༺ 18 ༻

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"is that my phone?" You asked in a sleepy voice.
He looked at you and smile warmly "oh you're awake" he said charmfully.
"Why are you having my phone?" You snatched your phone from his hand, but before you could put it away, Finn grabbed your wrist with one hand and took the phone from you with the other and put it in his pocket.
"I was just looking at your photos and text" Finn turned and was now on his stomach with his head level with your chest. He was looking into your eyes and asked "why you have so many photos of you with the boys?" His voice was serious.
"They are my friend"
"I don't like them. I'm glad that you will never see them again" he said and cuddled into you.

You didn't answer that and just melt into his touch. You didn't know why but you start to feel comfortable around him. He didn't scare you that much anymore. It didn't mean you wanted to be there forever. Of course you wanted to see your friends and live your live.

A few days later after sleeping with each other, cuddling and watching cartoons you realized you don't know anything about him but he know you better than you know yourself.

"Yes princess?" He responded and place his eyes from tv on you
"How old are you?"
"23, why do you ask?" He said curious turning around his body towards you.
"I just realized that i know nothing about you and if 'we' want to make a relationship we should know each other like no one else" you said making him smile.
"I know you just needed time to start to like me, but we don't need to waste out time talking about me. All what's important are you"
"No" you said determinant to know something about him. It will help you with gaining trust and escaping "you said you want me to love you as much as you love me right?"
"Yes. That's all I want"
"But how can I love you when I don't know you?"
"Good point" he said with concerned look in his eyes. You never seen that expression before so you got curious.
"I know it's good point so tell me about yourself "
"But what do you wanna know" he said pulling you towards him and then wrapping his arms around you.
"About your family maybe" his eyes darked when i said about his family.
"They all are dead" he said without any sight of emotions
"What..?" You said confused "since when? How?"
He looked straight into your eyes "i killed them" he then genuinely smiled "they were getting on my nerves so i get rid of them"
He take your hands in his hands and said "but they would only be a stumbling block in our relationship. We don't need them"

You was so confused about what he said that you didn't know how to respond him. After some time looking each other in the eyes Finn started laughing and kiss your nose
"I love you.. really" his eyes was pierced into your and his expression was soft.
If you didn't meet him in a way you did you would definitely fell for him.
"I love everything about you"

 you're mine.. forever~ (obsessive yandere boyfriend x reader)Where stories live. Discover now