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I stretched my aching limbs, feeling my soft bedsheets surround me in their embrace. It was all just a bad dream. I cuddled into my pillow, about to drift back into a peaceful slumber when I felt something on my leg. The contact lit a trail of tingles along my skin. I frowned and opened my sleep-filled eyelids. The sun was pouring in through the window, and I glanced down to see what was keeping me from sleeping in.

I removed the covers to see a black, muscular hand lightly gripping my upper thigh. I jolted back in the bed, falling off the other side. Landing once again on my side, pain shot up my already bruised rib cage. My hand flew to the sore skin, finding gauze wrapped around my waist, ribs, and breasts. An oversized dark green shirt covered the bandages. I felt panic set in as I looked around, not recognizing my clothing or surroundings. It wasn't just a bad dream after all.

I saw a figure stand up from its position on the other side of the bed. He stretched to his full height and yawned, popping his neck and rubbing a hand down the back of it. I soaked in his appearance. He was breathtaking. His blond hair was pulled into a messy bun atop his head, stubble gracing his chin. He was shirtless, showing off his muscular abdomen and large biceps. His sweatpants were low on his hips, daring my eyes to follow the prominent 'V' line that led into the waistband.

"Like what you see?" His deep morning voice teased. A smirk displayed on his face, showing off two deep dimples.

I stayed mute, too frightened of the beautiful man to speak.

He walked over to the desk across the room. Smoothly flipping the chair around to face in my direction, he sat. His long legs spread out as he leaned back. One arm rested on the armrest of the chair, the other rested on his thigh. I stayed in my position on the floor by the bed.

"Come here princess," he softly patted his lap where his hand lay.

His large hands caught my eyes. They were both completely black. Solidly inked until halfway up his forearm where the dark color faded into his normal skin tone. I have never seen anything like it.

I blinked up at him, ignoring his command even though my body was telling me to obey it.

"I won't ask you again," he spoke slowly, promise lacing his words.

My feet moved on their own accord, shakily standing. I took a step towards him, stumbling as pain shot up my hip and side. He was at my side in an instant, gently pulling me into his front. His hand rested on my lower back. Butterflies erupted in my stomach at his touch. I looked up at him through my lashes. He was significantly taller than I was. My breath caught in my throat as I noticed he was already staring down at me with concern. His eyes were a deep black color, matching the ink covering his hands.

My body melted into his embrace, feeling completely safe in his arms. I've never felt anything like this before. My body was so relaxed, yet my heart was beating erratically. There was another foreign feeling in blooming in my lower region.

He lowered his head into the crook of my neck, his lips grazing my skin. I felt wetness pool between my thighs at the simple action. He inhaled my scent before asking, "who did this to you?"

I scrunched up my eyebrows innocently. I was too distracted by my own lustful thoughts to understand what he meant. He pulled back after I didn't answer. Sensing my confusion, he rephrased his question. "Who hurt you?"

His voice was thick with demand and... worry?

I shivered, thinking about everything that happened yesterday. I dropped my head to his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Why did he have to ask these questions? Couldn't he just hold me and pretend that the last 24 hours never happened?

What am I thinking? I don't even know this man.

He lifted my chin with a finger until my eyes met his.  "Answer me."

My eyes fluttered at his authority. "I do not know the answer."

He seemed to relax at the sound of my soft voice. His eyes appeared darker than before. "So she does speak."

My cheeks bloomed with pink, blushing as I lifted my chin out of his hold and turned my head to the side so he wouldn't see. He chuckled, and my heart flipped around in my chest at the sound.

"You don't have to hide from me, little mate." He said amusedly.

Mate? Is that what this feeling is? How is this possible? I thought mates had to be of the same species... this man was clearly not fairy folk.

"I should probably shower, then we can get something to eat and talk more about this later. Yes?" He questioned looking into my eyes as I turned my head in his direction again.

Now that he says that, I am in need of a bath as well. Oh how I missed my bath salts and oils right now. I fidgeted in his arms, not sure how to ask the question without sounding demanding.

"What's wrong?" He asked, scanning my face for the answer.

"Would I be able to bathe too?" I questioned innocently.

"You want to take a shower with me?" He mused.

"N-no, I mean, I-I would like to bathe on my own," I felt my cheeks turn pink again.

"If you insist" he smirked. "You can go first, I'll bring you some clothes to change into after your done. If you need some help, don't be afraid to call for me."

He pulled back from me, and I frowned at the loss of contact. Turning his back away, he started walking towards bathroom to start the water for me.

"B-but I don't know your name," I said to his retreating figure.

He paused at the door. "Fair enough," his eyes lingered on my petite frame, "my name is Adrik."

I swooned at the power his name held. My heart felt full, now knowing the name that belonged to my mate.

"I believe you now owe me the pleasure of hearing yours." Curiosity evident in his tone.


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