c h a p t e r 41

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"Jason, you really don't have to do that." My mom said once more, smiling at Jason as he dried the dishes for her. He smiled his charming "million dollar" smile, shaking his head.

"It's the least I can do after all the work you put into the meal, Mrs. Diane. it was delicious!"

Her cheeks flushed and she let out a girlish giggle, that I've never heard come out of my mom's mouth ever! "Thank you, Jason."

He nodded, focusing back on the dishes. My mom nudged me in the ribs, giving me a wink and muttering, "I like him" before she walked out of the kitchen, leaving Jason and I alone.

Jason finished up the dishes before leaning against the counter opposite me. He bit his lip, looking into my eyes. "Do you think I did okay?"

I gave him a small, reassuring smile. "I think you did better than okay, you've obviously charmed the pants off my mom and surprised my dad with your very sassy - yet, respectful - comebacks, I think you're in the safe zone and I am so proud of you for keeping your temper in check when my dad was being so rude."

His lips twitched upwards as he took a large step closer to me, his body towering over mine. "That was all thanks to you, if you didn't hold my hand I probably would have lost it but you were there for me, like you always are and that's all that matters to me." His hand cupped my cheek, his thumb stroking my skin. I stared up at him, a blush creeping onto my cheeks.

"I am here for you, I always will be, Jason, no matter what happens."

He smiled down at me, his eyes holding a certain glow, "I love you so much." He whispered, pecking my cheek and I bit my lip, smiling shyly up at him.

"I love you too, Jason."

He smiled, holding onto my hands while nudging his nose against mine "We better get back to your family before your dad comes looking for us and blows a gasket when he sees me this close to you."

I giggled lightly, nodding my head, "Yeah, you're right."

"It was so nice having you over, Jason." My mom said, giving him a quick hug. He smiled at her.

"Thank you for having me, Mrs. Diane."

She nodded, smiling back at him. He shook my dad's hand.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, sir."

My dad nodded, an impassive expression on his face. "You too, Jason." They both looked at me and I motioned to the front door.

"I'll walk him out."

My dad raised his eyebrow, clearing his throat "I'll come with you."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and sighed, giving him a "really?" look. My mom rolled her eyes for me and grabbed his arm. "No, you'll stay here and help me clean up the living room."

He frowned as she pulled him into the living room, away from us. Jason and I stepped out of the front door and I shut it behind me, leaning my back against it. He bit his lip, his arms wrapping around my waist. "I've been longing to kiss your lips all night." He whispered, his lips hovering over mine. I smiled, my cheeks heating up.

"Well, now's your chance."

He smiled, leaning down and placing his lips on mine, kissing me softly. His hand cupped the back of my neck, he pushed his chest closer to mine, his free arm crushing my waist. He pulled back, burying his head in my neck while I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, holding onto him really tight.

"Whatever happens, I will always love you." He mumbled, kissing my shoulder repeatedly. "Always, baby girl."

I felt my heartbeat increase, I forgot about the possibility that my dad might still be against me and him being together. Oh no, hope that's not the case. I held onto him tighter. "Me too."

Slowly he pulled back, letting me go "I'll see you at school tomorrow, alright?" He said softly, his hands cupping my cheeks. I nodded and he pecked my lips before walking over to his car. I walked back into the house and to where my parents were sitting in the living room. I bit my lip, fiddling with my fingers as I stood in front of them.


My mom smiled, opening her mouth to say something but my dad cut her off. "He seems like a nice boy." I felt excitement speed through my veins, oh my gosh, he's actually gonna allow this! "But I don't feel comfortable with you dating him"

"What?" I asked in disbelief, my eyes wide. My mom frowned and looked at him.

"Christopher, what could possibly be so wrong about the two of them dating? He is a nice, respectful young boy, he's perfect for her."

"I don't care how perfect he is, she is not going to date him and that's final, you're way too young to have a boyfriend anyway!" He said, his tone stern. I felt my throat tighten up.

"B-but daddy, i-i I love him." I whispered, tears pooling my eyes. He shook his head, standing up from the sofa.

"Sweetheart, you don't know what love is yet, you're much too young." He looked into my eyes, his eyes hard and authoritative. "You will stay away from him, do you understand?"

I stayed silent, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"No." I hiccuped, wiping my nose with the back of my hand. "please, don't do this, daddy"

"Iris, do you understand?" He asked again, raising his voice. I bit my lip, holding back sobs as I looked down to the ground. My heart clenched as I choked out.

"Y-yes, dad."

I heard him sigh before he walked out of the room. "I'm so sorry, honey." My mom said, reaching out to hug me but I stepped back, shaking my head and letting out a sob.

"T-this is so u-unfair, could've I-lied to y-you guys a-about this forever, a-and j-just run a-p away with him once I'm -done with high s-school but I didn't, I-i told t-the truth and t-this is what I g-get? I can't b-believe dad is being so .... Selfish!"

By the time I was done, my body was shaking with uncontrollable sobs and I turned around, sprinting up to my room.

By the time I was done, my body was shaking with uncontrollable sobs and I turned around, sprinting up to my room

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Aww :(

-Sam ❤️

His Good Girl -Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now