." Leo spoke gruffly towards my father, "Understand?" My father cowered only slightly, "I understand your majesty." I grinned, despite the fatigue taking over my body. Leo lifted me into his strong arms, carrying my broken body bridal style. "Sargent Xev, grab Angelo and take him to the med bay immediately. Sofia, get back to the palace and grab and nurse to check Athena out." The middle aged bald man nodded before gesturing more soldiers to follow and lift Angelo's limp body into one of the hovers. "On it." Sofia replied before heading to the larger hover, making a call on her holo pad. I wrapped my arms around Leo's neck.

"Leo," I murmured, too tired to fully talk, "Aries. Bring her." Leo looked around curiously, "Who?" I was too drowsy to open my eyes but I knew she had to still be in the room. Probably tucked in the corner absolutely petrified. "The small redhead. She probably looks so scared..." I whispered. "Dante, grab the ginger. Let's go." Leo's grip tightened on my body and I felt him carry me outside as the crisp winter air hit my face. I curled up against him even more, taking in that woodsy smell. "We'll be home soon, mi principessa. I won't let anyone lay a finger on you again. Unless it's me." I let out a little laugh at his snarky comment before falling into a deep sleep.

I awoke in Leo's big bed, for the first time in days feeling well rested. The wound on my thigh only tingled and I assumed I was given pain relief meds. It was much better wrapped up. Leo was sitting at the desk in the far corner of his dark room, typing away at his holo pad. It rang loudly and he glanced over at me. I closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep. "Yes?... hello... send them in... kill anyone in the way I don't want a repeat of last weeks shipment... okay thanks." He sighed and I sat up.

"What was that about." Leo jumped and turned to face me, "How long were you awake?!" He hissed. I smiled at him, "Long enough." He sighed again before coming and sitting next to me on the bed. "What shipment. And how many people do you kill?" The amount of men he has with guns and Sofia and Angelo being so ready to kill fascinated me. What prince kills people. "A lot." Leo stated plainly, as if that was a normal answer. I stared at him in shock. "Why?"

Leo placed his head in his hands, hunching over. "Athena there are some things you simply don't need to get involved in." I rolled my eyes, "Enough with the bullshit, what's going on?" He finally looked up to face me, "My family," he paused, hesitant to tell me, "we run the Italian Mafia."

-Prince of a kingdom and heir to the Italian mafia? What a man, am I right?
-Stay tuned!!
Love you all <3

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