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You returned back to Seoul the very next day that horrible incident took place. It's been a month and you're still traumatized by it.

You do smile, you talk, you go to work, but deep down that day is still carved in you. You get frequent nightmares of that day. Taehyung's been taking care of you so well.

He's literally changed a lot. You could see that in him. You too didn't step back from duties of a wife. Both of you felt a different cheerfulness yet nervousness around each other. You didn't know what this feeling was, still you found it beautiful.

You came back from the Old Age Home quiet late today. One of the grandpa's was unwell and you had to take care of him.

Entering in, you saw lights off. You raised your eyebrows in suspicion because Taehyung must have been back long time ago, so where's he?

You walked to the living room, he was not there. You checked in the kitchen too. Finally, you headed to your now 'shared' bedroom.

You were about to twist the knob to open the door but you halted on your movement when you heard something.

"No. It's not like that. It's just an unwanted marriage. You can call it a forced marriage. I've absolutely no interest in this marriage thing, but you know I'm just tied in this relationship." He said in a humorous tone.

"Haha. You think we're happily married? Hell no bro! We're not! We're not less than you and Yi Min. I also want to get rid of her, as soon as possible." He laughed.

You couldn't bear to hear anymore so you stepped back from the room and walked down. You were still not able to comprehend his harsh words.

"So all this was a joke? He didn't want this marriage to work? All this time, he was lying to you? He was faking to be sincere with his feelings?" All these questions clouded your mind.

You didn't know but tears were threatening to fall from your eyes. You were obviously hurt. Here you're, putting your best in this relationship and there he's, not wanting this marriage. Are you a fool?

"Why did I fall for his words? Why did I trusted him so blindly? Why did he do this to me? Why?" You questioned yourself.

"No more tears Y/n. Let's be selfish from now. Let him be. Just get yourself together. Distance yourself as much as you can. That's the only way to be least hurt." You taught yourself and wiped your tears away.

"Y/n? When did you come?" He asked while smiling when he spotted you at the corner of staircase being all lost.

You didn't reply and headed to the kitchen.

"You ate something or shall I cook for you too?" You asked being all cold.

"What's with that tone? Anyways, I didn't eat. How can I eat without you! Cook for me as well." He said trying to cheer you up.

You hummed in response and didn't pay any attention to him.

"Did something happen at the workplace? You wanna share? We can be good friends atleast." He said capturing your frame in his arms.

"No. Let me cook." You replied and pushed him away slightly.

He quickly took a seat on the dining table. He could notice the change in your behaviour but didn't want to stress you so he gave you time and space.

You were eating quietly but the ringing of doorbell interrupted you both. You got up and headed to open the door.

"Hey Y/n." He smiled.

"Hi. But do I know you?" You asked.

"No, but I know you. I'm Taehyung's cousin." He smiled.

"Oh great! Come in please." You gestured him to come in and locked the door.

"Hyung! Where are you?" He yelled on the top of his lungs.

Taehyung walled out calmly from the living room to him.

"Why did you come?" He asked coldly.

"Are you still mad? Sorry hyung! I didn't mean to lie to you. I was definitely going to come to your marriage but something really urgent came up." He said.

"Fine." Taehyung replied.

"Y/n, this is Jungkook. My cousin." He said pointing towards him.

"Hey again!" He flashed a bunny smile which made you giggle.

"Hey. Are you hungry? We were just having dinner." You asked him.

"Of course, I'm so hungry. Please gimme food Y/nie." He said in dramatic tone which caused you to laugh.

"Ok, have a seat on the dining. I'll serve you." You said and walked to kitchen.

"Why are you so informal with her? She's older than you." Taehyung said while glaring at him.

"Oh really? But she looks so young! I didn't know. I'm so sorry Noona." He yelled.

"It's okay. You can call me Y/n." You replied.


You three were sitting in the living room watching a movie. You were loving Jungkook's company. He is such a cute and bubbly guy. He made you laugh a lot. You could see innocence in his eyes like a 5 year old kid. You didn't see him as your brother in law but as a baby.

"Hyung, let's go and have some ice cream." He said.

"No, it's late." He replied focusing on movie.

"Ahh. Noona, let's go. Let him he here." He said looking at you with questioning eyes.

"Don't. Go by yourself. It's not safe for her out there. It's so late Kook." He said a little bit angrily.

"Oh god. Finally you forgave me. Gosh. After so long, I heard 'Kook' from your mouth." He sighed in joy and hugged Taehyung.

"Yah, get off me you muscle bunny. You're not so small anymore. I can't carry your weight. You're so heavy. Get off, this jerk!" He said in frustration and you were enjoying the view.

Jungkook jumped back and smiled at you.

"Come on Noona. Let's go." He said and dragged you with him.

"Don't worry Hyung. I'm with her. I'll make sure no one touches my noona and your wife." He said in a protective tone which made you laugh out loud.

Watching you being so close and open with Jungkook began to make Taehyung insecure. He was worried that you weren't talking with him normally and Jungkook was a 'cherry on the top' right now. He sighed and went to your shared bedroom.

"Who cares? Anyways, she's going to be mine. She's my wife. She belongs to me." He mumbled and slept.


Check out my new work Tale of the Two-headed Snake.

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