Untitled Part 54

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Jiang Juncai's attitude made it clear that he was a nuisance. Duan Changxu and Li Yumei knew that it was meaningless to entangle with him like this.

So Duan Changxu directly stood up and said, "Mr. Jiang, we are just here to negotiate with you about the divorce. It is of course best for you and Ms. Li Yumei to have a peaceful divorce now. If you don't want to, we can also sue for divorce.

" Duan Changxu paused, glanced at the three people in the yard, and continued: "Moreover, based on the current situation, once you file for divorce, you will not have an advantage."

"As a lawyer, I suggest that everyone leave. The road to a peaceful divorce." Duan Changxu glanced at the pregnant woman in the hospital, and said, "The child is about to be born? I believe that your family does not want this child to be branded as an illegitimate child, right?"

Hearing this, the pregnant woman's His face changed.

Jiang's mother was even more excited, and she scolded: "How did you talk? What bastard, this is the grandson that my old Jiang family has been waiting for!"

Duan Changxu raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh? Not an illegitimate child? You It means, have Mr. Jiang and this lady gone through legal marriage registration?"

Jiang's mother moved her mouth and stopped talking.

Jiang Juncai and Li Yumei have not yet divorced, so how can they register their marriage?

Mother Jiang stopped talking, but Duan Changxu did not let her go, but continued: "As far as I know, the marriage relationship between Mr. Jiang and Ms. Li Yumei has not ended. If Mr. Jiang and this lady in the hospital also handle it The marriage procedure, then Mr. Jiang has committed the crime of bigamy? I think about it, how will the crime of bigamy be sentenced?" When

Jiang's mother heard this, she panicked and hurriedly denied: "No, no, no Register!"

Jiang Juncai couldn't listen to what Duan Changxu said, and all he could think about now was one thought - Li Yumei was going to divorce him.

How could she divorce herself!

He clearly loves her so much!

"I won't agree to divorce." Jiang Juncai said through gritted teeth.

"See you in court then!" Duan Changxu also said with a smile.

While the two were at a stalemate, the pregnant woman in the hospital suddenly stood up and kicked a stool beside her feet.

"Okay, co-author, your Jiang family is treating me as a fool!" the pregnant woman said angrily, "I quit, whoever wants to have this child, I will go to the hospital now!" The

pregnant woman held her stomach and became angry. Rushing to go out.

When Mother Jiang saw it, she hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed her arm and coaxed: "Xiaoyun, don't be angry, don't hurt the child! Don't worry, now the Jiang family can't be the master of Juncai! We must Let me explain to you!" It's

no wonder that Jiang's mother is so flattering now.

Before Jiang's mother took the woman to the hospital to secretly take an ultrasound, Xiaoyun has a boy in her belly!

Their Jiang family has been waiting for a boy for so many years! There can be no surprises.

Duan Changxu and Li Yumei saw that there would be no result today, and only said: "Please think about the divorce, and we will come back tomorrow."

Jiang Juncai saw that Li Yumei was leaving, and subconsciously wanted to chase, but was Jiang's mother, who was quick-witted and quick-witted, held her back.

Mother Jiang was originally dissatisfied with Li Yumei, but now that she has a new daughter-in-law, of course she can't wait to mention Li Yumei immediately.

The reason why they just found fault is because Li Yumei ran away like this before, which made them lose face, but they had to vent.

But what Duan Changxu said just now can be regarded as a reminder to Jiang's mother and let her know that it is more important now.

At this time, Jiang Juncai couldn't be bothered again.

I believe that the divorce should be resolved within a few days.


S City Railway Station.

The Li family got off the green leather train and followed the crowd out of the station.

Looking at the bustling big city outside, the group couldn't help but froze in place.

"Honey, this S city is worthy of being a big city! Look at this building, look at this road!" Wang Yinlian sighed with her mouth open.

Li Aiguo was also shocked when he saw the busy traffic outside, but he despised Wang Yinlian's ignorant appearance and said, "What's the matter? It's not like this in the movie."

"But my second sister . It's too outrageous, I make a lot of money in this big city, eat and drink spicy food, and I don't even think about us at all!" Li Aiguo said with a look of jealousy.

As soon as Li Aiguo mentioned this, Wang Yinlian became angry.

"Your second sister, that white-eyed wolf! I have to teach her a good lesson this time!" Wang Yinlian said with her arms crossed.

Speaking of which, in the past two or three years, Li Yulan has never contacted the Li family!

At first, Wang Yinlian really thought that Gu Shen owed a lot of money, and was afraid that the other party would ask her for money, so she avoided Gu Shen's family.

But after a long time, Wang Yinlian began to gradually become suspicious.

In the past two or three years, Wang Yinlian went to the provincial capital to inquire about Gu Shen and Li Yulan, but she couldn't find out anything. The people she asked said they had never met Gu Shen and Li Yulan.

Later, when Li Yumei also ran away suddenly, Wang Yinlian's suspicions were even worse.

You don't have to think about it, Li Yumei must have gone to join Li Yulan! But she doesn't know anything about this motherfucker!

And after Li Yumei ran away at that time, the old lady of the Jiang family caused a lot of trouble for Wang Yinlian.

Of course, Wang Yinlian didn't let Wang Yinlian take advantage of it!

If it wasn't for Li Jiaojiao's sudden call, Wang Yinlian's family would have no idea that Li Yulan and Gu Shen actually came to S City and made a lot of money!

No, as soon as she heard the news, Wang Yinlian came with her family, but she made up her mind that this time she must let Li Yulan let go of blood!

"Don't talk about it, where are we going now?" Zhang Xiaoli said, holding her son who was not very safe.

"Xiao Li is right." Wang Yinlian came back to her senses, pulled out the note with the phone number on it and continued, "Let's find a phone booth and call Jiaojiao first, and it's definitely right to ask her!

" , a group of people ran to a phone booth and dialed a number.

On the other side, Li Jiaojiao answered the ringing phone.

Before she had time to speak, a woman's rough voice came from the opposite side: "Is that Jiaojiao? I'm your aunt! We've come to S City, where are you?"

Hearing this voice, Li Jiaojiao frowned.

But after hearing what Wang Yinlian said, Li Jiaojiao's face immediately showed a look of joy.

I didn't expect Wang Yinlian to move so fast!

Suppressing her disgust for Wang Yinlian, Li Jiaojiao softened her voice and said, "Auntie? You're here so soon? But I'm a little bit inconvenient now, why don't you go directly to Brother Gu Shen."

"Gu Shen Where is he?" Wang Yinlian asked loudly.

"Didn't I tell you before?" Li Jiaojiao said patiently, "Brother Gu Shen now runs a real estate company called Shenyan Real Estate Company, which is very famous in S City. You can ask someone for directions."

After Wang Yinlian carefully wrote down the company name, she hung up the phone and said, "Okay, okay, then we'll go!"

"Let's go." Li Jiaojiao said with a smile.

Wang Yinlian and his party asked for directions, and soon came to the downstairs of Shenyan Real Estate Company.

Shenyan's current office building is not located in a prosperous area, but it looks quite imposing.

Wang Yinlian stood downstairs, looked at the dazzling words, and remembered the contractors written on the construction buildings they saw all the way, and their eyes suddenly glowed.

Real estate company! How much money does that have to have!

And this company is still owned by their son-in-law and brother-in-law, so isn't that equivalent to their money!

Wang Yinlian and the others walked towards the building with good fantasies, but before they entered, they were stopped by a strong man wearing a light blue security uniform: "Hey, hey, what are you doing? You can't just enter here!"

Mainly Wang Yinlian A few people dressed up in the soil, and their movements were a little timid. At first glance, it didn't look like they were working in it. The strong security guard raised his hand and blasted them out.

Li Aiguo couldn't hold back his face after being bombarded so much. He puffed up his chest and said, "Do you know who I am, so you dare to drive us away like this?" The

security guard was not afraid of him, and said contemptuously, "I don't care who you are! All I know is that you can't come in here unless you have an appointment or someone takes you in."

"Brother, we're here to find Gu Shen, the owner of Shenyan Real Estate." Wang Yinlian hurriedly took over, "I'm Gu. Shen's mother-in-law, this is Gu Shen's brother-in-law, why don't the whole family let us in!" The

security guard looked at their family, wondering whether they believed it or not.

"Since you all said so..." The security guard touched his chin.

Wang Yinlian looked at him expectantly with an old face.

"Then you can give me a phone number, and I'll call and ask." The security guard said.

Wang Yinlian was dumbfounded, how could they know the phone number!

"This, this..." Wang Yinlian got stuck.

The security guard narrowed his eyes and asked, "Why, you don't know the phone number?!"

"Don't your security guards have a phone book?" Zhang Xiaoli said suddenly and calmly, "If you don't believe me, just call and ask if you don't. Is it alright?"

"The phone book is there, but I lost it yesterday, and I haven't had time to make a new one yet." The security guard said naturally.

Zhang Xiaoli: "..."

Is there really such a coincidence? "You keep saying that you are a relative of which boss you are, but you don't even know their phone number. I'm afraid it's not

a liar!"

He slammed them directly into the corner with affection, leaving no trace of affection.

Wang Yinlian and several others tried to reason, but the security did not listen at all.

They squatted under the building for a long time, but they didn't see the slightest shadow of Gu Shen.

"Grandma, I'm hungry, I want to eat!" Li Aiguo's son made a fuss.

Wang Yinlian also had a big head. Looking at the security guard who was sitting at the door of the building staring at them like a thief, she gritted her teeth and finally left with a little resentment.

The main reason is that this is S City after all, not a small county. If there is a real trouble, Wang Yinlian is still a little scared.

Unable to see Gu Shen, Wang Yinlian had to call Li Jiaojiao again.

"What? You didn't get in?!" Li Jiaojiao said in surprise.

"Yeah! The security guard didn't let us in, but asked us to give us our phone number?" Wang Yinlian said.

"He won't let you in, won't you? Don't you know how to make a fuss outside?" Li Jiao said in a frantic tone.

Although Wang Yinlian likes to make trouble, but being told by Li Jiaojiao like this, she still can't hold back her face.

"Jiaojiao, you won't lie to us! Anyway, we haven't seen Gu Shen and Xiaolan, and we've come so far to S City, you have to be responsible for us!" Wang Yinlian simply relied on Li Jiaojiao.

When Li Jiaojiao heard Wang Yinlian's shameless words, she almost didn't take a breath.

But she was afraid that Wang Yinlian's family would go back to the small county, so she could only hold her nose because the bamboo basket would be empty.

"Where are you now?" Li Jiaojiao said in a bad tone.

Zhang Xiaoli quickly asked passersby where they were now, and then quickly reported it to Li Jiaojiao.

Although Li Jiaojiao was reluctant, she still brought Wang Yinlian's family home.

Li Jiaojiao and Gao Zhiqiang now live in a rented villa.

After Wang Yinlian and his party entered the villa, it was as if Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, and they looked here and there.

"Jiaojiao, you are so developed now that you live in such a nice villa!" Wang Yinlian complimented. These words pleased Li Jiaojiao very well. She couldn't hide the smugness

on her face. She put her hand to her mouth and smiled and said, "It's okay, this house is just average."

He said, "Sure enough, he is a rich man, and he can't even look down on such a nice big villa!"

Li Jiaojiao listened to Wang Yinlian's words, and only felt comfortable throughout her body.

That's right, she was supposed to live like this! It seems that it is not a bad thing to bring Wang Yinlian's family back. I am doing well now, but I can't show it off in front of them.

It's just that she can only tolerate them staying here for two or three days at most. After all, she asked them to come here to add to Li Yulan!

Li Jiaojiao randomly arranged a room for Wang Yinlian's family.

After Wang Yinlian's family settled down satisfactorily, they asked about Li Jiaojiao's situation again: "Jiaojiao? I heard that you are married? Why haven't you seen your man?"

Li Jiaojiao's face turned a little bad when she mentioned this topic.

"It's none of your business whether I get married or not." She said this with a choked tone.

"You child, why are you talking so hard?" Wang Yinlian looked at Li Jiaojiao with disapproval, posing as an elder, "My aunt asked you to be concerned about you."

Li Jiaojiao rolled her eyes, thinking that this is not necessarily true.

"Okay, you rest here for a night first, and I'll take you to find Miss Xiaolan tomorrow." Li Jiaojiao had no intention of talking to these people again.

I originally thought that the day would be spent peacefully, but I didn't expect that Gao Zhiqiang would come back in the evening.

This is something Li Jiaojiao didn't expect, because Gao Zhiqiang has been busy with various wine bureaus these days, and it is not uncommon for him not to go home.

When Gao Zhiqiang came back, Li Jiaojiao was rushing Wang Yinlian's family back to his room to sleep.

However, no one listened to her. Instead, she wandered around the villa, touching here and looking there, almost making Li Jiaojiao mad.

After Li Aiguo's son shouted, Li Jiaojiao realized that Gao Zhiqiang was already standing at the gate.

When Li Jiaojiao opened her mouth and didn't know what to say, Wang Yinlian took the lead and greeted Gao Zhiqiang, "You are Jiaojiao's man, aren't you? Hey, I don't think you look familiar to me!"

"Mom, this Isn't that Brother Zhiqiang?" Li Aiguo recognized Gao Zhiqiang first.

Wang Yinlian took a look, and sure enough, the man in front of him matched Gao Zhiqiang's face.

Since she was an acquaintance, Wang Yinlian's whole face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile.

"Let's just say it! So it's Zhiqiang! I'm your Aunt Wang! You came to our house for dinner before, I remember you were still chasing Xiaolan, but I didn't expect you to be with Jiao now. It's so fateful ."

Li Jiaojiao's face turned green when she heard this, she could not wait to sew up Wang Yinlian's mouth.

But at the moment, Wang Yinlian didn't wink at all, and continued: "It's a family again after going around, it's too coincidental!"

Li Jiaojiao: ... Who the hell is a family with you!

Unlike Li Jiaojiao's anger, Gao Zhiqiang said with a big smile: "Yes, Aunt Wang, I still remember the braised pork ribs you made. It was really delicious."

"Oh, if you like it." Wang Yinlian covered her mouth and smiled, "If you like it, Aunt Wang will make it for you tomorrow!"

"Yeah, Brother Zhiqiang, I still remember you brought me to play with you before. What's going on!" Li Aiguo also came up to talk, "I always thought you would become my second brother-in-law!"

Li Jiaojiao began to regret bringing Wang Yinlian's family back.

Seeing Gao Zhiqiang, who had a good conversation with Wang Yinlian's family, Li Jiao returned to her room in a coquettish manner.

When Gao Zhiqiang came back, she held back her anger. The anger made her a little irrational, and asked directly: "Why do you talk to those people, do you still remember Li Yulan!"

Gao Zhiqiang glanced at her, With a half-smile, she said, "What are you talking about, aren't you relatives outside?"

"They are relatives." Li Jiaojiao said contemptuously, still insisting, pointing at Gao Zhiqiang and saying, "You haven't answered yet. My question, let me tell you, the two of us are married now, you better not have any crooked thoughts!"

Gao Zhiqiang looked at Li Jiaojiao's appearance, his eyes became gloomy.

He slapped Li Jiaojiao's hand away with one hand, pinched Li Jiaojiao's cheek with the other, and the rough finger pulp pressed her bones into pain.

"Who gave you the courage to dare to talk to me like this?" Gao Zhiqiang said word by word, "Do you really take yourself seriously?"

Li Jiaojiao showed panic in her eyes.

Gao Zhiqiang sneered heavily, looked away boredly, still pinched Li Jiaojiao's cheek, and pushed her hard.

Li Jiaojiao staggered a few steps and fell heavily on the bed.

Dizzy, she could only see the back of Gao Zhiqiang leaving.

Li Jiaojiao's back unconsciously broke out in cold sweat.

At that moment, she really felt that Gao Zhiqiang would kill her.


Li Jiaojiao didn't dare to provoke Gao Zhiqiang any more, she just wanted to send Wang Yinlian's family away as soon as possible.

It's just that things are not as easy as she thought.

The Shenyan Real Estate Company was bitten to death and couldn't take out the phone, so they wouldn't let them go. Even if Li Jiaojiao got the phone, they would always say that Gu Shen wasn't there, and wouldn't let them in anyway.

Li Jiaojiao also thought of sending Wang Yinlian and the others directly to Li Yulan's house, but the security of the community where Li Yulan lived was also well done, so they couldn't get in at all.

After Wang Yinlian and the others hit the wall a few times, they were no longer in a hurry and began to slack off.

Anyway, they live in a big villa now, and they still have delicious food every day, so they don't want to leave!

Wang Yinlian and the others were satisfied, but Li Jiaojiao was about to get mad.

These days, Li Jiaojiao has not been driven crazy.

Relying on her being an elder, Wang Yinlian set up the elder tree in front of Li Jiaojiao and talked about it.

Not to mention Li Aiguo, he was extremely delicious and lazy.

Zhang Xiaoli looked at the honest, and she often rummaged around in her house when Li Jiaojiao was not paying attention. Li Jiaojiao's skin care products and cosmetics were all touched by her!

Li Jiaojiao hates Li Aiguo's son the most!

This child may have been spoiled by his family since he was a child. He is a great demon king. When he is not satisfied, he will scream and cry and make noise at home. He also loves to drop things. Li Jiaojiao's house does not know how many dishes he has dropped. one.

Li Jiaojiao was so angry with this arrogant child that she wanted to beat him up, but Wang Yinlian immediately stopped her, but she even beat her back and said with disapproval, "Jiaojiao, how old are you, and you are still with a child. What the hell! He's only five years old, so he's not sensible!"

Li Jiaojiao pinched her hard, but she didn't let herself faint.

She suddenly realized that not only did she not block Li Yulan, but she shot herself in the foot!

No, she must give this family away!

Li Jiaojiao insisted that she must find an opportunity to send Wang Yinlian's family to Li Yulan. For this reason, she did not hesitate to squat at the gate of Li Yulan's house early in the morning.

As a result, she really found something.

Li Jiaojiao originally thought that Li Yulan squatted at home every day and didn't come out, which made her and Wang Yinlian unable to catch anyone. It was not until today that she found out that Li Yulan drove in and out by herself every day!

If Li Yulan hadn't accidentally lowered the car window while driving out of the community this morning, Li Jiaojiao might never have discovered this!

Looking at Li Yulan's car with some jealousy, Li Jiaojiao stopped a taxi immediately and asked the driver to follow Li Yulan's car.

Li Jiaojiao sat in the taxi and watched Li Yulan's car first drive to the school to take Jiang Mo and Dabao to school, and then drive out of the school to the outside of a factory on the outskirts of the city.

Looking at the factory's signboard, Li Jiaojiao was a little surprised.

She couldn't figure out why Li Yulan came here?

Watching Li Yulan's car drive into the factory, Li Jiaojiao got out of the taxi behind.

She walked to the factory gate and asked the uncle who was guarding the door, "Master, who is that person who just drove in?" The

uncle looked at Li Jiaojiao with some vigilance and asked, "Why are you asking this?"

"I am I came from other places and wanted to come to the factory to discuss cooperation, so I was curious to ask." Li Jiaojiao quickly lied.

When the uncle heard that she was here to discuss cooperation, he relaxed his vigilance.

"Oh, the one who just drove in is our factory manager." The uncle said with a smile.

Factory, factory manager? !

Hearing the uncle's words, Li Jiaojiao's head exploded with a "bang".

Li Yulan turned out to be the director of Lanman Garment Factory!

Isn't Li Yulan a housewife who only spends money? How could she be the director of Lanman Garment Factory? !

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