Show Me His Picture

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"Huh?" Genevieve gaped at Ada, unable to comprehend her words.

"You heard me the first time." Ada rolled her eyes. "I am a cupid. Read my lips. Cuuuupid."

"No way." Genevieve took in Ada's appearance. She looked like a regular kid save for the big cute eyes; nothing... cupidy at all

"Yes way." Ada nodded in earnest. "You know the god of love and whatnot? Yeah. That's us only we are kinda angels of love. Big difference. And we hardly grow, that explains my..."

Genevieve tuned her out, chuckling. "Such a weird day. Cupids do not exist."

"One is right in front of you and you deny our existence." The girl huffed and scowled. "That's pretty rude."

"Rude?" Genevieve's chuckle turned into crazed laughter. "Something broke in my mind." She tugged at her braids. "I'm sure of it. I shouldn't be seeing what others can't see."

"Well, about that..."

Genevieve's gaze snapped to Ada. "What are you not telling me?"

She winced and offered an awkward smile. "The cake."

Last night! Genevieve straightened as she recalled how odd she had felt after eating the cake. Oh my God, the cake messed with my head.

"What did you do?"

Rubbing the back of her neck, Ada looked everywhere but at Genevieve. "No need to panic, okay? It's a normal procedure. No side effects. For a human to be able to see us, certain steps must be taken. The cake. Your slip and fall. All that led to you seeing me. I wish there was another way to go about it but the Highbrows are yet to come up with something less crude. The fall triggered a..."

Genevieve stared at the bathroom floor as she recalled her fall. The angle had been all wrong. "Is this..." Searching for the right word, Genevieve frowned. "... am I crazy?"

"No, no, no. You're not crazy." Ada's eyes grew wide as she waved her hands in denial. "I am really a cupid and you are my thirteenth match."

"And you expect me to believe that?" Standing, Genevieve marched out of the bathroom. She needed to breathe—to hold on to something real. Where was Lisa?

Ada wouldn't let her be. She trailed after Genevieve, following her back into her bedroom. "I don't care if you believe me or not. I am desperate; this is my last chance. You don't understand. I can't afford to fail again. I..."

Genevieve turned and was surprised to see a subdued-looking Ada. "Please, I beg you." Ada sniffed and clamped her hands in a pleading stance. "Just... please, help me." Fat drops of tears raced down her cheeks as her lips wobbled.

For some unknown reason, warm sympathy flooded Genevieve's heart.

Unknown reason? Inner sarcastic Genevieve chuffed. Look at those wide teary eyes. She's insanely adorable. You want to hug and comfort her, don't you?

"Nope." Genevieve chuckled.

"Y-you think this is funny?" Ada asked amid hiccups.

"No," Genevieve looked away, feeling cornered. 

"Yes, you do. I'm talking about my job—my life, and you are chuckling. If I don't get your match right, Luke may take me to his division or something s-sadder. He said the Helmets should drop me." Ada was full-on bawling now, complete with loud snorting and a scrunched-up face. "The worst p-part is t-the uncertainty...not knowing what drop means."

"Okay. I'll—" 

What are you doing? 

I don't know, Genevieve shot back. All she knew was the sight of Ada's tears was beginning to distress her. "Let me take a quick shower first, clear my mind. I will be right back. You can stop crying now." 

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