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A click on my door signalled that curfew was over and I was allowed to leave my room. Quietly I opened my door and balanced my dinner tray out, walking down towards the door at the end of the hallway, for when the teachers would come gather them.

"Tag, you're it," Riki giggled as he appeared in front of Emiko and immediately tapped her shoulder.

"Not today Riki," Emiko murmured as she placed down her tray and dragged her feet in the opposite direction to go down to our common room.

"Why?" Riki questioned with a sad expression as he trailed after Emiko, "it's been weeks since we last played tag!"

"They're running physical tests on her every morning," Lin remarked as she walked up beside me and placed her tray down beside mine, "been draining her from all her energy."

"I did hear her comlpain of running miles upon miles," I hummed with a small frown as Lin linked her arm with mine and walked with me down to the common area, "you seem fine today."

"No wave tests," she happily shook her head, "so I think Sunoo and I will play some board games. You and Jungwon should join us."

"Maybe," I hummed at her. Secretly not wanting to, I liked the routine Jungwon and I had come upon. I liked laying against him while he studied and I drew.

Once we reached the common room Riki had pulled Emiko over to sit in a beanbag, poking her cheek softly as he talked to her with a pout playing on his lips. Meanwhile Sunoo sat looking through the slim variety of board games we had in our common room. Jungwon was not seated in his usual couch, in fact he wasn't anywhere.

I shifted uncomfortably in Lin's grip, only now realizing what power Jungwon had over my comfortability feeling. It set me off with the fact that Jungwon's presence wasn't in the room, even though he didn't have a big prescence.

"I'll uhm... I'll go check Jungwon's room," I excused and Lin just nodded as I pulled my arm out of her grip.

I could feel her eyes watch me as I walked down towards Jungwon's room. It was first when I stood on the other side of his door that I realized I actually didn't know how the others' rooms looked. I suppose they would be identical to mine, but I still had a bit of doubt in the pit of my stomach.

"Jungwon?" I carefully called out, gently knocking on his door.

I knew it was his room by the '9' that was painted on the door, with a thick black painting. I got no answer and instead just opened the door slowly. He was in his room, I suppose the door is just to thick to hear knocks through.

"Jungwon?" I repeated and he hummed before quickly turning and looking at me. 

He was seated at his desk, scribbling in his white notebook, while his books laid open across his desk. The room was the same as mine, yet it seemed to carry more personality. Maybe it was because of the messy bedsheets and scrambled books across his desk.

"Aren't you coming out to us today?" I questioned carefully and he simply shook his head, "why not?"

"I uhm... I decided that it wasn't the best," he excused quietly as he turned back to his books, rubbing his forehead slightly, "my sightings have been quite intense today, gives me a headache. I saw mr. Petersons whole week while he had consultation with me. I can't really control it today."

"Oh... I'll leave then," I excused quietly and he quickly shook his head in return, "are you sure? If me being in here will give you more sights, isn't it then more comfortable for me to just leave?"

"I don't mind your company," he excused, "it might give me headaches, but I don't mind."

"I'll go get my notebook first," I excused and he hummed quietly, sending me a small smile.

I quickly rushed across the hallway and got my notebook and pencilcase before rushing over to Jungwon's room once more.

"You can sit on the bed if you'd like. I'm not that squeamish," he assured and I hummed as I sat down on his bed, arranging his pillow so that I could lean against the wall it stood against, "are you gonna draw your dreams again?"

"I didn't have one last night," I shook my head in return as I flipped up on the last page of my notebook, "I'll just draw my surroundings."

"I have a window, you know," he remarked and pointed to beside my head, making me quickly whip my head around and look out of it, "you don't have a window?"

"I have a wall," I shook my head as the corners of my lips tugged upward at the sight of what is outside.

"Uhm... Jiyeon... I have a question," Jungwon admitted making me quickly turn around to look at him, giving him a small hum as he didn't proceed with his question, "are they gonna start wave therapy on you?" he questioned and I frowned slightly.

"You can only see the future, how do you know what miss Hopkins and I spoke of?" I questioned in confusion and he pursed his lips.

"Yes or no," he clarified and I slowly nodded, "so they are?"

"They're gonna start on you too," I pointed out and he simply waved it off.

"Do you know when they're gonna start on the tests?" he questioned and I shook my head before I slowly realized how he could know. My eyebrows slowly furrowed.

"Jungwon... what did you see?" I questioned and he hummed as he raised both his eyebrows at me, "you can only know of the wave tests if you can see it in my future. What have you seen?"

"They can be wrong," he shook his head as he turned around in his seat.

"Yang Jungwon," I sternly spoke and his chair immediately flipped around so he was looking at me. Quite shocked if I have to put an emotion on his expressions, "what have you seen in my future?"

"I don't know if it's true. It's blurry, okay?" he questioned with a sigh, "now stop using your skills on me."

"Like you're not using yours on me?" I retorted, "tell me what you see or I'm keeping you in that chair."

"Oh come on, that's ridicolous," he remarked as he attempted to stand up. Attempted. He looked quite baffled when he was held down by something he couldn't see, "Jiyeon..."

"Tell me Jungwon," I sternly insisted, "what can you see in my future?"

"Something is gonna go wrong in one of your tests," he sighed, "there's some yelling and complaining between the teachers... and you're..." he sighed as he closed his eyes and let a frown grow on his face, "you're falling out of the chair and they're just... they're running around. There's a loud beeping too."

"And when it's blurry that means..." I trailed off as he opened his eyes, looking at me with a tired expression.

"It's not set in stone," he remarked, "either it happens or it doesn't. Small incidents in the time up to the test can change."

"Will you keep a watch out for me until then?" I questioned and he frowned, "will you check up on that part of my future for me? Until I have to go to the test."

"Jiyeon I can't just choose to see specific futures of people," he shook his head at me.

"You can, otherwise they won't be attempting to learn you a new skill," I shook my head at him, "I'm not allowed to learn a new skill because they don't trust me to control my skills. You can control it... waaaay better than I can. Will you just please tell me if it gets clear?"

"Yeah... yeah... okay I will," he nodded, "can I get back to my studying now?"

Abruptly I let his chair spin back around as I fell back on his bed and pulled my notebook back up into my lap to continue my drawing.

"I might control my skills better, but yours are way more terrifying," he remarked quietly as I simply smirked to myself and began drawing the silhouette of Jungwon's studying back.

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