Snakes and Porridge

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Thank you for waiting, I had a board exam stressing me out thus I disappeared for a month. Hopefully more regular updates will come up, now that I am done. Please comment and vote.

Chapter 42

Bai Yang Liu
Royal Princess Yang Liu

"Your Highness, please consider the wellbeing of your body. Without food, you will lose strength and fall sick." The maid-servant pushed the bowl of porridge before Yang Liu and lifted a spoonful of it for her to eat.

Yang Liu shook her head, sighed, and folded her hands on her chest in protest. She did not want to eat and had no intention to eat until these lowly people let her go.

"At least you do know how to address me," she muttered with malice.

It was a beautiful warm day, to say the least, in which they sat on the chairs behind the table in the garden of Lance's residence. Yang Liu was hoping to bathe under the rays of the sun in peace and tranquility, but that was not possible with the noisy birds chirping loudly from the trees. Furia seemed to have more birds than she had ever encountered in one moon of time in Nevoria.

"Your Highness, if you don't eat, My Lord will not be pleased."

"I do not care about what Lance thinks or feels. He is below me and a criminal while we are at that."

"If not for My Lord's sake, please eat for your good health. You have not eaten as much as a crumble since the day before yesterday."

"I do not care."

"Your Highness, please!" she practically begged.

"And you people of Furia dare dress me in these revealing clothes. It is shameful and inappropriate for a princess to be in these rugs." Yang Liu pulled the seam of her skirt which fell to her knees and would not go any further. To say she was embarrassed to leave the room she slept in was an understatement.

"These are the clothes that anyone in our royal family would be delighted to wear. It is not shameful but fashionable and of good taste."

"I want to go home."

"Your Highness, please eat," the servant continued to be a nuisance.

Yang Liu rolled her eyes. "I want to go home."

"Who has made 'the princess of Nevoria' upset?" A gravelly voice from ahead disturbed them.

Yang Liu's heart increased in pace at the sight of Lance approaching them. She had not seen him since the night she arrived. He wore black robes, a sword slung on his back with his wings shut. On his face was a small cut under his one eye, exposing red flesh.

Lance gave her a huge smile she did not expect. It reinforced the carefree aura she had observed on him from the beginning. His smile was the most heartwarming thing she had witnessed in a while, beautifully compounded by how it extended to his eyes and deep into soul.

What stole Yang Liu's attention from Lance was a servant behind him that carried a brown sack. It was weirdly held away from his body as if it was a bag of hot potatoes.

Lance waved off the maid who had been with Yang Liu, who quickly nodded and took his sword for keeping before excusing herself from them. Thereafter, he took the seat beside her and opened his legs in stature, hands crossing behind his head. It was a haggard way of sitting that she had never encountered, but that could be figured. She was a princess who was raised among the nobles who were taught good manners from birth.

Unlike him.

But Heavens, what was it about Lance that she found herself being the most vain and judgmental person around him? She was not like this, Yang Liu was free-spirited and uncaring about other people's businesses. However, when he was concerned, it was as if she was always hoping to find the smallest thing to patronize concerning who he was.

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