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Z- *Ollie doesn't rest for long after everyone was settled, heading back on his path towards the river, and continuing to do so throughout the night. Ships were... odd. They didn't seem to abide by sleep schedules the same way that other creatures did.*

C- Once Ollie started off again, the journey was mostly uneventful and didn't meet any interruptions for some time.

Once they were nearing the sea, however, he would be confronted by a large amount of tanks and armaments was waiting for him. It seems that whatever orcs were left alive from his initial breakthrough had tracked his course this far. With a 900 foot long monster, it wasn't exactly easy to miss.

The tanks were all aimed in the ship's direction, positioned along the edge of the sea. A collection of orcs stood behind their weapons, many of them appearing afraid.

Z- *Ollie stares down the orcs at the opening to the water, but doesn't change course, a glare making it clear that he didn't plan on stopping, and instead begins speeding up. He does speak up about the sighting, warning his passengers.*

"Looks like they're attempting to cut us off before the ocean. Got a number of tanks along the river. Gonna make a break for it. Hold on."

C- There was a shout in orcish which might have been a battle cry, then the canons all began to fire at Ollie. Three figures ran from the sides to flank the massive beast. They appeared human, unlike the others, though they didn't seem to carry weapons.

Z- *Ollie snarls, diving a bit lower in the water, so only his funnels were above the water so he could breathe. He turned towards shore, lunging like a massive gator at one of the tanks, chucking it at the humans, before using his tail to flip a few of the machines and attempting to slip into the river again*

C- The tank hurled at the humans was halted in its course mid-air. The three held out their hands to it, then one made a swiping motion and it was hurled back towards the sea. It seemed they had some wizards on their hands...

The tail swipe managed to wipe out a good number of the machines, sending the orcs into a flurry to try to scatter away from the damage.

One of the wizards rose into the air above the water, holding out their hand at Ollie and tried to draw off of his energy. There was a draining sensation from this, though for such a massive creature, it would take a lot more than that to do any real damage.

Z- *Ollie growls, raising his tail above the water, and attempting to fling them away while still maintaining course.*

C- The action flung water in the wizard's eyes, and they cursed in their native tongue in annoyance, seeming to withdraw a bit to try to get out of the range of the tail. Another Shidetan took the side next to the shore, while the third rose into the air to pursue the front of the creature. The water ahead seemed to harden into ice, though the action wasn't quite quick enough while splitting their energy between catching up with the massive aquatic creature, and using their powers.

Z- *Ollie continues speeding up, though it takes time for him to reach top speed. He likely intended to just ram the forming ice, anyone in his path be damned.*

*Something else was approaching from the air, behind the orc's lines. The creature was relatively small, no more than thirty feet in length, but fast as hell, a black blur moving at over 300 miles an hour, before loosing a burst of flames along the Orc lines on one side of the river, before climbing, tilting its wings to loop, preparing for another pass.*

C- The orcs screamed in terror, scattering and attempting to take cover from the flames. Two of the wizards turned, seeming to have their attention drawn by their new attacker. Even while airborne, they couldn't keep up with the speed of the invader. Pieces of metal and rubble from the wrecked tanks were drawn into the air by their powers, joining together to create a barricade in hopes of protecting the orcs. While one wizard did this, another went to try to put out some of the fire wreaking havoc on the orcs. A good number of them had already been burnt to crisp.

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