Chapter 12 - The Meeting

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Bartholomew's pov:

-"I am glad you came. You should be more active and participate more in such meetings" Richard commented. I can't understand how he manages to irritate me every time....
-"I came here only to organize the research of this rogue Alpha" I told sternly.
-"You know that it's too difficult to find him. No one knows who or where he is..." Richard explained.
-"I'll put a price on him. They 'll do anything for money" I said confidently.
-"You won't achieve anything. We have done this before with no results. It's been fifteen years now that we have been looking for this scammer. Believe me, we tried everything" Richard said in frustration.
-"I don't care! I won't stop searching for him until I get him" I said angrily.
-"Relax we will find a way! Everyone has their Achilles heel.... Just be patient."
-"I don't see you finding it soon though....."
-"You know we are doing our best. What else do you expect us to do?" Richard justified himself.
-"You have to find the members of the Silver Dawn Pack. Those are behind of it" I explained.
-"Why are you so obsessed with this pack? Don't you realize you are on a wild goose chase all these years? When will you accept that you eliminated every member of this pack many years ago? This pack doesn't exist anymore!!!"
-"Yes it does! Some managed to escape that day....."
-"Yes, women and children that probably were devoured by other creatures. I wonder why do you still think that they managed to survive!" Richard reasoned.
-"How are you so sure?" I asked him.
-"If they did where are they all these years?"Richard asked rhetorically.
-"I don't know!" I replied frustrated. This subject always pisses me off.
-"Don't get angry. I am your friend and I want the best for you. Listen to me, stop fighting against windmills" Richard said honestly. It was obvious that his arguments were fundamental. I knew also that Richard was a good and loyal friend. He fought by my side and embraced my values ​​and principles from the beginning. Maybe he was right. Maybe I was chasing wild goose after all.
-"Anyway I have sent several teams to scan the area. I will find him. He can't be hiding forever" Richard said determined.
-"I am glad to hear it!"
-"There is another subject we have to discuss and agree on..." Richard said decisively.
-"Which is?"
-"My shares on the trafficking business"
-"You know we can't continue on with that business. We are under the watchful eye of the Council, a lot is at stake!" I reasoned.
-"We are losing money Bartholomew... a lot...." Richard commented angrily.
-"Don't you understand? We cannot continue with this when the Council is out there! We will freeze our activities until we get rid of them!Until then there will be no profit for anyone! End of story!" I said curtly.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A few hours later at the meeting

Third person pov:

All the Alphas were gathered in the meeting room of the pack, waiting for the representatives of the Council to arrive. They were divided into small groups. Some they were talking while others were smoking outside. When Bartholomew, the Alpha of the Black Shadow Pack got inside, suddenly quiet prevailed the room. No one dare to talk or make any kind of noise. What was more, everyone avoided eye contact with him cause they knew that looking an Alpha directly in the eye was like challenging him. They knew what the consequences might be, especially when it came to Bartholomew, a temperamental and extremely dangerous man. Everyone feared him due to his tactics and behavior the last years. No one really like him but they couldn't do otherwise.

After him, Alpha Richard followed, accompanied by the three members of the Council. They were all welcomed with absolute respect. Everyone took their seats at the table and the meeting began.

Alpha Richard introduced each one according to their position. Two of them were obviously Elders because of their appearance. They were elderly and wore white clothes, a characteristic color of the High Ranking Wolves. The third was younger and more imposing. His body features showed that he probably was a soldier.
After discussing various issues and resolving many disputes between Alpha neighbors, they finally came to the hot topic of the meeting, "The Rogue Alpha."
-"We have to find him. This must be our top priority" Alpha Richard commented and continued "I've already arranged searching teams to scan around my pack's territory."
-"Alpha Richard don't tell me that you believe in this fairytale?" Alpha Orestes of the Black Moon Pack asked.
-"It isn't a fairytale but the reality. There is someone out there so brazen and arrogant that he thinks he belong everything and doesn't hesitate to steal from us"
-"Please Alpha Richard. We all know that the Rogue Alpha is a myth. A myth invented by smugglers and traffickers in order to do their job without being disturbed by anyone" Alpha Orestes explained.
-"How dare you?" said Alpha Richard angrily after getting up abruptly. Bartholomew grabbed him by the arm, showing him to sit down, which Richard followed immediately. It was more than obvious that Alpha Richard was an obedient instrument to Bartholomew. It was then that the younger member of the Council spoke up.
-"Please sirs calm down. We came here to resolve our problems. To do this we must have all the information at our disposal. So do you have any data about this Rogue Alpha?" he said addressing to Alpha Richard who moved his head negatively. Then the council member addressed the other Alphas. "Anyone?" he said looking around. No one said anything. No one knew who the Rogue Alpha was and if he really existed. Rumors were all they had.
-"So, the case is closed. If and when you have adequate evidence we will be happy to discuss it again" the young man said in a strict way.
-"I will find your proof" Alpha Richard said and then addressed to the other Alphas "You are all a bunch of cowards! What are you afraid of? Most of you are totally sure about this scummers' existence. Why don't you say the truth?"
-"Relax Richard, relax. Maybe the Rogue Alpha is among us, maybe he is one of us!" Bartholomew commented.
-"How dare you?" Jacob, Alpha of the Crescent Moon pack said angrily standing up.
-"You see?" Alpha Richard said and continued "Τhat's what happens when the masks fall".
-"What are you implying you idiot?" Alpha Jacob approached Alpha Richard menacingly. Bartholomew responded immediately aggressively.
- "What did you call me?" Alpha Richard asked a rhetorical question. Now both of men were inches apart. Their breaths were hot and their gazes were filled with fire. They didn't need anything more to start a fight. Many Alphas came in between them trying to separate them and calm them down to no avail. A commotion developed with many Alphas to be up in arms. It was then that a loud voice was heard in the room, Bartholomew's voice that managed to silence everyone.
-"Shut the fuck up everyone!" Bartholomew said imposingly.
-"Who are you to tell us what to do?" Alpha Orestes asked disparagingly.
-"You all know who I am and what I am capable of.." Bartholomew said menacingly.
-"Please gentlemen. We should calm down all!" one of the Alphas suggested.
-"If you don't have anything else to add this meeting is over" Bartholomew said imposingly. Many Alphas got up and were about to leave when one of the Elders who was watching all this time got up and said:
-"Not yet Gentlemen. We have another important issue to discuss. It concerns many packs. Trafficking."
-"What are all these nonsense?" Alpha Richard protested.
-"Please Alpha let me finish" the Elder said calmly. Alpha Richard made a condescending nod.
-"Ιn recent years the phenomenon of the disappearance of many young boys and girls from their packs has been observed.  Unfortunately the rate of increase in disappearances is increasing exponentially. We haven't been able to find the lost wolves or the people behind this criminal organization so far. That is why I need everyone's cooperation in this!"
-"What exactly do you want from us?" Alpha Orestes said.
-"We want you all to be on the lookout! Take care of your members. Be stricter with your border policy! Oversee your schools and youth centers. Generally be vigilant!"
-"We are already doing it" exclaimed Alpha Richard arrogantly.
-"We are not here to criticize you! We just give you the basic instructions and we want you to know that we will be by your side no matter what happens!"
-"The guidelines are useful but you forget one thing. You have to find the cause of all these which no one else than the Rogue Alpha" Alpha Bartholomew suggested.
-"Who says that this is the Rogue Alpha's doing?" Alpha Orestes contradicted.
-"Who else?" Alpha Richard asked.
-"Maybe the vampire community or the witches' convent are behind" Alpha Jacob said.
-"Or maybe Alphas or Betas of several packs...." Alpha Orestes said.
-"What are you implying again? What are you accusing us of? That we kidnap our own members and sell them? Have you completely lost your mind?" Alpha Richard yelled.
-"I do not blame anyone in particular. I'm just pointing out another version" Alpha Orestes said.
-"That version is preposterous!" Alpha Richard exclaimed in frustration.
-"Enough! This meeting is over! Stop arguing with each other. If you want to deal with this problem you must be united" one of the Elders said strictly and stood up. The rest of the representatives followed as well as the Alphas. Once again the leaders didn't find any solution to the people's everyday problems.

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