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[ Italic - past situation (of dual times)
Normal - present (at the beach) ]

~ | H I M | ~

Sometimes it's hard to let go of things even when they are broken,
Because they held so much memories which you would never want to lose.

That's what was happening,
Our relation which was broken,
Was hard to let go for both of us.

It may look like I broke my promises,
It may look like I didn't care,
It may look like I don't want this relation,
But that is not the truth.

It was not easy for me to give upon the mirror us,
I never tried to break the mirror, but my actions definitely did,
And so did yours.

The priorities changed and so did the bond,
The bond changed and so did misunderstandings arised.

When I look into your brown eyes,
The spring changed into Autumn,
It had many unanswered questions,
But we both didn't wanted to answer them.

We sat there silently for minutes,
You, trying to digest everything,
Me, trying to give you your time.

Looking at the sunset,
Made me remember those moments,
Which never included anything else but love,
The same love which now was fading away.

(Past 1: 5 years ago)

" Sorry sorry sorry, I got late " you said opening the door of the car and my anger was not yet gone

" Half an hour late! " I stated and started the car.

" I'am sorry. They just made me stay and called a few more people to meet and it went on and on. It was such a tiring day "

I chose not to respond,
As I knew what anger could make people say,
And hurt the other ones.

" Why are you not responding?! How many times should I ask for forgiveness "

The pout on your face,
Did nothing but increased the urge to kiss you,
It did melted my anger,
But I decided to have fun rather.

" I had a meeting in an hour and now it's gone " I said the truth and left a sigh.

" You had meeting but still you came to pick me? That's so sweet! "

You replied with a big grin dancing on your face,
I looked into your eyes, only to find love,
I couldn't help but smile at this,
But hided it, so I could act further.

" But the meetings gone now and so are the clients. Just because of you "

You passed me a cute glare and said " I told I am sorry "

" Will it change anything now? " I asked faking anger.

" Stop taunting me again and again even when I asked for apology. Rather just stop the car and I would leave by myself, then attend your meeting. "

Of course, my anger was nothing in front of yours,
But I did loved it when you were angry,
Well that's what love is I guess?

I decided not to act further and go into the lion's den.

" Okay, My lady. Let's go and treat ourselves with an ice cream, shall we? "

Just by hearing the word 'ice cream' you made a face like a 5 year old would.
The kid inside you didn't died and I never want it to.
You licked your dry lips making it more hard for me to control.
" Of course. Ice cream is my love, my love is icecream "

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