Just Do It

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"Don't you think he's suffered enough?"

"Who?" A self-satisfied grin formed on Genevieve's lips as she watched her former boss from her spot across the park. They were seated in her 2014 wrangler. AC in full blast, a half-empty cup of chocolate and banana smoothie at arm's reach, and grumpy Ada in the passenger's seat; the jeep's tinted windshields made it the perfect lookout spot to watch Raymond suffer just a little bit more.

"Oh, come on." Ada groaned. "You know who I'm talking about. He's been waiting for almost an hour."

Ada had been scarce since their fight last Saturday. Whenever she made an appearance, she sulked and kept to herself. Genevieve was kinda surprised she tagged along today and was making an attempt at conversation after decades of silence. Weirdly, Genevieve had missed the cupid's chatty side. Talk about a crazy twist.

"He deserves it." Genevieve turned away from Ada's wide pleading eyes and refocused on her former boss. He looked damn fine. Cocking her head, she took in his white-soled loafers, jean trousers, and black crew-neck shirt. No way he wasn't a regular at the gym with arms like those. She released a sudden bark of laughter when another kid stopped in front of him, bawling her eyes out with a line of snort sliding down her nose. He offered the child a tight awkward smile and looked around, probably in search of her parents.

Lisa was an evil genius for suggesting this park. One of her friend's sisters had thrown a birthday party for her three-year-old and there were like a gazillion children and worked-up parents all over the place. The park was still open to public use though. Several food trucks, kites, bubbles, and balloon stands littered the place. A children's paradise.

Chuckling, Genevieve relaxed into her seat and took a long sip from her cup of smoothie. Ah, life was good.

"How do you expect the match to work if you keep being like this?"

"I'm not being like this because of the match," Genevieve retorted as she dumped her now empty cup into its holder. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you that. You would be in total support of his suffering if you know what I went through in his hands."

"You don't understand. This has to work. Luke said the Helmets may drop me if it doesn't."

"Who is Luke? And Helmets? What are those?"

"If I tell you, would you put him out of his misery?" Ada nodded in Raymond's direction, eyebrows pinched in sympathy. Genevieve fought laughter at the sight of a pregnant mum having an animated—very one-sided—conversation with an uncomfortable-looking Raymond.

"Sure," Genevieve said, still struggling to hold in a laugh.

"Helmets are Cupid leaders. My division has three, Maya, Bo, and Tasha," Ada said as she counted them off with her fingers. "They love me. But then there is Luke, he is one of the Helmets of the Northern Cupid Division and he is so... he thinks I'm a failure."

Genevieve scowled as a surge of protectiveness rose in her. Her dislike for this Luke character was instant. Sure, Ada was a goofy adorable troublemaker but a failure? Come on. "What's his problem?"

Ada threw her hands. "I don't know. Do you know he has a list of matches I've failed at—WITH EVERY DETAIL. I was horrified when I saw it." She tugged at the round pendant hanging from her neck, eyes worried.

"Look, kid." Genevieve waited until big brown sad eyes met hers. "I am sorry Luke is being a jackass, but can I make one thing clear?"

"Sure." Ada sniffed and nodded.

"Love takes a lot, for me at least. When I told you I had a solid plan, I meant it. You have to trust me on this. I'm not going to fight this compatibility theory of yours, and I am definitely not trying to sabotage this for you."

Worst Cupid EverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon