Chapter 6: Displacement

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Dr. Pinder-Schloss sat across from Gomez and Morticia.

"Why don't you speak to Fester darling? He's right outside the door." Morticia told her husband.

"I would speak with Fester if that were Fester, but that is not." Gomez stood up and walked toward the door. "That's an imposter! An impostore! A charlatan! A sham! A counterfeit!"

Fester heard Gomez's yelling and stormed away and up the staircase. Before he reached his room, he heard a noise at the bottom of the stairs. He looked over the railing to see Wednesday and Pugsley fencing while (Y/n) stood off to the side watching.

"Oh, villain, villain, smiling, damned villain." Wednesday said.

"Who calls me a villain, breaks my pate across, cuts off my beard and blows it in my face?" Pugsley replied.

"If I must strike you dead I will." Wednesday charged at Pugsley, and Pugsley pretended to stab him.

Wednesday pretended to double over in pain, and fell onto the stairs fake dying, while (Y/n) clapped at their performance.

"No! No, no, no, no, no, no." Fester shouted as he made his way down the stairs. "Give me that sword. Haven't you ever slaughtered anyone?" Fester took the sword and pointed it at Wednesday.

"He's only a child." Wednesday told him.

"No excuse." Fester snapped. "Aim for a major artery. The jugular." He instructed Pugsley.


"A faker! A phony! An utter fraud! A base, deceitful-!"

"Mr. Addams!" Dr. Pinder-Schloss cut in. "I believe I am understanding. I can help, yes? The theory of this familiar?"

"No. Tish?" He turned to Morticia who shook her head.

"Oh, it is too exciting. I will explain."

"Is it unpleasant?" Gomez asked.

"Deeply." Dr. Pinder-Schloss responded.

Gomez sat down in excitement.

"Your very own brother, you drive him away. 'Go! Off with you!' But then you are feeling the little black monster."


"Guilt. Yes? Your brother returns. You feel guilty. You displace."

"I do?" Gomez questioned.

"The feelings in your brain cells, they bubble and collide. You suspect things. You love him, but you resent him. Love, hate. Hate, love. Like for mama. No?" She asked.

"But I didn't hate my mother. It was an accident." Gomez defended.

"It's a very common psychosis. I'm seeing it everyday."

"Lucky doctor." Morticia said.

"Displacement. How bizarre. And here I thought Fester was the problem. He's sullen."

"He's furtive."


"He sulks."

"I suspect him."

"Your unbalanced."

"And I hate him. By god, you're right! He is Fester!" Gomez exclaimed.

"Thank you Dr. Pinder-Schloss." Morticia praised.

"I do what I can." She replied casually.


Fester was now showing the kids a book.

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