3: Sailor Tamaran & Yuuta Mask

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A week had passed since Y/n had joined the Saiki house-hold, she loved it so far. She was introduced to shopping malls and video games, tv's, cellphones, computers and most importantly anime! Specifically, Sailor Moon. Y/n had grown to love it deeply, often asking Kurumi to do her hair up in Usagi's signature space buns when they binged the series together for the first time.

Since then, Y/n had been intrigued by different kinds of anime and had longed to find someone else who enjoyed the shows as much as she did. As a gift, Kurumi had decided to make a Sailor Uniform just for Y/n, styled off her original clothing from when she first came down to earth. No one else in the Saiki household knew why Kurumi holed herself up in her room for the last two days. Not even Saiki, all she was thinking is "Cute, cute." or "Gotta get this done! Real-real fast!"

He was slightly puzzled, and much to his dismay in the middle of the not-so-bad-but-bad-chaos... his father had set him up to baby sit his neighbor's kid again. Which would be an immensely large disaster with Y/n and his sectioned off mother in the house. Or so he thought. It turns out that Y/n and Yuuta got along pretty well, they watched his favorite show together and then Y/n somehow got the kid to watch Sailor Moon with her and since then, they'd become best friends.

The one time Kurumi came down stairs, Yuuta begged her to make him a Tuxedo Mask costume so he could be Y/n's prince. To which the Alien girl sobbed happily that day. It was the second Yuuta had come over since then.

"Yuu-chan~ I'm gonna find you," Y/n giggled, flying around the living room in search of the boy.

Saiki had pulled her aside one day with his father's help to give her a little lesson on how Japan works, honorifics and last names wise at least, and how to use currency. Once she understood, she was quick to put her knowledge to practice and insisted on giving nicknames using chan, kun or san. She enjoyed herself way to much, was Saiki's initial reaction. But, he soon grew used to her odd antics. He still somewhat respected her for killing the roach that alomst destroyed him with it's icy glare.

He watched from the kitchen as the Tamaranean pretended to not know where her blue haired friend was hiding, she was good with kids for someone who didn't know much about earth.

"Y/n-chan, Yuuta-kun! Come upstairs, I have a present for you guys!" Kurumi exclaimed excitedly, ushering the two to her room. Saiki sighed, what crazy part of the shit show he called life was gonna happen next?

He was dumbfounded when Y/n walked down the stairs in a Y/n themed Sailor Moon costume, Yuuta in her arms dressed as Tuxedo Mask. This is what his mom was doing all weekend, day and night? He held in his snort as Yuuta held out a small white rose, with a glimmering look in his eye as he recited a Tuxedo Mask quote.

Saiki had heard the show playing early in the morning enough times to know almost every line the man spoke.

"Whenever you feel lost or anxious, I will always be there for you." Yuuta grinned like a cat and then he added, "I love you, Sailor Tamaran!"

Y/n returned the smile ten-fold, taking the rose from the child and tucking it behind her ear.

"I love you too, Chibi Yuuta Mask!"

She was completely oblivious to the fact a literal child had romantic feelings for her, wasn't she? Saiki almost slammed his head into a wall when he heard her play along with him. It was going to be a long ass life...

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