4.7 Midnight Visitation

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WARNING: Non-con

"Why would someone steal your bag?" Cassius said as he pondered the countless possibilities on the way back to my dorm block. "Did someone perhaps mistake your bag for theirs?"

I highly doubt that. If my suspicions are correct, this is the doing of a stalker. It was only a matter of time before I'd attract another yandere to me.

I just hope it's not Bennett. Even though this feels like the exact type of thing he would do to toy with me...

Once we reached my door, I gave a quick knock as I waited for Ophelia to answer. Shortly, she opened it with a tired expression.

"Vana, I didn't expect to see you so soon." Her eyes slowly trailed down towards my empty hands. "Where's your key?"

Nervously scratching the back of my neck, I put on a forced smile. "Ha, it's a funny story, actually..." as I made my way inside the room, Cassius followed close behind as he gave Ophelia a cheerful smile. "My schoolbag got stolen."

Rather than act surprised, Ophelia's lethargic demeanour remained unchanged. "Is that so? Maybe try lost and found?"

"That's a good idea!" Cassius perked up as he turned to face me hopefully. "Let's go try!"

I shook my head doubtfully as I went to push Cassius out of the room. "Thanks, but I'm tired. So, I'll try tomorrow."

Once Cassius was standing in the corridor, confused, I quickly seized the door handle. "Anyway, I'm going to hit the hay. See you tomorrow."

As I slammed the door shut, I defeatedly slid down the door towards the floor. The current situation isn't ideal but at least I have Ophelia. So, I don't have to worry about anyone–

"Here, use my key to lock the door," Ophelia said as she threw on a long coat and backpack.

"W-Where are you going?" I inquired fearfully as I scrambled to my feet.

Ophelia whipped her long curly hair behind her back as she lazily yawned. "Viola and I still have a lot of work to do for our project. So, we've made plans to get dinner together and do some more work on it."

As Ophelia carelessly pushed past me, she paused before turning around one last time. "You don't have to wait up for me. I'll probably crash in her room for the night."

And just like that, Ophelia was gone. As I collapsed onto my bed, I hugged my pillow for comfort. Goddammit, I was really counting on her keeping my company tonight!

Surprisingly, I didn't have to worry too much about falling asleep. After locking the door, I could already feel myself starting to drift off. So, as I lay there in bed, I contently surrendered myself to sleep.

It wasn't until a slippery sensation slipped into my mouth that I was abruptly awoken from my slumber.

"NNGH?" I grumbled before my eyes shot wide open in alarm.

To my utter shock, I was being straddled by Cassius who had quite literally left me gasping for air with his forceful kissing.

With the adrenaline finally kicking in, I shoved him away. As he looked down at me with a giddy gaze, his face softened. "Whoops! I didn't mean to wake you."

ACK! It's worse knowing that he intended to make out with me secretly in my sleep! Nngh, how did he even get in here anyway?

"What the hell are you doing, Cassius?" I asked angrily as I furrowed my brows.

Cassius' face was now blushing profusely as he leaned in closer with a toothy grin. "I thought I'd keep watch in case someone broke into your room."

Ha! What a joke! He says that as if he didn't just break into my room!!!

Seductively, Cassius trailed a hand from my neck down to my collarbone as he licked his lips. "But I got lonely, and I couldn't help myself from picking the lock."

With catlike eyes, Cassius moved in closer as our noses were now practically touching. "Your sleeping face was just too cute to resist!" Cassius seized my lips once more as he pulled me in for another deep kiss.

I tried my best to pry him off of me, but Cassius refused to cooperate. Instead, he deepened the kiss as he locked me into place by clutching my head tightly. I then proceeded to gasp for air once more as his tongue invaded every corner of my mouth.

With no other choice, I mustered what little strength I had to roll off the bed with Cassius. As I fell on top of him, my head collided violently with Cassius' chest as he released a soft chuckle.

"I didn't think you wanted to take the initiative, but that's fine with me." Cassius seized both of my wrists as he gave me a teasing smile. "You can do whatever you want to me. This body belongs to you–"

Uh, hard pass! Sure, sex may be an effective way to rack up a lot of points. But, if possible, I'd like to only do it with someone I wholeheartedly love.

"Sorry, but we're only a pretend couple. So, I'm not really game for taking this to the next level." I said in a tone full of annoyance as I tried to pull Cassius off of the floor.

He frowned as he reluctantly got up to his feet. "Don't you feel anything towards me?" Cassius asked in disappointment. He quickly nuzzled his face into my neck sadly. "You're always on my mind. I'm always thinking of doing all kinds of lewd things to you."

Oh boy, I REALLY didn't need to know that! Shaking my head, I pushed Cassius towards the bathroom. "No, you're done. Go cool off in the bathroom or something!"

Begrudgingly, Cassius complied as he dragged his feet into the bathroom. When I heard the sound of the shower running, I finally allowed myself to drop my guard as I sat on my bed.

That was close. Things could've gotten more dangerous had he refused to listen. But just as I thought I was in the clear, the sound of a key slowly turning in the door could be heard.

Huh? That can't be Ophelia since I have her key. Which means... it's the stalker!

"C-CASSIUS!" I shouted in terror.

The key stopped turning. Everything went quiet, apart from the shower that was still running in the background. Goddammit, Cassius, you're useless when it really counts!

But just as I was about to knock on the bathroom door, a letter was silently pushed underneath the door. Hesitantly, I pulled it towards me with my foot. Peering down at the pink letter, my heart suddenly sank as I read its contents.

This... is a love confession. What's more, it even specified a time and meeting place. This stalker... really wants to meet with me?

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