Chapter 7

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"They say it’s better to bury your sadness in a graveyard or garden that waits for the spring to wake from its sleep and burst into green."-Conor Oberst

Faiths POV


"Go away Faith." He said angrily.

"Why are you acting like this?" I asked.

"You're the one who did it to me first? Breaking my fucking heart you piece of whore." He said.

"Why don't you believe me? Do you not trust me?" I asked him.

"Why would I believe someone like you?" He said to me before he turned around and left me.

I woke up in shock. Another dream. I looked around and realize I'm not in my bedroom. It was a fancy one. Where am I?

The door burst open and there stand Andrew.

"You're awake." He said coming close to me. "How are you feeling?" He asked me.

"I'm fine." I reassured him.

When he came close to me, I realize he has a scar beer his mouth. That wasn't there when we were dating. Something irked in me to ask where he got that.

"Andrew." I called. "Yes?" He responded. "Where did you get that scar near your mouth?" I asked.

He looked down sheepishly. "When I found out about the pictures being morphed. I went to your parents house with Cecil because I thought you were there." He said. He came to my parents house. Why didn't my parents tell me?

"When I knocked on the door, Austin opened it and when he saw me." He paused. "Let's just say he went batshit crazy on me which made your dad and Cecil have to break us apart." He finished.

"My brother did that." I said in disbelief. Austin I told you not to do any trouble.

"Yeah I guess I deserved it. I mean who wouldn't want to protect their own family. That day your father told me that you already left London to somewhere far." He said sadly.

I looked at him with sadness. He really was searching for me. The first year without him was hard, I spent days thinking that this was all a dream and that he still loves me.

But that was just an expectation when in reality, it was just a fairytale that I have been living. A fake fairytale that children believes.

I looked at the time and realize I'm gonna be late. I stood up from the bed and got out of the bedroom.

"Where are you going?" He asked. "Out." I snapped back.

"In that?" He questions and points to out on what I'm wearing.

I looked down on myself and realized that I'm wearing a baggy t-shirt with some boxers. Did he changed me?

"Did you change my clothes?" I asked while a blush crept through my cheeks.

"It's not like I haven't seen you naked before." He said while smirking. Pervert.

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