Chapter 13: Rescue Mission

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That night, Morticia looked down at her sleeping husband and stoked his face. She looked around at her sleeping family and her eyes narrowed in determination.

She left the motel, not noticing Thing was following right behind her.


Morticia knocked on the door to the Addams house and Tulley opened it.

"I would like to speak with Fester please." She said before entering the house.


Next thing she knew, Morticia was being strapped down to a torture table, while (Y/n) was gagged and tied to a chair in the corner.

"You're a desperate woman, consumed by greed and bitterness. We could've been such friends." Morticia told her.

"Gordon, let's get started."

"But mother-."

"Stop stalling."

"I'm not stalling, stop badgering me." Gordon snapped.

None of them noticed that Thing had hopped onto the windowsill.

"The vault, Mrs. Addams, any thoughts?" Mrs. Craven asked.

"None whatsoever." She replied.

"Tulley, take over. Tighten it." Mrs. Craven demanded.

"I got this stomach thing when I torture people." Tulley complained.

"Do it." She snapped.

Tulley obeyed and spun a wheel that stretched Morticia out and she groaned.


Tulley tightened it, and he and Gordon both flinched. (Y/n) closed her eyes, not wanting to see anymore.


Tulley did it again, and Morticia groaned. "You've done this before."

Thing then hopped down from the windowsill and hurried off to find help.


Thing made it back to the motel and was rapidly signing at Gomez.

"Mor-Morticia. Morticia...and (Y/n)...Morticia and (Y/n) what? Slow down! It's terrible when you stutter."

Thing gave up the signing and grabbed a pen and tried to write it down, but the pen had no ink.

He threw the pen away and grabbed a spoon and tapped out his message in morse code.

"Morticia...and (Y/n) Stop. Send once. Stop!" Gomez immediately stood up in determination.

"(Y/n) and mother are in trouble?" Wednesday asked, having overheard the whole conversation.

"Yes, and I'm going to go save them." Gomez responded.

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