She's Back

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Sophia's POV

To my surprise I hear my wolf, 

“Hey! Im back” I feel her wink mentally 

“Ginger” I squeal 

“I missed you” She say sadly

“I missed you too, Where did you go off to” I ask her.

“Uh, I'm not entirely sure, I did meet the moon goddess though. I'm sleepy so I'm going to bed goodnight. We will talk tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know I was back.” I feel her retreat to the back of my mind. 

Who the fuck Is the moon goddess. I hear Raya saying “Goddess” a lot. Maybe she knows.  I have never heard of her. I shrug and try to go back to sleep. 

I am awoken in the morning by Raya jumping on the bed. I groan at her. 

“Wake up sleepy head” She yells. “Were going on a run, In our human forms of course” 

I look over at the clock and groan even more. It's 8:30 am.

“Come on, come on, come on” She starts poking me. I sit up and stretch, rolling my eyes at her. 

“Fine, But breakfast first” I tell her sternly 

“Of course, There are waffles downstairs” She jumps with glee 

I get up and go into the bathroom changing  into shorts and a short sleeved shirt. I stare at myself in the mirror and remember what Raya said. It makes me look badass. 

“Sure does, You badass bitch” Ginger says. 

I jumped, forgetting she was there. I ignore her and shake my head giggling and come out of the bathroom to find Raya in similar style of clothes. 

“Don't worry about running into Xander, He's off doing Alpha king things” She shrugs. I nod still not ready to see him. I'm still hurt by it. 

“Let's go silly” She drags me down the stairs by my hand and we go into the kitchen. There's waffles with chocolate syrup and strawberries waiting for us. I smile and sit down, Raya takes a seat next to me and digs in. I also dig into my food moaning at how good it tastes. Brittney walks into the kitchen and scoffs then walks right out. I looked over at Raya who was giving her the side eye. We both giggle. 

After we are done eating, Raya takes me to a trail not too far from the house.  Me and her start jogging on it. We talk about our favorite foods, What we do in our free time and so much more. I really get along with her and feel like she is family. We reach the end of the trail and we stop for a breather. We both sit up against a tree giggling with each other. I look over at Raya. 

“Hey, Uh what is a Moon goddess” I ask

She gasps loudly. She gasped so loud nearby birds flew away. 

“You should know who she is,” She scolds. 

“I was never taught as a child” I sigh

“The moon goddess, Selene, Created werewolves. She is the one who puts mates together. She controls everything. She is our god, Our creator.” She says smiling at me. 

“Wow” I smile amazed by this information. 

Raya and I get up and head back to the house. We got up to her room without any issues. 

“Raya, What is love” I look at her

She gasps again

“Oh my gosh! Love is like how you feel for Xander” She says winking. 

“Really? I've never really experienced love so I'm not sure, How do you know?” I ask

“The way you look at him, Like he is your everything. You care deeply for him. I've seen you get jealous and I currently see you heartbroken. You love him. Just trust your gut” She smiles softly. 

“Okay” I whisper. 

“I'll be back, I have to go to training, you can hang out here” She points to her bed. 

“Okay, Thank you Raya” I smile at her. 

Once she leaves the room I sit on the bed. 

“Ginger, Are you there?” I ask hoping to get a response. 

“Of course dumbass, I'm not leaving you again” 

Oh great, We have miss smartass back. 

“What did the moon goddess want from you?” I lean back on the bed waiting for her response.

“She just wanted to tell me that she knows we have been hurt in the past but everything is going to get better. We are her Special child as she put it. There are things about us that we don't even know yet, But we must figure out ourselves. When I left, I was in a state of shock over finding a mate. But now I'm back and I'm so excited to see what's going to happen.” She says, giving me a toothy grin. 

“I'm ready to move forward,” I tell her. 

She doesn't respond so I just shrug. I'll have to find Xander tonight and figure out what happened with him and Brittney and if things were how they seemed.

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