Chapter 10 - Unexpected Trip

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Elektra's pov:

-"You are finally here!" said my father sternly as he took a puff on his cigarette.
-"F..ff.father what are you doing here such an hour?" I asked him completely paralyzed.
-"I was looking for you everywhere until I came here. When I entered, I found Roxanne tidying up. When I asked her about your whereabouts she said that you went training"
Thank Goddess I  put on my sports bra and black leggings when I shifted back to my human form.
-"Y...yes father that's right!I found some free time and decided to go training"
-"You did well. There will be many who will lurk for your position. You must always be vigilant"
-"I know father.....I know....." I added. "Phew .....www......that was close! A weight was lifted off of my shoulders and I felt I could breathe again. "So what did you want to tell me?" I asked him after taking a deep breath.
-"About many things.....Jordan is among them" he said curtly.
-"Did you finally put him in his place?" I wondered. That would be really great!
-"I don't want you to bother with him again. Just let him be!" my father said imposingly.
-"What?" I asked surprised and continued "How can you ask me such a thing?"
-"Listen daughter" he said as he got up and approached me slowly. "Jordan is a valuable member of this pack.  I just can not ignore everything he has done so far."
-"He has made several mistakes too.... like mistreating the omegas, blackmailing the Alpha's daughter and so many others... "I commented angrily.
-"He won't do any of this again. I made sure of it."
-"What's the point father? He won't be punished for his disobedience. On the contrary, despite all his actions, he will be rewarded once more, by remaining the Beta of this pack. That's really preposterous!"
-"Don't overreact! He learned his limits and I am sure he won't try hurting you again"
-"I don't believe that! I am sure he won't leave me alone so easily".
-"He will. He knows what it's in his best interest!" my father reassured me. I just can't believe that my father still supports this guy. Maybe what the people told me about my father was true after all!
-"I don't know father. I am really very disappointed."
-"You'll get over it! When you become Alpha you can appoint whoever you want. Until then, I am the Alpha and I choose Jordan as my Beta. Is that clear?" he asked angrily.
-"Crystal clear...." I said disappointingly. Maybe father isn't the right and trustworthy man I thought he was after all......
-"Jordan isn't the reason I came here tonight"
-"Then what is it?" 
-"You will accompany me to the Council's annual meeting"
-"What? Really?Wow!" I asked excited.
-"We are leaving tomorrow morning. That's why I came so late to your room tonight"
-"What? So soon?"
-"Is this a problem?"
-"No, not at all.....In fact I'll start packing my things right away!"
-"You know you have to start attending those meetings. It's essential that the other Alphas to get to know you and understand that you are the next Alpha of the Black Shadow Pack. They must all fear you" he said as he stood up.
-"I do not want to be feared father. I just want to be respected" I told him while he was heading at the door. My father turned around and looked me straight in the eyes.
-"This is nonsense. You won't last a month if you think like this"my father commented strictly.
-"We will see about that" I objected. I wanted to ask my father about what Orestes told me but I was afraid. I could not reveal the way I learned about our pack's bad reputation and my father's tactics. If my father found out, he would not hesitate to imprison me or worse. I see know that what Orestes said about my father had a point. Ι do not know only to what extent they are correct as he said. It seemed so strange, so absurd. Why does father behave so hostilely to other Alphas and packs? It is true that he is a very ambitious man, but that does not justify the inhuman ways in which he is accused. But what can I tell him? Whatever I say will be perceived as a direct insult and an act of contempt against him. And this I am completely sure it won't be tolerated.
-"Don't be late tomorrow" he said as he was ready to open the door. He suddenly stopped, turned around and told me "And Elektra, I applaud your zeal but please don't stay outside so late at night. You have to be more careful from now on."
-"Don't worry father. I will" I reassured him.
-"Good night!" he said and grabbed the door handle again.
-"Good night father!"
Phewww....That was close!  When I first saw him in my room, I was paralyzed. I thought that everything was lost, that he discovered what we did and he came to impose a punishment on me. Fortunately for me he was here for a different reason.

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