15: Money Troubles

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Blackfire had taken over Y/n's place in the Titan's as well as her place by Saiki's side. One she had abandoned because of her own confusion and ignorance. For the past week, Y/n had spent all of her time in her room reading books and waiting for her sister to leave. But, Blackfire did not leave. Infact, she had no intention of ever leaving earth, this much was evident in the way she stole Starfire's room aand completely re-furbished it.

The walls were covered in a dark shade of purple caused by a star projector that Blackfire forced the Saiki's to buy, expensive black and purple sheets made of the finest material laid over a grand mattress and a silver bedframe. Her closet alone had forced the sweet family into debt. Honestly Y/n was beyond angry at her sister. She was pissed. So, pissed that just looking at her or hearing her name made Y/n want to launch her into oblivion. She couldn't care less about her taking her room, stealing her place among the families, but forcing the Saiki's to do her bidding like they were slaves because of their birthplace... that, made Y/n's blood boil.

Yet again she succumbed to the idea that she couldn't do anything, if Saiki couldn't act on how he felt (She knew he was mad about his too) then how could she do anything? It was widely known on her home planet of Tamaran that she was the weaker sister. Compared to Blackfire, Y/n was indeed powerless.

Her sister's demeaning laughter made Y/n want to shove a pillow so far down her throat that she could never breathe again, then she'd feel bad for the pillow. Blackfire was on the couch, curled around Robin and Beast Boy as Robin fought to get out of her grasp. A movie played in the background, Kusuo was helping his mother prep dinner as Beast Boy choked on his own smile.

Victor pouted off in the corner, his best buddy had been stolen by a pretty alien princess and he was not having it. Y/n's face softened. She floated over to Cyborg and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Victor? Would you like to play Mario Kart with me? I'll let you play Rosalina?"

At the mention of that Cyborg perked up a little! Good, that means Y/n was doing her job of keeping everyone happy. She followed Victor back upstairs into her room- luckily to accomodate her sister Blackfire had kept the T.V. and games Y/n loved to play. Including Mario Kart, which was a Titan Favorite at the moment.

When the door was opened, Cyborg gasped.

"What the hell-" Y/n covered his mouth and hurried him inside.

"Did Blackfire do this??" Cyborg exhaled as Y/n released him.

"Yes, this is her doing."

"My god, how did she get this stuff.. The Saiki's aren't rich enough for this kind of stuff, Jesus. She really went all out. Are the Saiki's okay?"

Y/n hated to lie, but she also hated to bad talk her sister... But, lying to a close friend like Victor wasn't cool either.

"No.. they aren't. Kuru-chan isn't eating as much to save money and Kuni-san is working ten times harder at work. Kuru-chan's even taken a night job at a hospital to help fund Blackfire.. It's because she's my sister. That's why they're doing this. I hate to lie and I hate to bad-mouth her, but it's become such big trouble. I wish we could share a more afforable room- That's it! I'll get a job and rent out an apartment so they don't need to spend money on me anymore!"

"Or you could join the titans, live in our huge apartment and become a super hero. You could help ease their financial troubles that way, Part of taxes goes into paying us. The other we earn from big missions and commissions from the citizens or corperations with good reputations. As long as it isn't a bad job like stealing or killing, we usually do them behind the scenes. You'll make tons of money, N/n!" Cyborg encouraged.

In truth, he and the other's really wanted Y/n to be apart of the Titans. She was kind and strong, very sisterly. That and she was a great cook thanks to Kurumi's efforts. Y/n was a good friend to everyone and the fact she wanted to help out the Saiki family like this plus support blackfire on the side made him confident in her. As well as all the more eager to have her on the team.

"I'll do my best."

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