Atomic Woman

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Ever since I could remember, as a little girl Saturday mornings I would sit in front of the television and watch superhero cartoons. There was Batman, Superman, Iron Man, and my favorite, The Incredible Hulk. It never crossed my mind that one day, I would become one of them. Yes a superhero!

I still remember the day I had gained my powers. It was a rainy Tuesday morning. It was just a bad day to begin with. I woke up late for school. I forgot to set my alarm the night before. I rushed out of bed. I ran to my closet and pulled out my Detroit Tigers sweatshirt and pulled it over the white tanktop I had been wearing. I grabbed my black sweat pants that were laying on the floor and pulled them on.

I ran into the bathroom and began brushing my teeth. I looked into the mirror to see the knotted mess, I called hair. I finished brushing my teeth. There was no time to straighten it or curl it. So, I did what any girl did when it was a bad hair day. I put it up into a pony. I left my bangs down, they were to short to put up. 'Good enough, let's go!' I thought to myself. I grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs.

I had to grab something quick to eat on my way to school. I searched the kitchen. Yes! The wonderful chocolate pop tart. I loved those things. Yes, I'm amused by the smallest things. I grabbed it and was just about to head out to drive to school, when I overheard my dad talking to mom in the living room.

"Honey, I know you didn't want to do anything for your birthday, but, I've decided that we are going to go out for a nice dinner tonight," he said.

Shit! I forgot it was my Mom's birthday. It would hurt her if I told her I forgot. Besides, if I didn't get her anything I would never hear the end of it from my younger brother, Jake. I could see him gloating about the wonderful present he got her, and I got her nothing. I would have to stop by the store after school to get her something.

I tried to sneak out the door, before anyone would mention her birthday to me, when I heard my brother behind me.

" Late again?" he said.

"Shut up" I said annoyed.

"So you know it's Mom's birthday today, right?" he asked me.


"So what did you get her?" A smirk came across his face.

I tried to think of an excuse. My brother sat there leaning against the counter. I wanted to slap the smirk off his face.

"None of your dang business!" I said. Before he could fire back, I walked out the door. I didn't have time to fight with him. I got in my car and headed off to school. When I arrived, I was 5 minutes late. I'm sure they wouldn't be to upset. I was a senior, most of the seniors were late to class. Some even skipped school. I rushed into English.

Mrs. Anderson was taking attendance. Her dark beady eyes stared at me. "You're late Genevieve" she complained.

I watched as Ashton and Meg walked into the classroom after me. They were the typical Cheerleaders and Jock couple. They were both stuck on themselves, needless to say..we didn't get along.

"Yes, I'm sorry" I said politely.

Ashton and Meg sat down. Meg turned and gave me a smirk. Mrs. Anderson didn't mark them late.

"I'm afraid you are going to have to go down to the office and get an excuse." she said rudely.

I was angered. Mrs. Anderson didn't like me, which was fine. I was angered at the fact she didn't mark them late. They came in after me, if she's gonna mark me late. mark them too. She was always favoring them. Meg shot me a stare of pure hatred. I gave her a dirty look as I turned to Mrs. Anderson.

Atomic WomanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora