Chapter 7

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*~* M O O N *~*

The next day flew past and soon enough, we were all walking out of last period. Kayla and Aimee were going out to some place with a few other friends. I had been invited but said no. I had other things on my mind.

My eyes darted in search for him. He had been throwing me heated glances all day and the anticipation had built up. I was slightly disappointed to find he was nowhere to be seen.

"Bye guys, I'm heading home." I left and headed for my car.

As I rounded it, I paused to find Travis there.

"What are you doing here?"

He simply grinned as he strode over and pulled me to his chest. His lips were over mine before I had time to protest. His tongue moved, stealing a quick taste before he pulled back.

I groaned, "Don't be like that." Before I pulled him for a longer kiss which still he broke away from.

"We're in public. Does that not bother you?"

I jumped back, "Oh shit yeah." My eyes surveyed around but nobody was looking our way. Still, it didn't mean nobody in the cars.

"Did I ever give you my number?"

I turned to him in disbelief, "You cannot be serious right now."

"Oh yeah," He laughed as he recalled writing it on my thigh, "Did you end up saving it?"

I looked away, embarrassed by how I had it memorized. "Sort of."

"I'm taking that as a yes." He pulled out his phone. "Add your number."

I looked around again, conscious that someone may have seen us before taking his phone. I quickly dialed in my number and shoved it back at him. "People will see us together."

"Well I'll make it quick. I'm about to go do something so I'll text you later."

I nodded quickly, hiding my disappointment, "So I'll see you right?" I tried to keep the hope out of my voice.

He caught it anyway as he grinned, "Yeah see you."

I was overly disappointed as he walked away, turning to give me another grin. I sighed as I slipped into my car.

That did not go as expected.


I scrolled through Instagram not really paying attention to any of the meaningless posts. I started regretting passing up the invitation to go out, even if Kayla was a bitch.
I was just about to drag myself to go make something to eat when a text popped up:

You home?

I shot upright, my stomach doing a somersault at his text. I didn't hesitate to shoot back:

Yeah. come over.

There was an excrutiatingly long pause.

How hasty of you
Send me your address and we'll watch a movie

I giggled stupidly like a pre-school girl with a crush but sent it quickly. I knew we were going to do more than watch a movie.

On my way

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