Chapter 19: Deal With The Devil

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A/N: So I uploaded to celebrate finishing my dance assessment I had to do today. It was absolutely NERVE-WRACKING!! :(

“Henry, be a little friendlier towards Hudson! You’re his investigation partner so you two should be easy in each other’s company. But not too easy … a bit business like, you know what I mean?”

I bit my lip and watched in the background as Peter instructed what Henry was doing wrong in the shot. Keith seemed perfectly at ease and I knew he was secretly revelling in the fact Henry loathed him. He seemed to be the type who liked being entertained by other’s anger towards him, which I found amusing. I still had no idea why Henry sent Keith glares but my guess was that Keith and I being close made him look like a fool. And I knew everyone didn’t like being seen as a fool.

The scene they were filming now was Henry and Keith getting past the bouncer at the club, trying to find an important person who supposedly would be hanging inside. At this club, Henry would meet Veronica, who is a temptress to him. I really didn’t want to witness their meeting since they would be flirting and apparently, they would dance together.

I know right? How absolutely wonderful.

When it was Veronica’s time to shine, I couldn’t help but feel a stab of sadness run through me. Why did stuck up girls have to be so pretty?

She was dressed in bold red mini dress, to emphasize her seductive nature. Her hair was in messy curls, her eyes smoky and her lips painted a bloody red. She seemed satisfied that the young men who worked on set were ogling her. Keith wasn’t though, he was rolling his eyes.

When I turned to see Henry’s reaction, I was a teeny bit glad. He was looking at her, but his expression showed he was not interested in anything. His eyes then flickered to mine and I nearly jumped out of my seat. I had been caught staring! God, how embarrassing!

“Veronica, you look perfect!” Peter exclaimed, beaming proudly. “Alexia is a bold, seductive goddess and you look just like that.”

I snorted. More like a wanton woman.

“Why thank you Peter,” Veronica replied sweetly, her lips pulling to a smile to show her dazzling white teeth.

“Alright Henry, you’ll be standing here,” Peter explained, pointing to a spot a few feet away from the set up bar. “When you stand there scanning the room, you’ll see Veronica who will be here …”

Peter gestured to where they were going to stand and what was going on. When he finished, the extras started filing in and stood there, ready for when the music would start playing so they could dance in the background.

“Hey Lainie, want to be in a movie?” Keith called from the other side of the room.

I blinked. Me, be in a movie? “What do you mean?”

Keith pointed to the group of extras. “Just dance in the background. Or you can dance with me if you want, since I’m not in this scene anymore.”

To this, I saw Henry snap his head towards us. “You can’t dance,Hudson,” he said. “What if the camera passes by you? The audience will wonder why your character is dancing with a random girl instead of doing his job.”

Ouch. He had called me a random girl!

“The man has a point. Although, I can just wear a wig and blend in the crowd,” Keith said, giving Henry an amused look. He then turned to Peter and asked loudly, “If it’s ok?”

Peter’s head snapped to Keith confusedly. “What?”

Both Keith and I laughed. Peter obviously had been preoccupied. “Never mind!” Keith called.

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