The Ceremonial Dance

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"Are all these really necessary?" I ask as Valerie paints the pack symbol on my left shoulder. I have already worn the white ceremonial dress on me and the brown gladiator sandals that had to be tied up to my knees. The dress was only one-shouldered and exposed my left shoulder, hence, why Valerie is painting the symbol there.

Both Valerie and Sandy are also wearing white halter neck dresses. Valerie also had the pack symbol on her shoulder whereas Sandy did not.

"You'll be fine," Valerie coos. The dress I'm wearing right now is also what I wore when I was initiated into the pack. We'll know you are fully accepted into the pack once the dance is over."

"Is there an indicator that confirms that?"

"The paint I'm using on your shoulder will glow." Valerie finishes painting on my shoulder and places the bowl with the red paint on the vanity and heads to the comfort room. We can hear a faint sound of the water running.

I look up at Sandy who has had a smile on her face for the entirety of the preparation. She giggles as she finishes braiding the top half of my hair and placing different-colored flowers on them. "Everyone's eyes will be on you, today. Especially my brother's."

The blood immediately rushes to my cheeks at her statement. I cover my face with my hands, feeling the heat from my skin. I can't look at Leandre the same way after I thought of doing the mating process with him in the future.

"Oh? Is that a normal blush I see in the mirror?"

"Stop teasing me."

"Why? It's so much fun!" Sandy laughs as she finishes tying. "Done. Now, all you need is that necklace my brother gave you and your look is complete!"

"Would you mind putting it on me?"

"Why ask Sandy when you can ask Leandre? He's right outside, isn't he?"

Valerie chuckles as she opens the door showing a distressed Leandre pacing back and forth.

"Why don't you come inside and help Nikki, Leandre? She's been nervous about performing the ceremonial dance for quite a while."

Leandre awkwardly smiles while rubbing his nape. "Right. Is there anything I can help with?"

Sandy leans closer to me and whispers, "Don't worry about him, Nikki. He's just nervous because he hasn't had any experience with girls before. You're the first."

"Sandy..." Leandre warns.

Sandy stands straight and puts both her arms up. "Chill! I'm not saying anything bad. We'll be waiting downstairs, Nikki." She turns to Valerie and bobs her head towards the door.

Without saying anything else, Valerie grins, and the two exit the room.

"Well, you can help me put the necklace on... like last night?" I suggest but it sounds more like I was unsure about it. I only said it so that the atmosphere would be less awkward than it did when we saw him outside the door. I pull the drawer in the vanity open and grab the necklace, handing it to him without looking into his eyes.

Definitely not awkward.

Leandre's fingertips brush off my palm as he takes the necklace, leaving tingles on my hand. He chuckles and walks right behind me.

I hold my hair up so he can properly place the necklace on.

Yep. I definitely am not trying to avoid his gaze by staring at the diamond pendant.

"There we go," Leandre announces. "Nikki... Did something happen? Why won't you look at me?"

"Nothing!" I answer quickly. That probably made it seem more suspicious. "It's nothing. I'm just nervous about the ceremonial dance. It's my first time performing it in front of other people so..."

Leandre narrows his eyes at me but doesn't pry any further. "I'm sure you'll do well."

My eyes focus on Leandre's figure. It was only now that I noticed he was also wearing a white button-up shirt and beige shorts. The symbol of their pack is painted in black on the dorsum of his left hand.

"I'll be with the other male wolves playing the beat for the ceremonial dance."

I swallow the lump that was forming in my throat. Now my mind is filled with thoughts of the upcoming performance. Won't the other werewolves consider me a brat for having an inauguration ceremony specifically for me? I don't think Chris has thought this through...

"May I?" Leandre offers his hand.

I nod and place my hand in his. Feeling his warm hand in mine manages to comfort me and calm my heart a bit.

Leandre leads me to the quadrangle where most of the other pack members are gathered around. The sky has already grown dark and butterfly lights are hung around the quadrangle as its source of light. The bonfire in the middle of the circular pavement has already been dimly lit and a few male members of the pack dressed in white position themselves on the side of the circular pavement with percussion instruments.

I see Valerie and Sandy waiting for me along with our parents, the pack elders, and the pack rankers. One of the pack elders stands behind a podium and begins speaking.

"It was on the night of the blood moon when our pack was formed. It was also on the night of the blood moon when our pack won against those who desired to devour our pack into theirs. The Blood Moon Pack will gain a new member today—one born with Alpha blood—Nicole Summers. Tonight marks the start of her journey as part of the pack."

Valerie nods her head at me, signaling me to approach her. The drummers start banging a slow beat on the drums as Valerie, Sandy and I proceed to our positions around the bonfire—in a triangle formation. The fire grows stronger once we arrived and the drums stop playing.

Someone starts playing the first few notes on the xylophones. We raise our right arm and face our right hand's dorsum while our left arm is raised at shoulder level only. 

The next steps of the dance pass by a blur as the rhythm of the drums and the melody of the xylophones grow livelier. The next thing I notice is when the three of us have moved around the bonfire in a circle. The symbol painted on my shoulder started feeling warmer by the second. The other members of the pack remain quiet for the entirety of the ceremonial dance.

The flow of the dance has been engraved in my mind since we've danced it yearly at home. The musicians manage to play the finishing beat of the music and the pack members cheer as the painting on my right shoulder glow white in color. The strong fire from the bonfire reverts back to its dimly lit state and the smoke from it spreads throughout the entire quadrangle.

Seconds later, the red paint vanishes into thin air and the symbol has disappeared.

I look to the side and see happy and proud smiles on my parents' faces, as well as Leandre and Chris's happy expressions. I sigh in relief as Sandy and Valerie both engulf me in a hug.

"Nicole Summers is now officially a member of the pack. May the light of Goddess and the hands of destiny be ever in your favor," the pack elder finishes saying with a smile.

Sandy, Valerie, and I start making our way to our family when someone releases a scream from behind us. There are a number of pack members that have fallen onto the ground.

"Alpha! Help! T-they just suddenly collapsed! I don't know what happened!"

My eyes widen at the sight of more pack members fainting around the quadrangle. What is going on?!? 

The circular stone pavement around Val, Sandy, and me suddenly glows bright blue.

"Uh... Val? What's going on?"

"NO!" I hear Leandre shout as the three of us get engulfed in the bright blue light.

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