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I made this chapter for you because you were commenting a lot on the previous chapter and I got so motivated.

Princess Elora

Chapter 63

Each tick of time was a stab of the knife upon an open fresh wound. Time did not feel pity for her. It crawled by at a snail's pace and refused to hurry so she could heal and let go of the person who haunted her day and night.

This was the reason why she had refused to fall in love for such a long time. Because when she lost contact with Yuwen Hong, she did not make any effort to find him. Her life was miserable enough and she was content with the reality of being alone.

That was what frustrated her. When they reunited, she would have preferred to not reveal who she really was. If Yuwen Hong had not forced her to, there was no way she would have dreamt of revealing that she was Elora.

Moreover, for so long, she refused to open her heart to him. Yuwen Hong would chase after her like a love-sick male dog and she was unbothered. It was lovely that way.

Well, that was until she densely relented and accepted his love. He showed her how breath-taking it was to have someone to lift you, rely on, and care for you. How could she keep saying no to that? Thus, she put herself in his hands, hoping he would be always there to catch her if she fell.

She believed him when he said he could not live without her. She trusted him when he promised they would always be together no matter what. It is the reason she ignored the dangerous blaring scarlet flags of warning that came from her past emotional wounds.

Wiping the tears clinging to her cheeks, she again opened the letter Oren slid under the door, two days ago. He said Yuwen Hong had sent Luo Meng to hand over the letter as they departed.

Elora convinced herself the letter was a fabrication by Luo Meng. After all, that evil shadow guard relished despising her.

However, it was only a farce of an explanation that could soothe her broken heart, since the words in the letter were too jarring to believe.

The Yuwen Hong she loved and knew so well would not do that to her. Right? It was impossible for him to use his love declaration against her, to leave her torn apart and burned to ashes.

But who was she fooling? Yuwen Hong had been doing the impossible things recently, for example, being all right with her being apart from him.

Luo Meng was obviously not the one who wrote the letter. It was delivered to her with an official seal and waxed so it would be unopened at receipt. The dragon seal could only be accessed by the emperor. Scholars ensured the safety of the seal and there was no way Luo Meng hated her so much that he would be treasonous and invite death upon himself. Not when he was a husband and father.

The letter read:

"The hills have flattened; rivers have dried, and thunder came in winter.
Snow came in summer, and heaven and earth mingled. Goodbye, Li Lian."

Elora started to choke on her tears. No one knew the meaning of those words, except the two of them. Before their wedding day, he had said, "Not till the hills have flattened, rivers dried, and thunder come in winter," and so on, would he stop loving her.

Life was too terrible for her. Too brutal and she hated living.

"Elora?" There was a soft pounding that came from the locked door. "Night has come, and it is time to have dinner." It was her father.

She sighed and folded her letter, hiding it between her breasts that were girded by a tight undergarment wrapped around her torso.

Undergarments in Nevoria were loose and comfortable as their attires had numerous layers that would be worn over them. However, in Furia, their clothes were only one layer over the undergarments. Not to forget mentioning how revealing most of them were. It was hard to get used to when she was used to the conservative way of dressing Nevoria offered.

My Liege And I जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें