Ch.17 Talks and Negotiations

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When we reached school, Cat and I were walking towards our classes and Cat said "Hey, how about I teach you swimming so you know you don't drown while chasing squirrels."

I looked at her and said "Ha ha very funny."

She chuckled and said "Oh, come on it is a little bit funny."

I said "Yeah, yeah." I then looked at her and said "But yes remind me to buy some catnip so that you are a little chilled out cause Emmet says you become a drill sergeant when you teach someone."

Cat was angry and said "That big lug told you that?" I nodded and she looked around and people were looking at her and then she fixed her hair and again gained this dignified persona and said "Chris I will see you at lunch."

I nodded and I was barely holding on to my laughter. She then left for her class. I then went to my locker and I was getting my stuff out and then someone knocked on my locker. I peaked over and it was Jessica. I was honestly surprised to see her. I haven't talked to her in like forever.

She smiled and said "Hi."

I also smiled and said "Hi, Jessica, how are you?"

She smiled and said "I am doing great."

I said "I am doing good as well."

Then there was an awkward silence for a while because I didn't know what to say so she said "Look Chris, I know that we haven't talked after all that. But I wanted you to know that it is okay for you to hang out with us."

I looked at her and said "Oh, that is cool."

We then started to walk to class and she said "Yeah, they miss you."

I smiled and said " I am happy to know that we are good and I can also hangout with you guys sometimes."

She smiled and said "Yeah." She then nodded and asked "So how is it going with you and Katherine."

I smiled and said "Oh, it is going great."

She smiled and said "Good for you Chris." I nodded.


I had already eaten my lunch like always and today I decided to hang out with my human friends instead of going to the mountains with Cat.

I walked upto the table and I asked "Room for one more?"

Newt smiled and said "Yeah, man sit."

I then sat down and Newt asked "How have you been man?"

I smiled and said "I have been great."

Eric had a grin on his face and he said "Yeah, who wouldn't be Katherine Cullen man."

I smiled and nodded and Angela looked at her and then she looked at me and asked "So how is it with you and Katherine?"

I smiled and said "It is going great, I met with her family and she met with my dad. We work very well together. I am very happy with her."

Then Newt asked "How did you even get Katherine man, do you siblings have some special juju man?"

Now how can I say that we are basically premium cocaine to them. Then Cat came and she said "Let's go."

I then looked at them and then I got up and I said to them "A moment guys."

I then talked to Cat and I said "We should hang out with other people as well Cat."

Cat looked at me and said "But I don't like them."

I asked "Who you don't like?"

She said "Jessica."

I just shook my head and said "Cat look at me, do you think anything will happen?"

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