Untitled Part 28

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 When Dabao continued to go to kindergarten, the new house also began to be decorated.

Because Gu Shen's company has undertaken some house decoration projects, Li Yulan does not need to worry too much about the new house decoration.

She just occasionally went over to communicate with the workers about the style they wanted, and to see the effect of the decoration.

As a result, Li Yulan found that she was suddenly idle.

In the past, because Dabao was by her side, she didn't feel that, but now Dabao is also in kindergarten. When Li Yulan was alone at home most of the day, she suddenly felt that she had nothing to do.

Maybe she was born with a restless temperament, so Li Yulan wanted to find something to do, so the idea of ​​being a tailor came to her mind again.

She originally planned to wait for the child to be born and then plan slowly, but now she is idle and idle, so it is better to prepare now.

After making a decision in her heart, Li Yulan went out.

Li Yulan wanted to be a tailor, in fact, there is a reason.

One is that she likes to make clothes herself, and the other is that tailors are really popular in this era.

Since the reform and opening up, countless foreign ideological trends have poured in, causing the Chinese people to scrutinize and doubt their monotonous dress, and the love of beauty that has been suppressed for decades is released in the dress.

Stars in various foreign and Hong Kong and Taiwan films dress up and become fashionable benchmarks.

In this context, suits, flared pants, bat shirts, and denim have become popular fashionable outfits.

It's just that the domestic ready-made clothes are expensive, few and monotonous at the moment, which can't meet everyone's needs at all, so the tailor shop has become an extremely popular place.

The streets and alleys of S City are full of various tailor shops, and the business is good.

If you can do those fashionable items, the business will be better.

Li Yulan saw a tailor shop with excellent craftsmanship. All kinds of exquisite movie star pictorials were posted outside the shop to attract everyone to make orders. The business was really hot.

There was an endless stream of people coming in and out. The shop that was not too big actually hired several guys, one to measure the customer's size, one to cut the fabric, and one to settle the account...

After observing the tailor shop, Li Yulan went again. A trip to the fabric market.

This is the largest fabric market in S City, and it is even more popular than tailor shops.

Now, unlike in the 60s and 70s, the supply of fabrics has been completely liberalized.

The types of fabrics are also different from the previous only three colors of black, white and blue, and the colors and designs have become beautiful.

The fabric market is full of small vendors from all over the country who buy goods with huge snakeskin bags, and of course some young girls who come to choose fabrics to make clothes.

If Li Yulan wanted to be a tailor, she would have to deal with these fabrics in the future, so she also slowly strolled inside, and bought the beautiful fabrics without hesitation.

After she couldn't help buying a bunch of fabrics and accessories, Li Yulan felt that she couldn't go on shopping, or she would not be able to carry it.

When she came out of the fabric store and was about to go home, she was stopped by the voice of a young girl.

Li Yulan stopped and saw a girl running towards her.

"Hello, where did you buy the dress you're wearing? It looks like it's from Hong Kong City." The girl said excitedly looking at the dress on Li Yulan's body.

Xia Bingbing is a 20-year-old factory worker. When she was in love with beauty, she liked to go to the fabric market to buy fabrics to make beautiful clothes when she was free.

Today, she came to the fabric market as usual to have a look, but she immediately noticed the skirt on Li Yulan's body.

Xia Bingbing felt that this skirt was indescribably beautiful, and it looked very temperamental, very similar to the clothes that the heroines in Hong Kong movies would wear!

She followed Li Yulan for a while, and finally gathered up the courage to catch up and ask her where she bought the dress.

Just as soon as she asked, she noticed that Li Yulan was actually a pregnant woman... She couldn't tell from the back!

But pregnant women can look so good wearing them, what should I do if I'm even more excited? !

"I did it myself," Li Yulan replied.

Li Yulan was no stranger to being dragged on the road and asked where she bought her clothes, so she answered very calmly.

Usually after she finishes saying this, the person who asks will leave with regret.

But the little girl Xia Bingbing was very unusual. After she was stunned for a while, she continued to ask: "Wow? Are you a tailor? Can I make one for you?"

Li Yulan didn't respond for a while, and opened her mouth: "Ah?"

After Xia Bingbing said this, she also realized that she might have taken it for granted.

She has seen many tailors herself, basically all of them are old aunts and uncles. There is no one as young and beautiful as the woman in front of her...

So she must have guessed wrong, People must be doing it for fun!

What a pity, Xia Bingbing took another look at the skirt Li Yulan was wearing with regret, she really liked it!

"I'm sorry—" Xia Bingbing said apologetically.

But before she could finish speaking, Li Yulan laughed: "I'm not yet, but I plan to be a tailor in the future. If you like it, I can make one for you."

Xia Bingbing's words stuck in her throat, she reacted After Li Yulan came over and said something, she blushed excitedly and nodded frantically: "Hi, I like it, I really like it!"

Looking at the excited little girl, Li Yulan also smiled and said, "You want to buy it now. What kind of fabric? After you buy it, you can come home with me, and I will measure it for you."

"No, no." Xia Bingbing shook her head, afraid that the cooked duck would fly away, and immediately said, "I'll go with you now!"

Li Yulan nodded when she saw her insistence.

The two exchanged names, Xia Bingbing's mouth was very sweet, and Sister Yulan immediately called out.

Seeing the fabric she was holding, she immediately grabbed it and took it herself, and said, "Sister Yulan, let me help you with it. It's inconvenient for you to carry so many things while you are pregnant!"

Li Yulan could only He smiled and thanked her.

Because she usually makes clothes for herself and her family, Li Yulan has a complete range of tools.

After taking Xia Bingbing's measurements and taking notes, Li Yulan asked her, "Do you have any requirements for the fabric? Do you want to choose other colors for the same fabric as mine?"

Xia Bingbing was taken aback and asked, "Also Can you choose other colors?"

"Of course." Li Yulan said with a smile, after all, this is her first business, so she must be more attentive.

"But I don't know what fabric and color to choose..." Xia Bingbing struggled.

Li Yulan simply took out her existing fabric and showed her, after thinking about it, she pointed to a few and said, "These colors are quite suitable for this kind of skirt."

Xia Bingbing saw that she liked every color very much. After struggling for a long time, I finally chose one.

Li Yulan confirmed some details of the skirt with her again. After all, the maternity skirt on her body is definitely slightly different from the normal skirt.

After chatting for a long time, the details were finally settled.

Before she left, Xia Bingbing paid Li Yulan a deposit of ten yuan, as if she was afraid that she would not do it, which made Li Yulan dumbfounded.

In the morning four days after the two made an appointment, Xia Bingbing came over to pick up the skirt.

The main reason is that Li Yulan's stomach is now eight months old, and she didn't want to be too tired to make a dress, so she gave herself plenty of time.

Xia Bingbing has no objection to this. She used to find other tailors who waited for half a month, and the dress she made was not as good-looking as the dress Li Yulan was wearing.

For such a beautiful dress, let alone three days of waiting, she would be willing to wait ten days and a half for a month!

Xia Bingbing left with satisfaction.

After arranging the fabric, Li Yulan made a version based on Xia Bingbing's body data just measured.

Playing the version is actually very simple, it just takes a long time to bow down and bend over. Li Yulan has a big belly and can't stand sitting for a little longer, so she stopped halfway through and prepared to take it slow in the next few days.

When Gu Shen came home in the evening, Li Yulan talked to him about it.

"How about I open a tailor shop in the future?" Li Yulan asked Gu Shen.

"Okay, just don't tire yourself out too much." Gu Shen didn't object.

He doesn't have that kind of machismo, and thinks that women should stay at home with their husbands and children. Since Li Yulan can't be idle at home, let her go if she wants to toss, anyway, it's all about him.

"Well, I know it." Li Yulan nodded, then turned her head to look at him, "But you are so good at talking?"

"What can I do? Anyway, all the money I make is with you." Gu Shen shrugged helplessly. .

The corners of Li Yulan's mouth were bent, and she couldn't help but say a big word: "Maybe I can really do something famous!"

"Okay, then I'll wait." Gu Shen laughed.


for the next few days, Li Yulan was making Xia Bingbing's dress.

Because there is plenty of time, she is not in a hurry, anyway, she must not tire herself.

The time soon came to the morning of the appointment with Xia Bingbing.

Dabao got on the school bus to the kindergarten early, and Gu Shen also went to the construction site, leaving Li Yulan alone at home.

There was a knock on the door from outside, and Li Yulan went over to open the door.

Xia Bingbing was standing outside the door, but there was another girl standing beside her.

"Sister Yulan, I'm here to get some clothes!" Xia Bingbing said happily, with a big smile on her face, "Oh yes, this is my colleague Han Fang, she also wants to come over and take a look."

"Well, come in . ." Li Yulan motioned them to enter the room.

Xia Bingbing pulled Han Fang in and hurried in.

Li Yulan is wearing another skirt today. She is now pregnant and wearing a skirt is convenient, so she made quite a few for herself.

Xia Bingbing looked at Li Yulan's skirt, and her eyes became hot again.

Ah, this dress is so pretty too! She wants it too!

Han Fang looked at Li Yulan's back with a scrutiny.

She is Xia Bingbing's colleague. After hearing from Xia Bingbing that she met a fairy tailor in the fabric market, and paid a deposit of 10 yuan to order a dress, her intuition was unreliable.

So after learning that Xia Bingbing came to pick up the dress today, Han Fang had to come along no matter what, for fear that Xia Bingbing would be deceived.

Seeing Li Yulan at this moment, Han Fang thought to herself: This woman is too beautiful, how can she look like a tailor! And the skirt she was wearing, it looked good, but it was so loose that it was not suitable for them at all.

Xia Bingbing must have been deceived!

Han Fang thought about it a lot, she decided to wait for Li Yulan to take out the inappropriate clothes, and she must have a good fight with her!

Li Yulan didn't know what Han Fang was thinking. She asked the two of them to sit down and poured a glass of water for each of them, then went to take out Xia Bingbing's skirt that she made yesterday.

"Just try it now, and change it if it doesn't fit." Li Yulan handed the skirt to Xia Bingbing.

Xia Bingbing's eyes lit up as soon as she saw the finished skirt, she quickly put the water glass on the table, stood up to take the skirt, shook it off and exclaimed, "Wow, this is too beautiful!"

"Quick ! Go and change it." Li Yulan said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Xia Bingbing responded, hugging her skirt and trying it on happily.

Han Fang sat there the whole time, not seeing the full picture of the dress, but she was a little suspicious when she saw Xia Bingbing's reaction, as if the dress was different from what she imagined?

So she was patient and prepared to wait until Xia Bingbing was replaced.

It didn't take long to change clothes, Xia Bingbing quickly put on the skirt and walked out. When Xia Bingbing came out, she walked with the same hands and feet. Li Yulan asked nervously

, "What's the matter? Is the skirt not fitting?"

It looks good, I'm a little excited..."

Li Yulan: "...don't be nervous, it suits you very well!" The

skirt really suits Xia Bingbing, Li Yulan made some changes to the original loose The hem of the skirt was slightly drawn in, and the waistline was also tightened a little, just showing the slender waist of a twenty-year-old girl.

When walking, with the swaying of the steps, the skirt just shows a beautiful body curve, green and attractive, Xia Bingbing wearing this skirt seems to be a different person.

Han Fang, who was still about to pick on the prick, looked at Xia Bingbing's appearance and instantly widened her eyes.

This is too pretty!

She couldn't tell whether it was the dress that was good-looking or Xia Bingbing herself. After much deliberation, she finally came to the conclusion that it was this dress that made Xia Bingbing look so good-looking!

Ah, she is so jealous, this little girl Xia Bingbing is really lucky!

Xia Bingbing was also very satisfied with this dress. She looked at it in front of the mirror and couldn't bear to take it off.

After a long time, she finally finished admiring it, and she remembered something and asked Li Yulan: "By the way, sister Yulan, how much is this dress?"

Li Yulan actually didn't know how to price it, so she thought about it and said, "You already paid ten yuan before . The money is a deposit, then pay another 20 yuan, how about a total of 30 yuan?" Thirty

yuan is about the price of a normal skirt, neither cheap nor too expensive, and it is affordable for ordinary workers.

"Okay!" Xia Bingbing nodded hastily, and hurriedly took out two pieces of great unity and handed them to Li Yulan.

Not to mention thirty yuan for such a beautiful dress, she is willing to buy it even if it is fifty yuan!

Li Yulan took the money readily.

Xia Bingbing calculated her own small treasury, and thought it would be acceptable to make another dress? She gritted her teeth, and just as she was about to speak, she saw Han Fang suddenly stood up, rushed to Li Yulan and held her hand.

"Sister Yulan, can you help me make a skirt too?" Han Fang looked at Li Yulan eagerly and said sincerely.

Han Fang fell into a trap when she saw Xia Bingbing wearing a dress, and when she heard that it was only 30 yuan, she couldn't bear it any longer.

She wants such a pretty dress too!

As for who just said that Li Yulan was a liar and was going to talk about it? Han Fang covered her aching cheeks and said she didn't know, that was definitely not what she said...

Xia Bingbing widened her eyes when she heard Han Fang's words, and said angrily with her hands on her hips: "Sister Han Fang, why are you robbing me? Ah? I also want Sister Yulan to help me make another one!"

"Go, go, you are, don't snatch it from me! You already have one, and now you can change it to me!" Han Fang tweeted To push Xia Bingbing.

The two little sisters started to get involved, but in the end, Han Fang came out on top and suppressed the indignant Xia Bingbing, and successfully got the next opportunity to make clothes.

Li Yulan watched the whole process speechlessly, thinking that it was all right anyway, so she took it up.

Han Fang excitedly said that she wanted to make a dress exactly like Xia Bingbing.

After thinking about it, Li Yulan gently persuaded her: "This skirt on Bingbing may not suit you... Would you like to make a different skirt?"

Han Fang and Xia Bingbing Body is very different.

Xia Bingbing is a little thinner, while Han Fang is a plump type with a bulging front and back.

"Ah? Then what style do I suit?" Han Fang rubbed the back of his head and asked in confusion.

Li Yulan thought for a moment and prepared to pick out a few skirts suitable for Han Fang from her wardrobe for her to choose.

Li Yulan made a lot of clothes for herself when she was free, but now she is lazy and doesn't want to design new ones.

I just didn't expect that as soon as I opened the wardrobe, Xia Bingbing and Han Fang were completely attracted by the clothes inside, and looked at Li Yulan with bright eyes.

"Can we take a look?"

"Wow, this one looks good! This one looks good too!"

"I really want to bring the entire wardrobe home!"


Finally, Li Yulan strongly stopped it. Next, the two people did not really do any robbery behavior.

After Han Fang had chosen the dress to be made, Li Yulan ignored the two staring at her wardrobe and mercilessly drove them away.

She decided that after finishing Han Fang's dress, she would immediately stop and take care of the baby!


A few days later, it was time to pick up the skirt as agreed with Han Fang.

Li Yulan went to open the door as usual, but when she saw a group of people standing at the door, Li Yulan's eyes went black.

She subconsciously wanted to close the door, but Han Fang quickly put her hand on the door and squeezed in quickly.

"Sister Yulan, I'll get my skirt." Han Fang said flatteringly.

After Li Yulan glanced at her expressionlessly, she turned her gaze to the group of girls at the door who were poking their heads, as if asking Han Fang what was going on.

Han Fang touched her nose with a guilty conscience, and then said bravely, "Ah, that's right, Sister Yulan. These are all colleagues from our factory. After they saw Bingbing's dress, they liked it very much, and knew it was You did it, and I found out that I came to pick up the skirt today, so they all came with me..."

Han Fang said more and more, and his voice became quieter, almost crying without tears.

It's all because of that little girl Xia Bingbing, who wants to wear a pretty skirt and dangle in the factory! And she is very scheming, she simply won't come today, it's good now, she's all the bad guys!

She now hopes that Li Yulan will not be so angry that she will not make clothes for her in the future.

Looking at so many people, what can Li Yulan do? I can't let people just stand outside the door...

She can only let everyone in helplessly.

The living room area of ​​this public house was originally small, and so many people poured in all of a sudden, there was almost no place to stand.

Li Yulan quickly found out the skirts she made for Han Fang, and only hoped that they would leave quickly.

After Han Fang got the dress, she couldn't put it down.

The other girls also exclaimed when they saw the skirt, and then their eager eyes shot straight at Li Yulan.

"Sister Yulan, can you make me a skirt too?"

"I want me too!"

"I'm out of energy right now, so I can't do that much..." Li Yulan explained in a good voice.

"Then do it for me first! If I can get married, I'll see this dress! Please, Sister Yulan!"

"Come on, you've been on blind dates so many times, didn't you think it might not be a dress at all? s reason?"

"...Get out of here!"

"Sister Yulan, you have to make it for me first. To tell you the truth, I have never worn a good dress since I was a child, so take pity on me!"

" Get out, Zhang Xiaohua, I saw you come out of Liu Ji's tailor shop last week!"

"Nonsense, you must have read it wrong!"

A group of girls quarreled, sometimes dragging Li Yulan in, sipping "Yulan" one by one. Miss" called.

I don't know how long they have known each other!

Li Yulan was so upset by their arguing that she interrupted them angrily: "Stop, stop, don't call me Sister Yulan!"

After speaking, she touched her stomach and repeated: "I'm not lying to you, I really can't make a few skirts in this situation! You are in a hurry and useless." When the

girls saw that it was true, they all regretted it.

Li Yulan said that she could make up to three more dresses.

After the girls discussed, the three places were finally given up to three girls who really needed skirts.

After the other girls who failed to get the quota were embarrassed, they began to book places in advance for Li Yulan after giving birth to her child.

Li Yulan: "...Are you sure? It's almost winter in November, and I can't wear it at all!"

"It doesn't matter, we'll wear it next summer!"

"...That's okay. , if you regret it, let me know." Li Yulan said, "If you want to make a deposit—"

Li Yulan just wanted to say that she didn't need to pay, but these girls were more than happy to pay each other, and each one of them slammed into Li Yulan.

For a while, Li Yulan was in a trance - is the money so easy to earn these days?

However, Li Yulan still returned the deposit, mainly because it took too long, and it is not very good to collect the deposit now.

In order to appease them, Li Yulan promised to give them priority when her tailor shop opened, and the girls were finally satisfied.

A group of girls came whistling and whistling away.

When he was leaving, he also forced to buy a few clothes that Li Yulan made for her...

Seeing the small living room that finally quieted down, Li Yulan let out a sigh of relief.

What happened today gave her an experience. After moving, she must not bring customers who make clothes to her home, otherwise it would be too scary.

But after thinking about it, when my tailor shop opens, I don't seem to have to worry about whether there is any business?

Li Yulan was in a complicated mood.


After finishing the second of the three dresses, the house decoration of Jixiang Building finally came to an end.

But before moving in, they have to do one more thing - move their hukou to S City!

Because their household registration relationship is still in the small county town of their hometown, if they want to move their household registration, they must go back to the small county town.

I chose to go back at this time. First, because Gu Shen just finished a project at this time, so I can go back if I have time. Second, after the baby in Li Yulan's belly is born, there will be no more time. Get things done early.

Gu Shen planned to come back immediately after finishing his work, and didn't spend much time in the small county, so Li Yulan only packed a few simple things for him.

Li Yulan didn't miss the small county too much, except for her sister Li Yumei.

Therefore, before Gu Shen set off, Li Yulan specifically told him to drop by to see Li Yumei.

As for her mother's house, don't mind your own business!

I am the ex-wife of the cannon fodder in the chronology [80s]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon