Chapter 27: Infirmary

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My eyes fluttered open to a blinding light. I squeezed them shut and tried to fall back into the blissful darkness, but I couldn't so I forced my eyes to open again.

I was in a white room. An infirmary it would appear.

And that's when everything came rushing back. I could still see it in my mind; Beck falling, saying goodbye.

I felt a sob starting it's way into my mouth, but I choked it back and forced my thoughts elsewhere.

There were three other beds in the room and the one nearest to me had a person in it. The dark brown hair was familiar to me and I immediately recognized him.


Standing on shaky legs, I walked over to my husband with tears in my eyes. He had bandages all over him and large stitches in his side. Did that mean?

I rested my hand on Beck's chest and sure enough, there was a beat. Slow, but steady and strong. I nearly collapsed in relief, but forced my limbs to stay strong so I could be with Beck. I climbed into bed next to him, being careful of his injuries and rested my hand over his heartbeat to remind me this was real.

My worst nightmare hadn't come true. Beck wasn't dead.

He was here with me and very much so alive.

"I love you," I whispered, letting my eyes fall closed.

A hand came over the one I'd rested on Beck's chest and my eyes shot back open.

"I love you too," he said in a rough voice.

Tears sprang out of my eyes and I started sobbing uncontrollably. Beck. Oh Beck. It really, really was real. He's here with me. He's awake. And he's not going to die. Ever. I'll chain him to the castle if I have to, but he's never leaving me again.

"You're alive!" I cried out.

"You really thought you could get rid of me?"

I choked out a laugh and wrapped my arms around Beck.

"Never do that to me again."

"I won't."

I made Beck pinky promise me and he did. He was retiring from his army days and focusing on ruling by my side, just where I needed him.

"I love you Beck," I told him once my tears had dried. 

"I love you too Sunshine."

I smiled at the nickname and snuggled into Beck's side, still being careful not to hurt him. I knew even if I did he wouldn't tell me because he always put my comfort over his own. He was just that kind of person. Perfect. And he's all mine.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts and Tyler stepped in.

"Aww, look at the little love birds."

I scowled at Ty and a rumble came from my throat.

"Did she just growl at me?" Ty asked.

"I think she did," Beck laughed. 

"I told you she was vicious."

"You're lucky I'm too comfortable to get up right now or my fist would be in your face again," I retorted.

Ty's eyes widened and I smirked.

"There's someone here to see you," he directed at me, changing the topic.

Who could it be? I didn't have any friends over here and Maria and Alexander were looking over the kingdom while we are gone so it couldn't be them.

"Ty, who is it?" I finally asked.

"Your brother."

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