Ch.11 Meeting the parents

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A few days have passed and things with Cat are going great. I picked her up from her home, we would hang around the forest near her house. I would also get free dinner sometimes since my sister is daydreaming a lot. It is going great with Cat.

I was in the garage tuning up my bike then suddenly someone came from behind me and tried to attack me. She was moving at great speed and I quickly turned around and grabbed Cat by her neck and she smiled and I brought her in close and I kissed her.

I let go of her and Cat placed her hands on my chest and said "I still don't get it, I am faster than you and yet... Everytime I try I fail."

I chuckled and said "It's not that hard when you can smell someone from miles away."

She looked at me and asked "You think I smell?"

I nodded and picked her up and said "I think you smell... delicious, don't I?" She looked at me and smiled and then I kissed her and she grabbed my hair and my hands were supporting her from her bottom, one of her hands was roaming my back, her nails were scratching my back. During the span of days our make out sessions were getting progressively hard to control. It was getting pretty heated then we heard a cough. We turned around and saw Edward and Bella. I put Cat down and she straightened her dress and her hair and I asked "Ah... Why are you here?"

Edward then looked at Cat and then Cat looked down and Edward said "looks like she didn't tell you. I want Bella to meet my family."

I looked at Bella and I then looked at Edward and asked "Is that a good idea? You know things can go wrong."

Edward then looked at Bella and then at me and said "That is exactly why I want you to be with her when she visits."

I then looked at Bella and she nodded and I said "Alright then, when?"

Edward said "Tomorrow."

I nodded and said "Okay."

All of us smelled Jacob and his dad coming and then Edward said "We have to go." I then kissed Cat and then they left.

We then got out of the garage and then we greeted the guests. Bella said "Hey, came to visit your truck?"

Jacob said nothing and just looked at Bella and then Billy looked at Bella and smiled and said "Actually we came to visit your flat-screen. First Mariners game of the season. Herd you were with that boy from Carlisle."

She nodded and said "Yeah, Edward he is nice. How did you know though?"

Billy smiled and said "It's a small town Bella, word gets around fast."

Carlie then came from behind and said "Got the Vitamin R."

Billy said "Well done, Chief. Harry Clearwater's homemade fish fry."

Charlie said "Good man." Charlie then started to wheel in Billy

Billy then asked "Any luck with the Waylon case and the disappearance of those guys?"

Charlie had a bit of melancholy in his voice and said "Well, I don't think it was an animal that killed him."

Billy said "Never thought it was."

Charlie said "So spread the word out at the rez, huh? Keep the kids out of the woods."

Billy said "Will do." He then looked at Bella and said "Don't want no one else getting hurt, do we?"

Then we got inside and we had a very awkward time. Jacob won't talk because he looked clearly upset over the fact that his crush was with someone else. I wasn't interested in the game in the first place but stuck around for the fish. Billy and Charlie enjoyed the game and Bella was basically just surviving the awkwardness somehow.

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