Chapter 28: Home

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My stomach was a mess. I had butterflies practically fluttering laps in there.

I was meeting my brother today. In my eighteen years of life I have never once met Jonathan even though we lived under the same roof. It wasn't his fault of course; I'm pretty sure he didn't know I existed. But what if he did and just didn't care?

"Hey, it's going to be ok," Beck said, grabbing my hand in his.

I hadn't left my husband's side since he woke up and I didn't plan to. He is going to stay in here with me when I meet Jonathan.

"What if he doesn't like me?" I asked him. "What if he knew about me all along?"

"Then I will kill him," Beck said casually causing my jaw to drop to the floor. "Just kidding. But I will lock him away and glare at him from afar."

Beck flashed me one of his killer smiles and I instantly felt better. He always knew how to make me smile.

A knock sounded on the door and the butterflies came swarming back.

I watched as the door slowly opened and Tyler stepped in. Behind him came another figure. Jonathan. His hair was brown and straight unlike my curly black hair, but our eyes were the same blue of my mother.

The room was deadly silent. Even the floorboards didn't dare creak.

"Talia?" Came my brother's voice, breaking the silence.

I nodded, unable to form words. I squeezed Beck's hand uncomfortably tight as my brother walked over,  but he didn't say anything, just let me crush his bones.

This is it. Jonathan might like me and want to be a family or he won't. Either way I'll be ok. I'll be ok.

Jonathan sat in the chair next to Beck's bed which I was currently sitting in. His eyes never met mine and I felt as if he were staring into my soul.

I waited for Jonathan to say something, anything.

"Talia," he began. "I'm so sorry."

My brother had tears in his eyes as he spoke and I found mine filling up with them as well.

"I had no clue. If I had known I would've helped you. I'm so, so sorry."

Jonathan placed his head in his hands. I felt the sudden need to comfort my little brother so I reached a hand out and took his in my own.

"It's ok," I said.

Jonathan looked up and I wiped away the tears that had leaked out of his eyes.

"It's not. It's not ok Talia. You deserved better than that and I could've done something."

"And I know you would've had you known."

I didn't want Jonathan to spend the rest of his life feeling guilty for something that wasn't his fault.

"Let's just move forward," I told him and he nodded his head.

"Can I give you a hug?" My brother asked and I nodded my head.

Jonathan's arms wrapped around me and I embraced the warmth of my only family member left.

My only family member left...

My body froze and Jonathan immediately stepped back giving me a concerned look.

"I'm so sorry Jonathan," I whispered.

"For what?"

"I killed Father. I'm so sorry."

"Well I'm not," Jonathan said firmly. "He deserved what he got. I only wish I could've been the one to end him."

The brother who I never met chose me over his loving father of seventeen years. Just like that.

Beck agreed and the two shook hands, officially meeting for the first time.

"Thank you for saving her," Jonathan told Beck.

"I'd do it a thousand times over if I had two."

I felt so loved in that moment. Jonathan wasn't my only family member left. How could I have been so stupid?

I have Beck and Maria and Alexander and Maggie and Lina and Anna and even Ty. They are my true family and now I'm adding Jonathan to the list.

Family isn't necessarily blood. It's love. It's where you feel like you belong. It's home.

And my home was with them.

Jonathan stayed for a while longer before he had to leave. We were in the infirmary here in Hiradus and Jonathan was graciously letting us stay while Beck recovered.

My brother had really stepped up to help Ty in Beck's absence and I was extremely grateful. He even made sure Maria and Alexander were kept up to date by sending a Messenger every day. He was good at leading. 


My husband turned his head to look at me.

"I don't want to rule this kingdom. I'm happy with what we already have."

"What do you have in mind?"

Two weeks had passed since the battle and Beck was finally able to travel home. He would be in a carriage of course, instead of on his horse which he kept grumbling about. But he promised me he would take his recovery seriously and I made him agree.

I was standing in the courtyard with Beck and Tyler when my brother came out.

"It was great meeting you all," he said. "I trust we will keep in touch?"

We all agreed and said our goodbyes.

"I can hold down the fort here until you are ready to take your place," Jonathan offered. "I know it'll be a big transition."

I smiled at Beck and then back at Jonathan.

"Actually," I drew out. "I forfeit the crown. Hiradus is yours Jonathan. I know you'll be a great ruler."

"Are you sure?"


I gave my very shocked brother a hug and then stepped into the carriage where my husband was waiting for me.

Through the window I could see Jonathan's still shocked form and waved goodbye. I don't know if he saw or not though, he looked a little ill. We had just dropped a pretty big bomb on him.

I giggled and turned to my husband.

"Let's go home."

His Sunshineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें