Chapter 14 {EDITED}

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"Seriously, that narcissistic prince won't stop annoying me...." I grumbled as I entered my room, complaining about his unwelcome visit earlier.

I slammed the door shut, a loud bang sounded as the door closed. It's been a few weeks, yet I still can't get used to his antics.

Thankfully, he isn't as annoying as I remember in the game. I glanced at my desk to find only one stack of letters.

I only get a few letters every once in a while.... I wish I had more.

Other than invitations and letters from my friends, there weren't that many.

Ignoring the letters for my brother and father, clearly wanting me to put in goodwill for them, I only had twelve.

A knock sounded on my door as a woman spoke, "Miss Willow, may I enter the room?"

When I realized the voice belonged to my maid, I replied, "You may, Anna."

"Miss Willow, you have received a number of letters to look over." As she said that, piles of letters landed on my desk with a loud thud.

"W-what?!" I gasped at the sight, appalled. Why are there three more stacks of letters?!!

"It would seem that the miss had risen in popularity after the marquis's banquet." Anna remarked, thinking of an explanation for the sudden influx of papers.

I never thought I'd miss having only one pile of letters....

"...Alright. Thank you, Anna." I finally muttered, inwardly sighing at my thoughts. With that, Anna left the room after bowing.

Is this the price for being too greedy?

I sighed exasperatedly, clearly unpleased about the turn of events. While I grumbled in annoyance, miss Diana came into my mind.

Miss Diana said she'd be visiting today... I'll have to prepare some delicacies for our meeting later, I thought, reminding myself to inform Anna about the news.

"the second capture target is the third prince of the Herreian kingdom, the son of the first concubine and the king"

"the second capture target will be betrothed to Diana Verlé, the third daughter of marquis Verlé"

A horrible migraine followed right after the flooding information entered my mind.

"Augh...." I groaned, not having expected the worst headache possible following after.

Diana is the second capture target's fiancée?!

"I'll have to take note of this..." I murmured to myself. With that, I took a key hidden inside the desk lamp, and I unlocked the bottom drawer of the desk.

When I heard a click, I slid open the drawer, which revealed a journal with a leather cover.

This journal has all the information I currently know about this game.

Essentially, it was my lifeline. If I lose this, I lose my slim chances of survival.

I'll imbue this with protection magic the moment I learn how to use it--

"Pardon me, miss Willow, but you have to go to the lounge right now!!" Anna exclaimed frantically, the door to my room slamming open.

Is it the second prince again?

"If it's Prince Lukas, just tell his royal highness to wait--"

"It's not the second prince! His royal highness, the third prince Alan Ekuart Favonius Zacharia, is here!!"

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