Chapter 2 {EDITED}

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"Doki Doki: Love In A Magical World!"

A very popular and trending otome game. So popular, it managed to reach stores worldwide. Even at the other side of the world, copies would be found and sold.

Yet, as fate would have it, I was reborn in the game. The very game my friend forced me to buy and play. How ironic. She was the one obsessed with the game. Yet I, the one who wanted nothing to do with the game, was the one transported in it.

Amity... I really wonder what you told the hitman. Though as much as I'd like an explanation, I suppose that doesn't have some space on the itinerary.

What mattered right now was my survival. I don't have time to be frolicking around. Well, it's not like I can, being a baby and all.

Speaking of which, it's been a week since I've been reborn. Doubtful as I was, one cannot do anything in face of the hard truth.

I had thought it was a fever dream at first, or I'd probably turned insane. To be fair, who would have the thought of being transported in an otome game as an ill-fated villainess?

Not wanting to believe the likeliness of the situation, I spent that whole week observing everything and listening to the conversations. However, after much self-doubt, I couldn't deny it.

This is the reality I'm living in now. I'm actually inside this wretched otome game as the villainess. I still find it hard to believe at times.

With that realization in mind, I'd figured I needed to make a plan to avoid the only endings the antagonist has in store—exile, enslavement, or execution. I needed to remember the game events and plots in detail.

However, the only problem was.....

I can't remember anything. So, what the fuck do I do?

The only thing I know is that Heather Pléanne is the heroine, and the plot starts when the magic appraisal is commenced. That would be ten years from now, if I'm not mistaken.

Then, there would be a lot of events that increase your "love meter", which is basically a fancy term for the level of the capture target's affection for you.

Thankfully, I was spoiled with the next few events thanks to MeTube videos.

"heroine obtains rare light magic at appraisal ceremony when she is ten, accused by the villainess of faking and modifying appraisal, capture targets save heroine and shame villainess"

"spilled with juice by villainess at the 300th kingdom festival when they are twelve, capture targets comfort heroine and confront villainess publicly"

"villainess attempts to trip heroine in mud at Herreia talent show, but capture targets catch heroine and the villainess trips instead, causing villainess to run away"

Simply put, the heroine is the damsel-in-distress, the capture targets are the knights in shining armor, and the villainess is the evil witch in the story. You can't get more original than that.

However, I can't remember much from the academy. The characters go to the kingdom's academy at fifteen years of age. There would be some major and minor events, yet I have no memory of them whatsoever. I was certain I'd watched some clips from Flinch and TickTock too....

To summarize my predicament, I'll be living in an otome game which casually brings about my death, with a very disliked addition of the main characters being no good at all.

The heroine is too much of a goody-two-shoes.

The villainess is more snobbish and petty than the average modern politician.

And the capture targets are either a narcissist, tsundere, playboy, introvert, or orphan.

.....These are the brats I'm dealing with? Ren, what the hell is wrong with you?!--

"The heroine is the son of a commoner merchant."

"The first and second capture targets are the princes of the Herreia kingdom, which is where the plot takes place."

"The third capture target and the villainess are siblings, and they're the children of the grand duke."

"The fourth capture target is the son of the king's chancellor."

"The fifth capture target is found in the slums, and he'll be adopted by the marshal."

A mysterious wave of information hit my mind. Even if the included headache was much unwelcome, I was more than happy to have remembered such crucial facts.

I can't believe these traumatized kids manage to kill me in the future...

So, the main course of action would be to prevent them from becoming a death flag and killing me. There would be two main causes as to why that is.

First, I bully, sabotage, and attempt to murder the heroine. That could easily be avoided if I just do the exact opposite. If I just get on her good side, they'll likely let me live.

Secondly, they have broken heads. If I want them to actually use their brains... I'll have to not just cut the rotten leaves, but dig down all the way to their roots.

And those roots would be their traumas.

So, I'll just simply relieve their traumas right?

I wouldn't be getting them infatuated with me or anything, right?

I laughed at the absurd thought that ran through my mind and rolled my eyes.

Pshhhh, I'm just overreacting. What could possibly go wrong?


"Willow, dear! Let's go see your older brother. I'm sure he'll be overjoyed to finally meet his younger sister." My mother, Vanessa, spoke to me with a cheery voice as she picked me up from my crib.

Apparently everything.

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