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(I don't know Italian and I use Google translate to put it in my story, i apologies if it's wrong, don't be scared to correct me in the comments!)

At the age of five, on a dark winter evening, the youngest child of the knightly family was taken from her bed in their holiday cabin, situated in a small village just off the Alps during what was supposed to be a relaxing family vacation.  
Four brothers lost their only sister and two parents lost their only daughter.

In a state of despair the knightly's turned to their sworn enemies, Alessia and Charles king the Don and Donna of the American mafia, for help. They willingly offered their assistance in return for one simple deal. If the lost daughter were ever to be found Greyson king, the heir to the mafia would have her hand in marriage when they both turned eighteen, to salvage an alliance and end the pointless bickering between them and the knightly family. Desperate to find indigo, their daughter,Sofia and Vincenzo knightly the Don and Donna of the Italian mafia did not hesitate to sign away the missing daughter to the king's boy and immediately began their seven year hunt for their princess.

Exactly seven years to the day that indigo went missing Charles and Vincenzo lead a team of highly skilled men into a ramshackle wear house in the middle of Germany and found the twelve year old mafia princess chained to a concrete wall by her skinny wrists, unconscious and bleeding. Relieved to have found his baby girl Vincenzo ran up to the fragile child and shot off her chains with his gun, scooping her up in his arms he ordered his men to find everyone in the run down building and kill them until they found the boss.

Vincenzo took a small, second away from the chaos of the fighting between his men and the men who worked for the man that stole indigo, to run his calloused hand over his daughters bruised cheek. A salty tear that he soon realized belonged to him, dropped onto her face and ran down her neck and onto her battered t shirt, leaving behind a wet trail of unsheathed pain and longing that he had held in for the years he had missed of her precious life. Charles's saw this and patted Vincenzo on the shoulder telling him to leave and get on his jet home, back to his family so that they could be reunited with indigo after seven years.

Indigo woke up in a state of confusion in arms that were not rough and unkind but gentle and loving instead, she opened her green eyes to be met with identical coloured irises that she knew belonged to her father. Although she was young when she was taken, her violent kidnapping had not led her to forget her family and the wonderful life she had been living before her abduction, in fact it only made her treasure her memories more as she clung onto hope that they would one day find her.

"Papà" the small girl whispered, reaching up to touch her fathers face, committing it to memory in case she was taken again.
Vincenzo smiled hard at the fact that she remembered him after all those years and tucked her tangled brown hair behind her ear, in a quiet but sure voice he looked her in the eyes and gently spoke to her "papà è qui ora piccola, nessuno ti farà più del male, sei al sicuro"
(Daddy's here now baby, no one will ever hurt you again, you're safe)

Indigo fell into the first peaceful sleep she had gotten since her kidnapping and let herself relax in her fathers tight hold, Vincenzo smiled softly at his daughter and picked up his phone to call his family who were waiting at home for news of the mission.

Sofia knightly who had been sat by the Phone for hours could not answer it quicker, holding the hand of alessia king, the two families had become very close since the arrangement was made and a surprising friendship had bloomed, the two ladies inparticularly had become the best of friends.

"Is she with you? Do you have the bastardo that took her? Can I help? Are you ok?" Sofia rushed out question after question hoping with her whole being that she would have her indigo back.

"Si amore mio, she's in my arms as we speak" Vincenzo said quickly grinning at his wife's concern, however that grin quickly became a grimace as he had to pull the iPhone away from his ear as Sofia squealed in delight down the phone.
(Yes my love)

"ragazzi venite quaggiù, vostra sorella è stata trovata" Vincenzo heard his wife yell to there four sons through the phone.
(Boys get down here, your sister has been found)

The stomping and stumbling of Matteo, Elliot, Oakley and Lorenzo knightly could be heard from space as they clambered down the stairs ,falling over each other in the process to get to their mother.

"Good luck controlling the boys Tesoro I'll see you soon, Ti amo" Vincenzo said to his wife

"See you soon vince, Ti amo" Sofia replied and hung up

Elliot and Matteo came down first Matteo was six minutes older than his twin and he made sure that Elliot was very aware of this , they were 14 at the time of indigos return, then tripping through the door came the second oldest Oakley who was 15 and lastly Lorenzo who was 16  nearly 17.

"Ill leave you all to it,Charles  and I would like to meet the little one we've been searching for all these years with you and of course our future daughter in law, give us a call when you're ready, lots of love " alessia said as she strutted elegantly out of the knightly mansion beaming at the thought of her friends family being complete again.

Sofia shook her head at alessia with a grin and turned around to her sons who straightened at the sight of their mother watching them.

"Are you ready to meet your sorella again my darlings" Sofia said softly, admiring her children.

"We've never been more ready for anything in our lives mamà"  Lorenzo said as his brothers all nodded their heads, agreeing with him for once.

A few hours later the sound of Vincenzo's Ferrari neared the house and the boys and Sofia all stood up and went out to the front door to see the little girl they had been waiting for.

Out stepped Vincenzo with a wide awake indigo in his arms, he set her on the ground and observed her steps as she slowly walked towards her brothers and mamà. She widened her arms and was immediately greeted by five sets of arms around her small frame. Indigo smiled wide she was finally home.


Well I hope that wasn't too shocking guys

I tried to introduce most of the main characters without boring you. Im sorry but Alessia and Sofia are fucking MILFS. Anyway don't be a silent reader amd I hope you enjoyed the first chapter

Until death Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ