Chapter 21: Partyin' Partyin' Yeah!

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A/N: I'm sorry, I just HAD to add that as the title of the chapter (if you know what I mean). Sorry I've been late with the update, but here's CHAPTER 21! And also a picture of Natasha on the side! Enjoy ;D xox

“Be sly, be witty and be mysterious,” Natasha advised, as she painted another coat of mascara on her already long eyelashes. The three of us (Natasha, Clara and I) were hanging out in Natasha’s large hotel room, getting ready for the masquerade party, which would start in a few hours. It had kind of been a long day. I had accompanied Henry to the set as usual and watched, but later I had gone off and decided to head to the beach and swim. Then I had gone back to our hotel room and taken a nap. I had woken up to Steve’s face about an hour later saying Natasha had demanded that I join her and Clara, and now here I was.

Natasha had wanted to help us get ready and Clara and I were all for it. “I think that would suit you Lainie,” Clara added thoughtfully. She also gave me a smile of encouragement, which I was thankful for.

I could really not imagine what I would look like while trying to seduce a guy. I’d probably end up seducing him with my awkwardness. Oh lord.

“Softly touch a guy’s abs while you’re dancing,” Natasha continued. I swear she sounded like she was reciting these tips from a book. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were true. She then threw a wink my way. “It’s hot.”

“What if he has flabs?” Clara asked, just to see what Natasha would say.

“Then don’t bother,” Natasha answered with a giggle. “Can you imagine that? Rubbing a flabby guy’s stomach? What are you going to say? Ooh, how many fries have you eaten to get this figure?

I swear that was the funniest thing I’ve heard all day. Clara and I burst out into fits of laughter while Natasha started giggling after she realised what she said had actually been funny.

After we calmed down, Clara chirped in, “I think there won’t be any flabby guys at Veronica’s party. I can’t imagine her letting them in.”

Huh. I couldn’t either. Veronica would probably kick them out because they weren’t good enough for her masquerade birthday bash. I wasn’t even invited – I was only going because Henry had been and I was supposedly his fiancée.

“Which is a good thing,” Natasha added. Then she turned to me and clapped her hands together. “Ok, Lainie, it’s your turn! We have to make you extra gorgeous for tonight if we want to see Henry as Elvis Presley!”

I bit my lip as I pushed myself up from Natasha’s king sized bed. I walked over to the vanity and let her push me down onto the cushioned stool. Clara came over too and they began musing on how they wanted me to look.

“Tropical colours or smoky black for the eye shadow?” Natasha murmured, tilting her head while staring at me. I felt like a doll.

“Lainie’s going to be kind of mysterious right? Let’s go for smoky,” Clara suggested as she grabbed the eye shadow pallet. “Silver dark gray is good.”

And it went like that. Natasha always tried to make it more dramatic, but Clara kind of felt how I wanted it. When they finished, I smiled at myself in the mirror. It was exactly how I wanted it. Even though the make up made me feel weird, it made me feel kind of pretty and I never feel pretty. My lids were carefully dusted with smoky silver, coats of mascara made my eyelashes long and my lips just had watermelon flavoured gloss on. My plain muddy brown eyes really popped out too.

“Gahh!” Natasha exclaimed excitedly. “Clara! We could totally become make up artists!”

I heard Clara laugh lightly. “You should get the dress on Lainie,” she said. “Actually … we should all get changed.”

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