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Z- *Things went relatively smoothly for the next 8 hours, before Ollie finally came to a stop a short distance offshore, which was likely still enough to awaken anyone who was sleeping, if Ollie's declaration didn't.*

"We're offshore of the first stop now, so whoever's going, make it quick."

C- Arivil woke up fairly refreshed and headed over to the main area to meet up with the others that would be leaving. Khotol had already found her way down there, not seeming... very enthused about all of this.

Z- *Reiji was already ready, in his larger form, and suited up. He likely hadn't described for the orc what this would entail, likely because it would make it harder. He looks over at Arivil as they head in, not saying anything.*

*Richthofen was up this time, likely hinting that night had fallen, and he was currently smoking with Ives. They likely saw what had been going on, and were updated already, as they were pretty much just doing their own thing.*

C- "Alright, everyone ready?" Arivil piped up. Khotol shrugged, crossing her arms. "Ready as I'll ever be."

Z- *Reiji nods, then turns to Khotol. Without any warning, he opens his jaws, grabbing onto the orc as gently as possible, before gulping her down unceremoniously into a smaller "passenger" area, that didn't seem to be built for someone over 6 feet. The walls appeared fleshy, unlike the area in the much larger ship, but there was little fluid in it. An eerie red light illuminated the area, seeming to be produced from a single point on the "floor".*

*He then turns to Arivil as Ollie opens his jaws, not sure how they plan on handling this, not knowing they can shift.*

C- Khotol yelped in surprise at this sudden turn, pushing out against the walls. "What the hell?!"

Arivil stared back in horror. "...That's... safe?"

Z- "Of course it's safe. You're standing inside of a ship. Same thing, smaller scale, slightly less comfortable, because I'm not a passenger plane, I'm a fighter." *He says this simply, like it was a normal function.* "Speaking of, the controls are overridden, so if you accidentally tap in trying to be comfortable or something it won't send us into a mountain or something... eugh. But please get comfortable as soon as you can... you're quite... larger than my last pilot." *The last bit sounded relatively uncomfortable, like he somehow overstuffed himself doing this. Maybe it would have been better to throw her in a fuel tank... but that would just restrict his range, and likely make this worse for the orc.*

C- "Erg... okay, okay." Khotol squirmed slightly to get more comfortable. Being taller than the average human, it was a pretty tight fit for her.

Arivil nodded. "Ohh, makes sense. Like that anime..."

Z- *Reiji squints at Arivil, not aggressively, but like they were speaking in tongues, before walking to the opening, and taking to the air. He assumed that Arivil would do what they had to, and he begins to circle the large vessel as he waits, seeming to vanish into the dark as he does.*

C- Arivil stood at the edge of the jaws and took off their hood, shifting into their draconic form and took to the air, beginning to catch up with Reiji. They chirped, motioning for him to follow, and began to fly inland while keeping out for anything on the ground.

Z- *Reiji follows along with them, keeping his speed relatively low to keep up with Arivil. He didn't seem to flap much at all, the style not unlike a massive albatross, the engine built into to his snout enough to keep him aloft.*

*They would keep course for a while, before there was what appeared to have been a skirmish, a large wrecked vehicle with a multitude of bodies around it. The tank appeared... off... not like anything either forces currently fielded, with dirty tan and yellow camo hinting it had been intended to be fielded in the desert.*

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