Chapter 60: Greyson

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The gunshot rings out and indigo lets out a strangled sob that cracks my heart but why doesn't she just open her eyes?

Vladimir's body falls to the floor and I smirk in victory. Motherfucker really thought he was winning huh?

"Nice shot mav" I say through the earpiece to my snipper which is mav. There's a very clean shot to the middle of Vladimir's head and mav chuckles through the earpiece when he sees from wherever he's hiding the absolutely deadly glare I'm being sent by none other than indigo.

She begins to curse and shout at me in Italian and she pushes me to the floor and straddles me with her knife to my throat.

"You fucking idiot! I thought you were dead!I thought you were gone and I wasn't going to see you again. I-I thought..." she stops when I pull her into my arms and sit up as her shock and adrenaline runs out and she collapses into me and sobs quietly.

"I know baby, I'm sorry" I apologize and stand up with her in my arms. She wraps her legs around me as I walk out the door of Vladimir's house with Elliot, Matt, my dad and Vince with Enzo and Hunter who have all come around from the small dosage that must have been in the drugs they were shot with.

Vladimir couldn't even be bothered to give them a decent dosage, was he that confident?

"Oaks got us out of that fucking room" vince grumbles and Matt looks to me in confusion as indigo gets down from my arms and stomps off.

"Indigo?" I say and she turns around crossly and points my gun at me.

"I wasn't fucking crying you idiot I was taking your gun so I could do this" my eyes widen as she pulls the trigger on the gun and aims at my arm. My eyes widen even more when the pain from the bullet that's now in me hits my arm and blood pours out.

"Indigo what the fuck!" I shout and she smiles and walks over to me.

"That's what you get when you pull that shit on me. don't ever fucking do it again" it might be because of my lack of blood or maybe just maybe it's because she's slightly intimidating but for whatever reason I nod my head and she lays her hand on my uninjured shoulder.

"I'm so confused" Matt mutters and Elliot nods and agrees with him.

"You're always confused" indigo retorts puts her hand over my wound To stop the blood.

"I'm fine by the way" a voice chimes in through the earpiece and we all sigh.

"Sorry Oakley. How are you considering you've been sat at home in a safe place while we've been out here nearly dying" vince asks and Oakley lets out a stressed sigh.

"Well...." Here we fucking go.

"I spilt my coffee on myself and it was hot and then I was like oh my god because I have to make sure you guys are ok but then I thought you'd be fine so I went up to shower but Sophie came in and told me off for not looking after you so now I'm say here burned and covered in coffee, I hope you're all happy because I'm not" he finishes and we all walk to the cars out side the house.

"I've been shot" I say through the earpiece and oaks once again let's out a sigh.

"Literally who asked Greyson, stop trying to steal the lime light" he whines and I lift my arms up in frustration but flinch when my shoulder gets a sharp jab of pain.

"Stop moving" indigo says as we drive off and i poke the inside of my cheek with my tongue.

"Can I just remind you that you're the one who shot me in the first place indigo" i point out and she mumbles a whatever and pushes harder onto my wound.

"Umm hello I've been seriously burnt" fucking Oakley. I swear to god.


I'm sat shirtless on the sofa with soph on my lap. She's explaining to me about a little bitch at her school called Scarlett that keeps calling soap names.

"Sounds like a real little shit"

"Yeah uncle grey" she complies while fist bumping me and nods her little head making me smile.

"I can get rid of her for you" I suggest just as Amelia walks in the room and grabs soph from my lap.

"I leave her with you for 2 minutes greyson" she stresses and indigo walks through and scowls at soph who laughs and indigo cracks a smile.

"How are you feeling?" She asks and sits next to me and snuggles into my side.

"Sore but I'm fine" I say and she flicks my bandage that's covering the hole she caused.

"What was that for?" I ask and she shrugs and looks back to her phone. I concentrate on some emails and she nudges me and angles her phone so I can see the video that's playing, I shudder and shake my head.

"Absolutely not"


I stand by the counter in between her legs as she applies some sticky shit to my face.

"What the fuck is this?" I ask and she laughs and puts some on my nose.

"It's a face mask" she explains and I grimace. I'm a mafia boss not a skincare guru.

"I don't like it" I say and she shrugs.

"Tough shit" is all she replies with and I roll my eyes.

"Why are we doing this again?" I question and she smiles and pushes the headband that's got fucking ears on it further up my head to keep my hair out the way.

"Because cute couples do it like the one in the video and we're a cute couple" she tells me and I look to her in disbelief.

"You shot me"

"You pretended to die" I stay quiet as she finishes putting the face mask on and when she finishes she puts it on herself as well.

I kiss her softly when she applies the last part to her forehead and she smiles and puts a hand on my shoulder that she didn't shoot to steady herself as she jumps of the counter.

"I love you" I say and she turns to look at me with a massive smile on her fucking gorgeous face.

"I love you too" a warm unfamiliar feeling travels through my chest as I realize I've found the girl I get to spend the rest of my life with and love at the same time.

I'm one lucky fucker.


First of all I'm so sorry I haven't updated in ages. It's back to updating everyday now even though it's nearly finished 😢. Don't worry there will 100% be sequels and follow up books though my loves!

Thankyou so much for 700k reads love you all!

Happy reading!

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