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🍂...Everything was too good, but just then ego arrived and ruined it all...🍂

[ Italic - past situation (of dual times)
Normal - present (at the beach) ]

(Past situation 1: 5 years ago)

~ | H I M | ~

The time wasn't with me today, because I was the one who was late, the rain which you loved didn't helped me out.

The heavy raindrops falling on everyone,
The sky was cloudy,
The animals finding a shelter,
People were too busy in thier lives to enjoy the rain,
And there we were,
You waiting for me,
And I driving as fast as I can.

No matter how tired I was,
And no matter how busy you were,
I would come to pick you up,
And you will just go with me,
Whatever it takes
It was our rule,
The one which we never broke till now.

We had a busy schedule after collage ended,
But we had to remove time for eachother,
The time which is very precious,
But people make time for the ones who are actually important,
And you were, More than anything.

Just when I arrived, I saw you standing there under a roof,
A little wet because of the rain,
A guy just beside you talking to you,
The thing I liked the most was,
You didn't broke the rule,
You were still there waiting for me.
And even I didn't broke it,
I came for you.

I came closer to you along with an umbrella,
And by then I got to hear some of the conversation of you and that guy.

" I don't think the rain will stop tonight, I will drop you off. Come " the guy said.

" Actually, my boyfriend is coming to pick me up. So, yeah, thanks for the offer, but I would like to wait " the reply of yours made a smile come across my face.

" You don't even know how much time will he take to, will you wait till then? I will rather give you a ride. Come. " He asked you again.

" I would wait for him till forever but I will just go with him "by now you already spotted me and waved at me.

The look on the guy's face was pure confusion,
But after seeing me, he understood it and left.

I went closer to you,
And inhaled the fragrance of your hairs,
The one which could make my day better even after everything,
The one which would make all the tiredness go away.

" Sorry. I just got late due to the sudden rain and traffic didn't help too. " I apologised while moving towards our car.

" I understand. It's fine " you replied with a slight smile.

I could tell by the look that you were tired,
And so was I.

" Why did you wait for me in such heavy rain? " I asked settling in the car.

" Why did you come to pick me up in such heavy rain? " You questioned back raising your brows and I smiled to the fullest.

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