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"HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU BE SO DAMN RECKLESS?!" I barked, slamming my fist against Kalum's face once more.

"Jason." Alex called, grabbing my arm and pulling me back from Kalum as he began throwing up blood.

"No, Alex!" I yelled, resisting against his grip as he struggled to hold me back "Do you realize what the fuck he's just done?! Because of him I won't be able to see Iris for months at a time, if not ever! What the fuck am I suppose to do without her?!"

I felt my anger fuel even more as I realized how much damage Kalum's just caused. "I know, he's a fucking idiot but we don't kill one of our own unless it's really necessary. He was only doing his job, Jason, a job we gave him to do. We should've known he wasn't ready for this mission." He explained, holding me at arm's length. I scowled at him.

"'We' ? It's not fucking 'We'! I told you he wasn't ready but YOU fucking sent him on the mission anyway! And now look where it's got us!"

I shoved his arms off of me, grabbing onto his collar and pulling him in front of my face. "You may be my big brother Alex but when it comes to this gang, I'm the leader for a fucking reason, you get your orders from me, for a fucking reason. Don't ever try defying me again, you'll look like Kalum does right now." I hissed before shoving him away from me and running up the stairs, slamming things as I walked into my room. Angrily I undressed myself and got into my bed, I heard my phone go off and I groaned, grabbing it from my night stand.

To: Jase <3
From: Iris 💙

Goodnight, Jase. I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I love you

It was a little message, barely anything extravagant - just a few simple words that would probably mean nothing to any other guy - but to me, it meant the world. I felt my anger subside and a smile form on my lips as I replied to her message.


I stepped out of my car, straightening out my jacket as I walked up to her front door. I knocked three times, waiting for someone to open up and eventually Adam did, smirking at me.

"Well, hello there stranger, you're pretty early."

I chuckled, shrugging my shoulders, "I really couldn't wait any longer, bro, do you know how much I've missed your sister?"

He chuckled, nodding his head and stepping aside "Yeah, she's missed you too but she's upstairs right now, still sleeping. I think she'd love waking up to you."

"I'd love that too." I smiled, walking inside before heading straight upstairs. I walked into her room quietly, trying not to wake her up as I shut the door, shrugged off my jacket and took off my shoes before getting in next to her. She tossed a little and I froze, waiting until she stopped before moving closer to her, my arms wrapping around her waist and head nuzzling in her neck. I kissed her soft, warm skin, hearing her moan quietly before her eyes shot open.

She grinned when she saw it was me, wrapping her arms tight around my neck, giving me a tight hug. I chuckled, holding onto her tighter. "Good morning, baby girl, it's nice to see you too."

She pulled back, looking down at me with those beautiful, innocent eyes of hers, "I missed you so much, Jason!" She said, hugging me again.

I smiled, "I missed you too, princess."

I tilted her head up and connected her lips with mine, kissing her softly and warmly, savoring the touch of her sweet lips that I've missed so much. She pulled back, her eyes shining as she laid her head on the pillow, looking at me as I turned to face her, my fingers playing with her hair.

"You been doing okay, baby?"

She smiled softly, "I am now ... What about you?"

I smiled, pecking her lips, whispering "Same."

She sighed, running her finger along my jawline. "I never thought I'd say this but I actually hate my parents. I know, sometimes people say that because they're mad and then later those feelings go away. I've been waiting for mine to go but it hasn't .... I hate them, Jason. I wish I had better parents, parents who aren't so judgemental and snobbish. Parents who would accept the boy that I love."

Her eyes were tearing up as she stared at me, her entire facial expression sad. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, kissing her forehead before running my nose down her cheek.

"Baby, I'm sorry that you're feeling this way ... The last thing I want is for you to feel out of place and uncomfortable in your own home."

She wrapped her arms around me again, holding me close. "I love you, Jason."

I sighed, I need to tell her the truth, now. "Baby girl, there's something I need to tell you."

She pulled back and furrowed her eyebrows, "What's wrong?"

I took a deep breath, my palms sweaty with nervousness.

"I have to leave the country."


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-Sam 💞

His Good Girl -Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now