Part 17

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Daeun pov

I don't know what to do when it come boys crying. Yes. Jungwon was crying right now and we were at the bench on the rooftop. I just watch him crying because I don't know what to do. It's really awkward for me.

"Why she do that to me? Why?"

He whined. It's really hurt to see him like this. Without wasting my time, I pat his back softly.

"She must have her reason to do like that."

Although it's hurt, I keep saying positively about his girlfriend. Well, I don't know about her. But, now I just pretend that I know her. He look at me with his red eyes. Ouch. I can see how heart broke he was.

"But, why she do that? If there have a reason, why she didn't tell me? Why? Daeun, why?"

I shrugged my shoulder as I put my hand back to my laps.

"Maybe, her reason is wanted to make you jealous. That's why she do that.,"

What a pabo answer for me? Don't you see how enjoy she was while kissing that boy? Haish. Daeun daeun. Jungwon was looking at me with his red eyes weirdly.

"Do you think so?"

He asked. I shrugged my shoulder and look away. Don't want to look at his red eyes because it's really hurting me to see that beautiful eyes full of tears right now.

"So, should I make her jealous too?"

He suddenly asked make me turn him and furrow my eyebrows.

"By what?"

I asked him back. He smirk.

"Come closer."

He said. I'm so dumb right now so I'm just follow his instruction. And he lean close to my ears.

"I'm not that pabo to say that she wants to make me jealous, you pabo."

He whispered before stand up from his seat and walk away leaving me dumbfounded. I just watch him walk out from the rooftop. I sighed. Maybe, he knows about her more. I shook my head.


I walk through the hallway after walk out from the rooftop and saw Heeseung and Niki who were standing not far from me. What is Heeseung doing at here? Isn't he work?


Niki calling my name as he wave at me. I quickly walk to him.

"Are you okey? Why did your face have a bruise?"

I asked him worriedly while checking his face that got bruise on the cheek. Where did he get that? Did he fighting just now?

"I'm okey, noona. It's a little."

He said while smiling.

"He got fighting with Haruto guy."

What Heeseung said makes me shocked. I quickly hit his arm.


He pouted after I hit him while rubbed the place where I hit just now. Heeseung holding his laughed.

"Why did you fighting with him you idiot?!"

I mad at him right now. He just looking at me with his puppy eyes.

"I'm sorry, noona. I thought that he disturbing you that make you pissed just now."

He said while looking down on his feet. Hmm. I can't get angry with this kid for a long time. He's really cute! I can't deny it. I sighed.

"Next time, you don't have to do that, okey? If you do that again, I will broke your hands."

I give him warning. He look at me with a nervous expression.

"Nae, ma'am."

I smile and patted his hair. I can't handle it. He's too cute right now. That's why I patted his hair.


Niki pov

I got stunned when noona patted my hair. It's feel like my mom patted me. I really miss her right now. Well, my parents was at Japan also my noona. So, I really miss them. When I with Daeun noona, she makes me feel like home. She really have a kindheart also pretty.

Also, why I'm feeling this way? Why did I feel something different whenever I was around her? Am I falling in love at the first sight? I shook my head. Stop thinking about that Niki. She might be think that you creepy if you say that to her. I sighed.

"Where is Jungwon?"

Heeseung hyung suddenly asked. Daeun noona sighed after he asked. We both look at her weirdly.

"His girlfriend just cheating on him."

We both didn't shock with that.

"Oh really? That's good then"

I said earn her confusely looking at me. I smile.

"Why did you say that?"

She asked curiously.

"Well, you know...we all didn't like that girl to be his girlfriend."

Heeseung hyung said makes her look more confusely.

"We all? That's mean also other members?"

She asked. We nodded.


She asked again.

"It's because of that..."

Heeseung hyung started telling her the story about that cheater of my Jungwon hyung. Daeun noona look so pissed after heard what he said.

"Wow! That's girl. How brat she was..."

She said in pissed. I can't help but laughed after she said word 'brat'. Yeah.. That brat literally cheating with many guys and she also have been flirting with my other members included me and Heeseung hyung. I don't know why she's really into with the guys.

"I think, we should find Jungwon before he did something that no one know."

Heeseung hyung said.

"What is it?"

Daeun noona asked. Me too. We are so curious. He shook his head.

"How naive you guys were."

He said and patting our head like we were his child. I look at Daeun noona. She touch her head while looking forward. I can see her face red after what Heeseung hyung did. Is she like him? Why everytime Heeseung hyung do that her face will be red?

I've got jealous after saw that. I don't know why but it's true. I've got jealous right now.

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