Wolf Troubles

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Blue and yellow hues surround my form as I stare at my reflection in the mirror. The blue is directly right above the yellow and both are glowing brightly. What is this exactly? 

Maybe I'm just imagining things?

I furrow my eyebrows and rub my eyes before looking at both my arms. They're still there. 

Why won't they go away?

Moreover, I completely blacked out after shifting earlier. The pain itself was unbearable and I was having trouble keeping up with the alterations it brought to my body. I knew shifting was a painful process but I didn't realize it to be that agonizing. They could have at least told me its intensity.

I sigh. They didn't even bother to take me back home. Does this mean everyone is in the packhouse?


How did I even manage to shift back? Valerie told me I should be conscious during the whole thing so I can be able to shift back. But how am I human now? Did I somehow shift back despite being unconscious? 

Oh my gosh. Did they see me naked

I feel the heat rush to my cheeks. No one would want to see that. Did someone dress me up into the ceremonial robes again? I can only hope it was Valerie or Mom and not the other people present during my shifting process. 

I slap both my cheeks in an attempt to wake myself up again. What time is it even?

The digital clock on the table read: 3:54 AM Fri Nov 19. I was knocked out cold for four hours. Great. 

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Nikki! I heard a slap! Are you alright there?" Valerie's worried voice reaches my ears. 

"I'm fine," I answer while walking to the door.

Once I open it, Valerie's anxious expression appears before me with a small tray of... candy? Gummy bears to be exact. "Do you feel hurt anywhere? Dizzy? Having a headache?"

"Uh... no?"

"Are you asking me or answering me? You have to be sure." The anxious expression on her face doesn't leave. She enters the room and switches the light on which shows the bags under her eyes. "Seriously, you could have gotten hurt. Why didn't you switch on the lights?"

I close the door and frown. "Did you even sleep at all?"

She shakes her head while placing the tray on her desk. "I slept for a bit, but I still felt restless. I was also tasked to assist you today in case you feel anything out of the ordinary."

"Huh... Then what is that candy for?" I ask. "They look delicious."

"Half of this is to keep me awake. Half is for you in case you're craving sweets. So how are you feeling? You didn't exactly answer me earlier." She sits down on her chair, hugging her penguin plushy.

"It was more of an unsure moment, but I feel fine." I shrug before sinking on the bed. "Where were you staying then? Isn't this your room? How would you rest if I sleep here?" 

She plops a gummy bear inside her mouth before answering, "Elina and I were preparing your room next door. Clothes included, by the way."

"Clothes included?"

"Yep. Formal, casual, and sportswear." She grins before putting another gummy bear inside her mouth. "Before you ask, we usually provide clothes needed by the pack members. It's nothing new especially when we shift and end up tearing them all the time."

That makes sense. Sometimes werewolves can't control themselves and end up shifting anyway. Aren't they doing something to help lessen the number of shredded clothing at least?

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