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Your backstory

Since your were a kid you hate your life.
You hated living with your family. With your mom and dad, especially your dad.

For as long as you can remember your dad was drinking. Before you were born, he cheated on mom and bullied her.
And your mom was so stupid and she stayed with him.
Your mother got her first pregnancy very early because she was only 19 years old. During this pregnancy, your dad continued to drink.
A girl called Carmen was born.
Everything seemed fine, Dad stopped drinking and cheating on Mum.
4 years later you were born. You do not remember your childhood exactly, you only remember some events such as playing at home with your sister, when your father threw you drunk on the bed because you were crying and your father's first rehab.
You remember his rehab very well. You were coming back home with your mom from your aunt, your mom's sister. It was evening already and you had your favorite brown doll stroller and in which you had your favorite talking doll. You entered the building, you were going to the 10th floor and knocked leaves on the door and you knocked on the door because Mom forgot the keys.Nobody opened so she knocked again then drunk father opened. He wouldn't let you in and was struggling with your mom at the door. The father, however, was stronger and closed the door for us. In tears, my mother called her aunt and the police. You went back outside to wait for everyone. Auntie came first and looked after you while your mom went upstairs with the policemen. After a few minutes the policemen left, taking my father and your mom went to get you and you came home. The next day, my father came, conspired, and left for two months from the center.

When you were 8 your mom got another pregnancy. Another girl was born and they named Susan. You've moved to a bigger house. Your dad worked with his brother. Uncle who cheated by closing businesses overnight and you were left with nothing. You were having financial problems and you had to move out.
You moved to the apartment where you live now.
Your dad found a job in another city and he was only home on weekends. He started drinking again and taking drugs on top of that. All his money was wasted on drugs. Your mom had to find a job then. She was the only one looking after you because your father didn't care.

Your mom wanted a divorce from him because of what he was doing. He was aggressive when he came, everyone cried because of him and he made fights about everything.
One day he overdid and beat Carmen so badly that she ended up in the hospital in a coma. So far she has not woken up.
After that, your mother dreamed of a divorce. However, your father had other plans.
After one quarrel when your mom left, he hanged himself. Mom came back quickly, looked into the bathroom and he was hanging there. You were the only one in the house at that moment.She started screaming for you to help her and you didn't see what to do.You panicked and ran for the kitchen knife.You cut the rope he was hanging on and the rope around his neck. You called 911. During this time, your father regained consciousness. He was very aggressive and struggled with your mom for what she did it for.That day, he traumatized you for the rest of your life. You had daddy issues. Your mother became depressed after the incident and your father raped her and she was pregnant again.

Susan ran into a car when she was 5. And your mom miscarried her fourth pregnancy.

Only you are left.
You couldn't handle all of this.
You started smoking.
You ran into Ed.
You started to hurt yourself.
All you wanted was to leave this house.
You wanted someone to love you.

 you're mine.. forever~ (obsessive yandere boyfriend x reader)Where stories live. Discover now