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Adrik escorted me back to his room, his hand never leaving its place on my lower back. The constant contact made tingles shoot up my spine.

Once we got back, I set the little fox on the plush desk chair. He curled up. Exhausted from being outside alone all night, caught in those terrible vines. I frowned at the thought and patted his little head.

I felt Adrik slip his hand into mine. He tugged me in the direction of his bathroom, and I followed. His bathroom was much larger than mine back at the cottage. On one side of the room, there was a large mirror above a basin with plenty counter space on either side. On the other side of the room, there was a large glass-enclosed area. I looked around for his tub but couldn't find one. The skylight allowed plenty of light to filter in. The bathroom, unlike his bedroom, had a light interior. Beige and white tones, with gold accents from the faucet and mirror. Some plants would look lovely in here. I smiled. And a tub.

His hand left mine and I found myself frowning at the loss of his touch. I watched as he walked over and opened the glass door to the enclosure and tampered with the faucet. Water came out of a spout at the top of the area, spraying all over the ground inside of the glass. He closed the door and looked at my curious expression. "What is it?" He asked amused and a little confused.

"You don't bathe in a tub?" I questioned. I raised a brow. The water spout was strange. Does he really bathe standing upright?

"I don't think I've had a bath since I was a child." He laughed. "I bathe in the shower."

"Shower..." I repeated. "I've never seen one before. Where do you put your scents and flowers?"

"How about I just show you," he smirked.

He grabbed my hand, pulling me closer to his body. "First, we'll need to remove this," he tugged on the green oversized T-shirt I was wearing.

He was staring down at me expectantly and I looked up at him through my lashes. I slowly slipped the shirt off over my head, unfazed by his gaze on me. His dark eyes lingered over my figure.

I noticed them soften once they landed on my bandages. "May I?" He asked politely. I was surprised at his question but nodded nonetheless.

He knelt to his knees and carefully unwrapped them. His eyes flickered up to my face every few seconds to see if I was in pain. I kept my calm composure, only faltering once he got to the area around my broken wing. I winced and he looked up at me. I covered my face with both hands so he couldn't see my pained expression.

I felt him stand back up. He took my hands in his own and pulled them slowly away from my face. My heartbeat quickened as I watched him lean in close. His lips, only a short breath from mine. I could no longer think or speak. His eyes looked hungry, gazing down at me as if I was to be his last meal.

He pressed his lips gently into mine. They moved expertly as if we had practiced this kiss a thousand times. He tasted of sweet smoke. I never wanted this to end. I felt one of his hands find my neck, wrapping his long fingers around it and slightly squeezing. The area between my thighs felt slick with arousal.

He held me in place with his grasp, as he slowly pulled away. I pouted at the loss of his soft lips on mine. His other hand lifted into view, holding up the bandages that were once around my broken wing. I felt my cheeks tinge pink, the kiss was a distraction. He needed my attention elsewhere while he took off the gauze wrap.

He smirked at my reaction, dropping his hand from around my throat. "Your turn."

My blush turned deeper at his implication.

"Well," he stepped closer, "aren't you going to be a good girl and undress me?"

My heart swooned at his words. I did want to be his good girl. I would do anything to hear him call me that again.

My fingers shook nervously as I lifted them to the hem of his shirt. Slipping them underneath, I grazed his defined abdomen. Exploring his muscles as I went up, lifting the shirt along the way. Once it was most of the way over his chest, he reached one hand behind his head and swiftly pulled the rest of the shirt off his back; tossing it across the room.

My gaze fell to his naked torso. He was so well built. The way his broad shoulders matched his broad chest. His toned abdomen looked as if each muscle was carefully carved by a sculptor. I could run my hands over him for hours, touching every detail.

"On your knees," his deep voice interrupted my thoughts.

I obeyed, sinking to the floor. Continuing what I started, I traced the band of his sweatpants before tugging them down along with his boxers. His hard member sprang free in front of me. I blushed and looked away. I had never seen one before but his seemed larger than I would have ever guessed.

He stepped out of his pants which were bunched up around his ankles. Reaching his hand out, he grasped my chin, forcing me to look up at him.

"You look so pretty kneeling next to my cock." He lazily smiled. His eyes were dark with lust.

My heart skipped a beat at his approval. It was as if my thoughts and emotions were dependent on him. He was in control.

That's the moment I knew I was in trouble.

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