Chapter 13

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I didn't get much sleep that week after the incident. I spent moat of my nights making sure no one came into our home. At the same time, I was fighting crime. It was 5:30 in the morning and I was about to stop a home invasion.

I sat up in the nearest tree to the home, silent. I watched as one man began looking into the window. He looked to make sure the coast was clear. He ran over to let his buddy know. They were clearly unaware of my presence. I watched as they unscrewed the door knob. I switched my suit into invisibility mode, and quietly followed them as they entered the house. The one man held his gun tightly and walked to the living room. He began checking out the Tv. His buddy went in the other room.

I was like a lion hunting its prey. I slowly walked behind him. I threw a punch to the head and knocked him unconscious. I dragged his unconscious body to the kitchen while I looked for duck tape. I found it in a drawer and wrapped it around his arms and legs tight. I then grabbed a kitchen towel and shoved it down his mouth so he couldn't yell. He regained consciousness. He looked around terrified and confused. I was still invisible. I slowly walked to the other room the guy had just walked in.

It was the bathroom, he wasn't in there. I slowly walked out, I heard his footsteps behind me. I turned around to see him going into a nursery. I followed behind him. A baby lay sleeping in a crib peacefully. He was checking out the room when the baby suddenly woke up. The baby began crying. The man had a sense of panic on his face. I heard someone's footsteps in the difference. The man pulled out his gun, he was going to aim it at the baby! I shielded the baby from the gun with my body. The man wasn't aware of my presence yet. He shot the gun, the bullet bounced off my body and onto the floor.

"What the hell?! " the man said in confusion. I turned off my invisibility.

The man jumped at the sight of me. "Hello there." I said to him.

He tried to escape, I beat him to the door and shut it.

"Hey I could use some back up!!!" he yelled for his friend.

I laughed.

"So did your buddy, he cant help you. He's a little tied up." I stated.

The man backed away from me.

"You know I really don't like killers, especially baby killers."

I pulled out my sharp nails.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip you to shreds right now for trying to kill that baby."

He let out a nervous laugh. I had him up against the window.

"Listen, if you let me go. I will leave and never do this again. I swear!!!" he pleaded.

The nursery door swung open.

I swung my hand just above his head. My blade nails ripped the curtain and it came falling down on him. I tied him up in it. He wasn't going nowhere. I turned to see a woman holding the phone talking to the police. A man came bursting in the room.

He looked at me and then the baby.

"Don't worry sir, she is safe. This man tried to shoot her, but I stopped him. The other man I caught is in the kitchen.. do what you want with them. My work is done here," I said.

I heard police sirens in the distance. It was time to go. I opened the window and jumped out. The woman and man both looked out the window as I darted off. I heard them say "Thank you." just as I had left.

Just as I got home to crawl into bed, my alarm went off to get up for school. I weakly shut the button off. I walked to my closet and threw on what was ever laying around.

I got to school just in time. Today was the big calculus test in Mr. Kent's class. Everybody complained about not having time to study for it. I was completely busy with crime fighting and protecting everyone around me and I managed to have time to study. The test was handed out. Mr. Kent told everyone to be silent and to raise their hand if they had a question. I began answering the questions. I was doing good at first. I had answered about 30 questions, then suddenly I couldn't think straight and just collapsed in exhaustion on my desk.

I heard Meg and several of her friends laugh at me. Mr. Kent had walked over to my desk. I felt a gentle tap on my back. I looked up, the test was stuck to my face. I could see Meg snickering at me. Mr. Kent was next to me.

"You ok Genevieve?" he asked concerned.

I yawned. "Ummm yeah. Just a little tired that's all. Sorry, I will continue with my test."

He must have seen the exhaustion I tried hiding in my face. I could never lie or fool him. He grabbed my test. Everyone was watching me, they wanted to see Mr. Kent fail me.

"You know what, you don't look to good...I'll have you retake this later during your study hall." he said.

"Ummm...ok..." I said. I was too tired to argue.

Meg had the look of shock on her face. I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Well can I retake my test later?" she asked him.

"No." he said coldly.

I looked to see a small smirk on his face. He looked at me.

"Teacher's Pet!" she quietly said to me in anger of not getting her way. I laughed. For once in my life, I actually liked favoritism.

Atomic WomanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin