the first day~

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(y/n)'s pov

The first two classes of the day passed in a boring, monotonous blur. During first period Chemistry, the various scholars were assigned twenty whole problems due for the next day - resulting in a hearty chorus of painful groans. 

Second period was perhaps (y/n)'s favorite class. She'd always loved Latin at Chester and to top it off - Meeks saved her a spot right next to him that she gratefully sat down in when she entered the classroom, nearly late because an older student knocked her books out of her arms in the oak hallway. However much she loved the language, she did not extend her sentiments to the teacher. The older gentlemen simply recited various Latin verbs the entire class, not once stopping for the full hour. By the end, (y/n) was sure that half the class was asleep - and her suspicions were confirmed when the school's obnoxiously loud bell rang out, causing many boys in the room to suddenly jump out of their seats, Charlie included. 

Calculus was (y/n)'s least favorite, not because the content was particularly challenging - she found it quite simple, of course - but because she did not share the higher level class with any of her tentative friends. So, she worked quietly and respectfully the entire period, wondering how the boys were doing with Trigonometry. She suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder, so she turned to face a fair-haired boy with eyes greener than the perfectly manicured lawn of the lacrosse field. Still, she couldn't help comparing the boy's look to Meeks' fairness - which was much softer and more delicate. The boy grinned.

"New girl, eh?" he questioned. (y/n) looked at him, unsure of how to respond, but she decided on 

"No," she drawls sarcastically "I've gone here for years." The boy tipped his head back and chuckled, ignoring the warning looks from the professor who had been explaining how to use the quadratic formula to determine the max possible revenue. 

"Ooh, you've got the Welton spirit already, new girl!" his voice hushed to a whisper "I'm Evan Johnstone." (y/n) couldn't imagine a douchier name than 'Evan', and she'd met plenty of douches. 

"I suppose I do," she sighed, turning around in her seat to continue her work, instead of wasting her time taking to Evan. She rolls her eyes when he taps her shoulder again. 

"Can I help you, twat?" She snaps, annoyed. Evan chuckles before raising his hands in a mock surrender. 

"I was just going to ask if you understood any of this, and if you wouldn't mind help me, uh," he coughed "study... later?" (y/n)scoffed

"Sorry doll, but I'm going off-campus tonight to attend a dinner. Looks like you'll have to get someone else." She smiled once before turning around again. 

"Bitch," she heard Evan mutter, but she didn't mind very much. There were very few people who she thought mattered enough to her for her to actually care about their opinions of her. Her mentality was 'those who mind, don't matter. And those who don't mind, matter'. 

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Finally, the bell rang - signaling the end of their morning and beginning of their hour lunch break - a bell which brought (y/n) great joy to finally be rid of Evan. It's not that he was creepy, just sort of... insistent on hanging out with her. To some extent, (y/n) could understand why he acted the way he did; Welton hadn't any girls before her, ever.

The ceaseless overlapping chatter amongst the boys within the halls kept (y/n) company as she maneuvered her way through crowds of blazer-clad, oxford-wearing boys, heading towards her dorm room to fetch her afternoon subject books. 

She had just reached her dorm room, when a familiar voice greeted her - Knox. "Hey, (y/n), wait up!" he called, jogging down the hall, spinning around boys with grace to avoid a collision. 

"Oh, Knox!" she smiled brightly, happy that they were unofficial friends. The few weeks she spent here alone with not many young people to talk to were very dull indeed. The dark-haired boy finally made his way to stand close to her, whispering.

"Word on the street is, (y/n) is quite a popular lady with the occupants of Hellton." he says slyly, not waiting for her to invite him into her dorm before pushing past her to walk in. (y/n) scoffed lightly, in an amused manner. 

"Please," she begins, spreading her arm out to present her dwellings "make yourself at home, Knoxie dearest." Knox laughs and picks up a book from her desk. 

"Hemmingway, hm?" he questions, holding up her dog-eared copy of The Old Man and The Sea. (y/n) nods.

"I think he's brilliant, don't you? I mean, the alliteration and subtle poetry and, wow, the imagery." she rambles while the boy looks on, amused. Suddenly, (y/n) stops. 

"Sorry," she says quietly and dumps out her leather satchel of it's books and assorted notebooks. Knox frowns

"For what?" he asks, completely oblivious as always. (y/n) laughs, still loading her satchel chock full of textbooks and her school things.

"Oh, I dunno," she says awkwardly "you didn't seem too interested in the novel and I was being, like, a total bore." Knox shakes his head.

"No, no, I just haven't read that novel yet. Maybe I could-" (y/n) interrupts him by thrusting her annotated copy into his unexpecting hands.

"Borrow mine? Of course! Don't even ask next time." With a wink, (y/n) leads the way out of the room and back into the hallway. Knox follows suit, staring intently at the book in his hands. As Neil tends to do, he simply materialized out of thin air in all of his chaotic glory, beaming smartly at the girl.

"Ah," he says, putting his arm around her shoulder "if it isn't the math whiz. So, how'd it go, hm?" he questioned. His behavior seemed a lot like what (y/n) had imagined having an elder brother was like. She enjoyed his company, quite a lot actually. 

"Eh, it was alright. There's this one guy there whose a total git though." she looks pensively at Neil's face, which had a blatant frown on it

"He wasn't... bothering you, was he?" (y/n) shrugged as the trio remained huddled together in the hall.

"Not really, however he kept asking me to help him 'study'," she emphasized with air quotes "so, I made up a lie saying I had to go to dinner tonight in town - I'm pretty sure he bought it." The two boys nodded, and (y/n) suddenly became aware of their height over her.

"Well, if he tries anything," Knox says "let us know, okay?" (y/n) nods, grateful to have such caring friends after such a short time.

"Oi, Brit!" Charlie's voice rings through the halls, complete with a very terrible impression of (y/n)'s accent. The girl smiles and shakes her head.

"Ah, Charles, perfect timing!" she slings her satchel over his shoulder playfully "I need someone to carry my books to the dining hall." Charlie bows, mockingly.

"Anything for the lady." 

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

a/n: trying to keep their relationships friendly and stuff because they've only known each other like two days, but I want to include some fluff between the group and (y/n) from time to time! Thoughts?

- chloe

poeta nascitur, non fit ~ steven meeks x fem!readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن