Chapter Twenty-Six: Lorna

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I wake up and look around to see Alec is still asleep. Great, now I can sneak out. I wasn't really in the mood to explain that I'm not the helpless girl everyone thought I was.

I walk down stairs and see Oliver and Paul in the kitchen. "Good morning" I say aloud and they snap their attention to me.

Here we go.

"Good morning is all you have to say after you not only led our entire mafia to Mexico but turned out to be a master hitwoman in the process. Do you know how many stories there are of you in Mexico?" Paul walks over to me, showing me papers.

Maybe I should have been honest from the jump. Then I wouldn't have to do this. I do admit now that I don't feel like I have to hide myself anymore, it felt good.

"I'm well aware of how popular I am in Mexico, Paul." I say, grabbing a mug out of the cabinet. "So why didn't you tell us?" Oliver sounds sad and hurt. "Did you not trust us? Paul responds.

I feel bad that I've had hurt them in the process but I just couldn't tell anyone. As much as I deny it, I care about what people think and that alone scared me silent. I put a pot of water on the stove. I wait a moment trying to think of the right thing to say.

God my boys...

I turn around and place a kiss on both of their cheeks. "It wasn't my intention to hurt you guys or anyone, I just didn't want to remember that part of my life. I also didn't want to be judge and I was happy here. Before yesterday, I hadn't killed anyone in about three years and they weren't all guilty but he made me do it anyway." I turn my face, thinking about the meaningless lives I've taken at the hand of Dante.

I quickly recovered, shaking it out of my head. "However, now that you know who I am, I am not afraid of showing her a little bit more." I stammer. "Now, is she here?" They nod and Oliver points to the basement door. "Good"

I go to the pot that's now boiling and pour it in the cup, making my coffee. I stick a spoon in it, mix it and head to the basement. "Don't tell Alec I'm down here." They sigh. "Rose. You know that we can't just lie to Alec, he will kill us." I roll my eyes. "Fine, let him know I don't care." I state, walking to the door.

I carefully open it and walk down the steps to see Lorna chained to the chair. The chair bolted into the floor–my idea– because she's not going anywhere.

I assume she is either sleeping or just out of it because her eyes are closed. I walk over in front of her with a chair carefully setting it down. I sit down and admire her face. We could have been great friends if she wasn't a raging bitch.

Awe, she is sleeping.

Best not to wake her, right?

I take the spoon out of the coffee setting it down. Before I grab the cup and throw the boiling hot coffee on her face. She jolts awake, screaming and it's like music to my ears.

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