the spark~

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song of the chapter: vienna by billy joel

(y/n)'s pov...

The rest of the day passed quickly, thankfully. (y/n), after the study group of the night prior, had went to her room and completed what remained of her studies by candlelight - for how else should one study at night by oneself? She enjoyed every minute, even though the content was not as invigorating nor as interesting as she'd hoped. Yet another positive aspect of her being the only girl was that no one, not even faculty, might check on her in the middle of the night. So, she worked quietly and in peace as she heard doors opening and closing as the stricter teacher (aka Dr Hager!) roamed about the halls of Welton, looking for someone to torment. 

The next thing she knew, the boys were leaving the locker room after physical education as (y/n) waited patiently outside the door for them to be finished pampering themselves, following the "extensive" physical exertion they endured - according to Cameron. Charlie was the first out, and before (y/n) could even comprehend what was happening, he had kissed her cheek and taken her arm in his own. 

"Ah," he sighed "(y/n), darling. So lovely of you to wait for us!" The girl smiled sarcastically at her goofy entourage of escorts. 

"It's about time the lot of you came out of there!" she exclaimed as the group began walking to dinner in the dining hall. "I don't even want to know what a dozen teenage boys can do for so long in a bathroom together." One by one, each of the boys dressed in the finely-tailored Welton uniforms went red in the face. (y/n) couldn't determine if the reason behind this was suppressed laughter or perhaps, embarrassment. 

"Yeah, yeah," Neil shakes his head, glancing at Todd quickly before clearing his throat "I'm starved, let's get something to eat, fellas!" They cheered in unison.

"God, I hope there's bread." Pitts pleads, looking up at the ceiling

"C'mon, you big oaf," Knox pipes up whilst grabbing his tall friend's shoulder "of course there'll be bread." And on that lovely note of carbohydrates, (y/n) smiled around each of her friends, feeling more welcomed than she ever had, even at Chester with Mr. Keating.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

3rd person pov...

Students and faculty, as had been tradition for an entire century, gathered together in the dining hall for the last meal of the day. As per usual, grace was spoken by none other than Mr. Nolan, thanking the Lord for the meal they were to receive. Towards the back of her mind, young (y/n) thought it might be better to thank the cooks as well as the Lord, out of respect. 

"Amen" echoed throughout the hall, followed by the scraping of chairs. The students sat down to eat, jostling each other around and trying to enjoy a peaceful meal, almost celebrating their survival of another day at Hell-ton.

Mr. John Keating, dressed in his usual deep green corduroy jacket, sat next to Mr. McAllister, who promptly began criticizing the man's lesson that day, rumors of which were ruminating in the halls. 

"Quite an interesting class you gave today, Keating." he comments passive-aggressively, reaching for the beans. 

"Sorry if I shocked you. Mr. McAllister." Keating says, although not meaning one word

poeta nascitur, non fit ~ steven meeks x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now