Chapter 4

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'OMG look at that man. Tall, tan skin, brown hair, AND green eyes,' Keelie messages me.

'But more importantly WTH is up with Thomas?' she continues.

I take a deep breath and type back to her.

'It's not about Thomas it's about Pierson. He said I'm his mate and have to go with him after class LOL'


"I need everyone's eyes up here," I faintly hear. "I mean EVERYONE," Pierson demands.

I stop typing back to Keels and look up to meet Pierson's eyes.

"I need everyone to put their laptops away. You won't need them during this lecture," he demands.

I glance over at Keelie who is already shutting hers. I roll my eyes and type '911' to both my parents. I then shut my laptop, but keep it out on my desk just to piss off Pierson.

"As I was saying, you all should have completed the introduction assignment. We will start with the front row and work our way back," Pierson went on.

"State your name and your answer to the following statements:

"Werewolves have benefited our society,

"I would be open to a mate,

"I am excited to learn from pack members."

Most of the answers were the following combinations: True, True, True or True False True.

Keelie stands to recite her answers.

"I'm Keelie Ryans and my answers are true, true, and true," she states and sits back down.

I sigh and look at what I have written on my paper; blend in Kaydence.

I stand and look at Pierson's face. His anticipation lights a fire in me and I hate it.

"Kaydence Evans," I start say.

"All false," I blurt and then sit back down. There is stunned silence around the room. Eyes fall from me and turn to Pierson who is composing himself.

"Everyone has a right to their opinion," he recovers while shifting his gaze to Noah.

"Noah Howard and ditto to Kaydence," he smiles and sits back down.

I turn to look at him while silently laughing.

"Leave," Pierson demands.

"Excuse me?" Noah remarks.

"You obviously are not taking this assignment or class seriously so get out," he demands at Noah.

"Come on Kayde," Noah replies while standing up.

"Kaydence stays. She stated her viewpoint. You however made a joke of it. You're the one that is being asked to leave," Pierson clarifies.

"Who do you think you are? These classes are mandatory to graduate. Everyone needs a good grade and is giving bullshit answers in order to pass," Noah responds.

Pierson starts to make his way up the stairs of the lecture hall towards us.

"I will not ask again," he replies when he makes it to our row.

Noah was about to explode; the way Pierson is remaining calm is scarier than Noah's explosive outburst.

"Mutation," Noah spat while pushing past him and heading the rest of the way up the stairs and out the door.

My heart pulled towards Pierson. Mutation was a derogatory term used towards the werewolves. My dad coined the term in his book. There was a chapter called "Mutated Monsters." I pushed away my sympathy for Pierson and kept my eyes towards the front of the room as he made his way back to the podium. After all he is a mutation. Werewolves are not natural and I won't be a mate to one.

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